Why do you hate Duke/Coach K?????

regulus903, first off, to help your argument, I will remind you Caron Butler and Ben Gordon also went to UConn. But the 4 named, Okafor and Boone, are youserious? Boozer kills both, and Brand is a 50 greatest compared to those two. Rip is the definition of "system" player in the NBA (sucked atWashington, remember, he was traded for Stack and Detroit got robbed). Gay has proven nothing at this point except that George Mason was for real. My argumentagainst NC was regarding the greatest all-time player being included. Include him, then, and you are still right. Any other school? Maybe UCLA. Just on shearnumbers in the NBA Duke wins. My "comparison metric" based on time was simply to put a timeframe on the argument. WE can include every player fromthe inception of both programs, or all 4 we have named, if you want. I simply said lately to limit it to the players currently in the NBA. On that, we haveBattier, Boozer, Brand, Dunleavy, Hill, Dahntay Jones, Shelden Williams, Redick, Duhon, Deng, Maggette, Randolph. NC-Vince, Felton, May, Antawn, Rasheed,Stack, Haywood, McCants, Marvin Williams. Now, take your pick. Won't even get in to Maryland, every one KNOWS there players do nothing at the next level.And the reason I hate DUKE, they lost to NC because, like my first post said, they RAN A STALL WITH 4 MINUTES LEFT AND A 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POINTLEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

I guess they don't believe in using the enter key at Duke.
i didn't even try to read that mess.

F dUKe
Georgetown maybe an elitist school to an extent, but it sure doesn't reflect on the type of program they've had.
What does that mean?

No, Thompson was arrogant
No, you are ignorant.

The fact you think Georgetown was loved...I'd stop from talking about that program..

Coach John Thompson II boycotted games because he didn't like the academic rules that his team had to play by.
How about he didn't like the fact that SAT scores were going to weigh to heavy and underprivileged kids wouldn't receive financialaid...when they might come from places who don't teach test taking and aren't given opportunities to do well in the classroom?

It wasn't what HIS team had to play, it was everyone.
I really hate Duke as much as the next man, but for some reason I never disliked K. The only current coaches I don't like that I can think of would beHuggins, JT3, Pitino...
Not really a race war. No one is fighting over race. Just stating observations. And Allen, if you don't think Georgetown felt much love duringThompson's reign, you are blind. All Dickie V talked about was how Thompson was a Saint to under-privileged kids and what good he was doing off-court. No,I am not ignorant, and if you don't remember the streets loving G-Town then it may be time for a reality check. I would argue they were loved by real fansmore than any team until the Rebels in 1990 and Fab Five of 1992-1993. Then Iverson hit and it was love all over. Arrogance is not a bad trait to have whencoaching, and I never meant it to be bad, only showing other top coaches have the same traits as K. So, no, I don't need to stop talking on them. I knowPacker hated them, and the casual public follows anything that moron says, but to people who watch the game unbiased, it was love. And yes, he even intimidatedthe refs, but again, what good coach doesn't .
and if you don't remember the streets loving G-Town
Yes, youth loved them..urban people did.

But the media did not, at all. $$*+ Vitale may have said nice things, but not Billy Packer or Raftery.

I took it you meant it as the media, my mistake
Originally Posted by regulus903

Duke students and their alumni believe that their players are smarter than everyone else and that's the reason for their success.
Yep. That tends to happen when you go to a school like Duke. Go to Vandy....or hell....even Florida and you will hear the same thing.

Well there is a couple things that we have to look at, first Coach K has ONLY won 3 championships, and the last one came in 01. Billy Donovan just won two, and is only one behind while Jim Calhoun is one behind as well, and both have achieved their mars within a decade.So really how successful is Duke
Damn dude you're making this too easy. Dean Smith only has 2...John Thompson has One....Basically, if your name isn't John Wooden, thenthe number of NC's is gonn abe fairly low. And your boy Gary Williams only has one. And Billy Donovan was blessed w/ one of the greatest startingline-up's to hit CBB in the last 15-20 yrs. Duke is very successful.Hell, Jimmy Boehim (sp?) only has one and Bobby Knight has 3.....and these are some ofthe greatest coaches of ALL-TIME as evidence by their inducion into the College basketball hall of fame!!

Yes, we know that they have went to the final four and final game many times, but ask UNC how many final fours and final games that they have went to and loss. And recently how successful has Duke been? A first round loss, a couple sweet sixteen losses, and how many countless other times have we seen their players come off the court crying, and yet they still get all of the TV time.
Jealous much??? Stop crying like a ({})
I'd rather seemy player show emotion then walk off the court like it was all gravy.....

Why? Because I've heard countless times, that they are the boys next door, and not thugs. Really? Is that the Duke elitism choir singing again the "I'm better than you song." Is that what we have come to, where whoever is black and not on your team is considered a thug? So Duke, puts four whites on the floor along with one black, have the black kid score a ton, and then let the white players and white coach get all of the credit. Then when Coach K needs someone to do the dirty work, such as clock someone in the air and break someone's nose, who does he get to do it?.................The Black Kid!


The MEDIA portrays us as these Choir boys....anyone who knows CBB knows that not team is full of saints and no program is squeaky clean. So you hate Duke b/ceveryone puts them on a peadestal??? OK, Buddy....And it OBVIOUS that you don't know what the hell you are talking about when you are talking abou themakeup of our team....ESP considereing that we start 3 black kids....Hell, next year there may only be one White starter
Dude, you're reaching like%@%*....

Duke now, recruits the most touted white kids, and tries to form the college version of the Utah Jazz with the one black kid playing the role of Karl Malone. Well hey guess what Duke, please keep it up. I'll take it, because if recent results hold true then you'll be crying every March.


Other reasons why I hate Duke:

Dookie V and ESPN
Bias ACC Refs
Coach K's cockiness
Scumbag players who really display no athleticism nor basketball IQ and are system players
Awards given to those crappy player
Name them. I already know what you would say, but amuse me.



You damn UMD Turtle fans....
Originally Posted by regulus903

Duke4005: That's great that Duke's 01' squad was predominantly black, but go over your current team roster and even for the past 5 years. Also, Georgetown maybe an elitist school to an extent, but it sure doesn't reflect on the type of program they've had. If anything they've been just the opposite and recruited kids off the streets who were different from their student body. Also, I don't now that many people who have problems with Calhoun or Pitino. I really think this is you just trying to throw sh@@ up on the wall and seeing what sticks. Secondly you go on to name former Duke "great" players: Johnny Dawkins, Laettner, Hill, Capel, Price, McLeod, Dahntay Jones, Brand, Maggette, Battier, Williams, Boozer, Dunleavy, McRoberts. Really how great are these players. Certainly if they were not SYSTEM players then they would go on to have long standing careers in the NBA. Hmm, out of those players how many can we name who are playing in the league or at least performing well. Compare this to a school like UConn, UNC, UMD even


this guy brought up UMD and the NBA....Lemme see..

You got Joe Smith.....Steve Blake....Juan Dixon......






Nik CANER MED.....No wait....

John Gilchri......No wait....

Mike Jo......Nah, not him either....

Lonny Bax....No wait....He's too busy shooting off near the White House....

Oh yeah, Kevin Durant.....NO Wait....He went ALL THE WAY TO Texas....

But At least Y'all got Rudy Gay......No....He went to UCONN...

But hey....I congradulate y'all on snagging Mike Beasley......


@ the end of the day....SOME UMD fans are just mad b/c they really don't have a rival.....Sorta like NC State....

I mean, y'all claim us as a Rival like NCSU does for Carolina....

But the feeling is not mutual.....

^ i dont get why you hate UNC so much

I don't really hate UNC that much.....Just certain players.

I mean I hate them.....But not like some others hate Duke...
Originally Posted by allen3xis

and if you don't remember the streets loving G-Town
Yes, youth loved them..urban people did.

But the media did not, at all. $$*+ Vitale may have said nice things, but not Billy Packer or Raftery.

I took it you meant it as the media, my mistake

No problem. I agree with the Vitale comment, and nothing pisses me off ore than Dookie V building K into a saint. I almost puked over the story ofpaying for the Iraq soldiers Christmas gifts to get shipped. Good Lord, he is a good coach, good human, that is it. And really, how in touch are the press withthe street and inner cities? That is what this argument boils down to since page 1. Streets and urban kids=Niketalk, hence Duke hate here.
like NCSU does for Carolina....
Wasn't that THE rivalry in the 80's tho?

But I feel for Twerp fans now, they suck. They don't get local talent. The future isn't bright.
And let me add some blasphemy I have realized over the last few years. I actually find myself rooting for Carolina when they aren't playing Duke. Maybe itis the Roy Williams influence or the fact that both schools are close so I know both teams, besides the fact they are both on TV more than the Lakers, but theyaren't all bad. I only hate them two times a year.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

like NCSU does for Carolina....
Wasn't that THE rivalry in the 80's tho?

But I feel for Twerp fans now, they suck. They don't get local talent. The future isn't bright.

Yeah, you're right....

I was kinda out of pocket for that one....


I was rambling son....

But for my/our generation....it isn't the same.....
Originally Posted by duke4005

And let me add some blasphemy I have realized over the last few years. I actually find myself rooting for Carolina when they aren't playing Duke. Maybe it is the Roy Williams influence or the fact that both schools are close so I know both teams, besides the fact they are both on TV more than the Lakers, but they aren't all bad. I only hate them two times a year.

Hand over your duke card IMMEDIATELY.....

Originally Posted by dreClark

@ the end of the day....SOME UMD fans are just mad b/c they really don't have a rival.....Sorta like NC State....

I mean, y'all claim us as a Rival like NCSU does for Carolina....

But the feeling is not mutual.....

^ i dont get why you hate UNC so much
I don't really hate UNC that much.....Just certain players.

I mean I hate them.....But not like some others hate Duke...

yeah you're right, Duke doesn't really see MD as a rival the way Terp fans see Dukies as rivals. but the mere fact that for the past 7-8 years, Dukeand MD have played in some epic games has made it into a REAL rivalry. theres a reason why Duke vs. MD is the second most watched ACC game every year. and itaint like Duke hasnt exactly dominated MD this past decade.
But for my/our generation....it isn't the same.....
It's not, all I know is Duke/UNC in the ACC for a rivalry. I never counted UMD/Duke...those were just 2 good teams in the same conference.

kinda like how Cuse adopted Uconn as their rival during our down years.
Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by dreClark

@ the end of the day....SOME UMD fans are just mad b/c they really don't have a rival.....Sorta like NC State....

I mean, y'all claim us as a Rival like NCSU does for Carolina....

But the feeling is not mutual.....

^ i dont get why you hate UNC so much
I don't really hate UNC that much.....Just certain players.

I mean I hate them.....But not like some others hate Duke...

yeah you're right, Duke doesn't really see MD as a rival the way Terp fans see Dukies as rivals. but the mere fact that for the past 7-8 years, Duke and MD have played in some epic games has made it into a REAL rivalry. theres a reason why Duke vs. MD is the second most watched ACC game every year. and it aint like Duke hasnt exactly dominated MD this past decade.

Ehh.....I feel you (pause)

But its not a rivalry to me

Its just a big conference game to me ..... But hey, that's my opinion
Saw a perfect shirt for this (on GoDuke.com). To be a rivalry, don't both teams have a chance? And if K stalls again with a two point lead and 5 miutesleft, I will give you my card.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

like NCSU does for Carolina....
Wasn't that THE rivalry in the 80's tho?

Yup...they still are a rival, just nowhere near the level of Duke. I'll say this tho...State fans are on a whole different level. The Dukefans/students that I encounter are much more tolerable than some of State's people. State is the bigger rivalry for us in football tho, imo.
at all this Maryland hate... at least we have something to do during football season

(got 'em

oh, and just had to post this pic i saw on a hoops forum


I just don't like Duke mainly because I'm a huge UNC fan. I don't have a problem with their program I just like UNC.
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