Why do you hate Duke/Coach K?????


I know a girl Shav was pretty much dating...and if that's all a Duke player could get, the options can't be too good..

then again,

It was Shavlik Randolph...
Originally Posted by TheGift23

I'll never forget.... bastards.


The only thing worse was when Duke was trailing MD by 22 in the first half in the Final Four and then they came back and won. Worst-officiated game I'veever seen in my life. That game is what made me hate Duke.

I know it isn't Duke's fault, but they get more favorable calls than most other teams. They also are ranked in the top 10 almost every year. When youhave a program that gets favorable calls and wins all the time, people are going to hate them. Coach K's 800th win was straight robbery. The game winningfree throws came off an absolutely terrible call that should have been an offensive foul if anything, and had no business being a defensive foul by anystretch.
You already know...
. As Roy Williams often says, "I have moredesire to beat that team in my pinky finger, then all of yall combined.". Most of the stuff I was going to point out has already been said so I'llleave it as that.
Originally Posted by allen3xis


I know a girl Shav was pretty much dating...and if that's all a Duke player could get, the options can't be too good..

then again,

It was Shavlik Randolph...

I think we talking about two different groups/types of chicks allen....

I can personally attest to seeing Lance, Henderson, Ewing and Dockery w/ some bad ones....Unless they were from a different school (Which is entirelypossible)

They got SOME out there man....Honestly....

And that's Shavlik Randolph...
I know a bunch of cute girls who go to Duke, Black white and Asian. Then again they all hang out together and make fun of all the ugly girls...
The only thing worse was when Duke was trailing MD by 22 in the first half in the Final Four and then they came back and won. Worst-officiated game I've ever seen in my life. That game is what made me hate Duke.


i'm not saying its not MDs fault for blowing the lead, but the refs CLEARLY wanted Duke to win that game. Maryland got completely screwed
i swear people talk about duke getting calls like nobody else does. bad calls go both ways but for some reason people tend to look at one side only. also howcan you hate their fans at the games? atleast they are passionate about it. i dont think i would want to play for a team whose fans dont give two you know whatabout their team. like people said before they have only once once since the back to back season. yea they have been good but so have teams like kentucky andunc. i'm a huge fan and have been since 94 and i dont mind the hate but sometimes it gets so annoying cause people have nothing else to talk about.
except the fact that 99% of their female student body is busted
Correction: 99% of the femal student body WHO GO TO THE BASKETBALL GAMES are busted. There's honestly two different worlds when it comes toDuke: The ones who live and die for Duke basketball and go to the games and those who would rather watch the game on TV at their spot and pregame for the nightbecause they have a social life, and that's where you'll find the better looking females. Trust, we had some baaaaad broads at Duke when I was there,it's just the school is so small you get sick of beatin' down the same biddies and are forced to head to Franklin St/State/Elon, etc. Duke females getit in though, trust
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

except the fact that 99% of their female student body is busted
Correction: 99% of the femal student body WHO GO TO THE BASKETBALL GAMES are busted. There's honestly two different worlds when it comes to Duke: The ones who live and die for Duke basketball and go to the games and those who would rather watch the game on TV at their spot and pregame for the night because they have a social life, and that's where you'll find the better looking females. Trust, we had some baaaaad broads at Duke when I was there, it's just the school is so small you get sick of beatin' down the same biddies and are forced to head to Franklin St/State/Elon, etc. Duke females get it in though, trust

When you can remember the faces of the good looking girls on campus . . . your campus does not have good looking girls.
When you can remember the faces of the good looking girls on campus . . . your campus does not have good looking girls.

What you said made absolutely no sense. Aren't you supposed to remember the good looking girls? Maaad suspect mijo.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

When you can remember the faces of the good looking girls on campus . . . your campus does not have good looking girls.
What you said made absolutely no sense. Aren't you supposed to remember the good looking girls? Maaad suspect mijo.

If you have a lot of good looking girls on campus, one face blends right into the next.

If you can actually remember faces then you must have slim pickings.
People Hate DUKE simply because they are decent every year. I'm a Duke fan because I live in Durham and I grew up on them so that's my squad 4 life asfar as college hoops go. People just need to stop hating!
People Hate DUKE simply because they are decent every year. I'm a Duke fan because I live in Durham and I grew up on them so that's my squad 4 life as far as college hoops go. People just need to stop hating!

then how come you don't see so many people hating on UCLA, Carolina, Uconn, Kansas, etc. you've gotta admit it goes a little deeper than them justbeing decent every year.
one face blends right into the next
That usually happens with fat ugly chicks. Every straight guy I know tends to remember a good looking face when they see one. Again, maaaaadsuspect mijo.
then how come you don't see so many people hating on UCLA, Carolina, Uconn, Kansas, etc. you've gotta admit it goes a little deeper than them just being decent every year.
I think it has something to do, not only with the elite attitude of the basketball team, but of the school as a whole.
Originally Posted by JND1

You already know...
. As Roy Williams often says, "I have more desire to beat that team in my pinky finger, then all of yall combined.". Most of the stuff I was going to point out has already been said so I'll leave it as that.
Im a Duke fan and i cant see how anyone could hate coach K, i mean the name speaks for itself, i dont even have to explain that one..dude may very well go downas the winningnest coach in the history of the game...I could understand why people hate the program...we're probably the most consisten program over thepast...uhhhh..lets say..25 years...since that class with Johnny Dawkins, Jay Bilas, Mark Alarie, and David Henderson. and Duke just has those players thatpeople love to hate..like its been stated...those white boys who arent athletic at all but can play ball with the best of them..basically it's because Dukeis the Marquee College BBall program in the nation with the greatest coach of this era
Im a Duke fan and i cant see how anyone could hate coach K
I'm Duke's biggest fan on here and I can CLEARLY see how anyone could hate Coach K. Dude looks like a sniveling rat, he simply isn'ta basketball coach anymore, he's an institution, and he's constantly yapping at the refs as if he owns them. I think he's fallen off a lil bit asa coach even though he's re-invented himself this year.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Im a Duke fan and i cant see how anyone could hate coach K
I'm Duke's biggest fan on here and I can CLEARLY see how anyone could hate Coach K. Dude looks like a sniveling rat, he simply isn't a basketball coach anymore, he's an institution, and he's constantly yapping at the refs as if he owns them. I think he's fallen off a lil bit as a coach even though he's re-invented himself this year.

He does look like Severus Snape. Word to Harry Potter. lol. The sniveling rat thing locked up the comparison for me.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

except the fact that 99% of their female student body is busted
Correction: 99% of the femal student body WHO GO TO THE BASKETBALL GAMES are busted. There's honestly two different worlds when it comes to Duke: The ones who live and die for Duke basketball and go to the games and those who would rather watch the game on TV at their spot and pregame for the night because they have a social life, and that's where you'll find the better looking females. Trust, we had some baaaaad broads at Duke when I was there, it's just the school is so small you get sick of beatin' down the same biddies and are forced to head to Franklin St/State/Elon, etc. Duke females get it in though, trust

I tried to tell 'em son....They didn't wanna listen....
i hate duke mostly b/c they consistently recruit the most annoying and goofy looking players, especially white players. paulus and scheyer are unbearable. thenmcroberts leaves and he's replaced with singler. can't forget about king and zoubek either. it's like a never ending cycle.

can't wait to watch them lose 2nd rd in the tourney in front of their home crowd. i don't know if it'll top last yr tho. watching maynor murkpaulus all night long and then drain the dagger was
We are DUKE!!!!!!

Ayy but I know this is off topic but State FTW when it comes to females and also UNCG got some fire down there too
Originally Posted by J RAIN 23

i hate duke mostly b/c they consistently recruit the most annoying and goofy looking players, especially white players. paulus and scheyer are unbearable. then mcroberts leaves and he's replaced with singler. can't forget about king and zoubek either. it's like a never ending cycle.

can't wait to watch them lose 2nd rd in the tourney in front of their home crowd. i don't know if it'll top last yr tho. watching maynor murk paulus all night long and then drain the dagger was
I highly doubt that happens...
I think he's fallen off a lil bit as a coach even though he's re-invented himself this year.
idk, i never questioned coach K's ability to still beable to coach...i mean last year was pretty bad..but then again look at the talent he had to work with and was still able to pump out a 22-11 record. Then thisyear he's been
That new look offense we have..It looks so goodwhen paulus is pushing the ball, not turning it over and we're hitting 3's, if i didn't know any better i would have thought K had been teachingthat style of play for years
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Im a Duke fan and i cant see how anyone could hate coach K
I'm Duke's biggest fan on here and I can CLEARLY see how anyone could hate Coach K. Dude looks like a sniveling rat, he simply isn't a basketball coach anymore, he's an institution, and he's constantly yapping at the refs as if he owns them. I think he's fallen off a lil bit as a coach even though he's re-invented himself this year.

You can tell that this years team has him rejuvenated.....Showing more emotion than I have seen him show in a couple years....
Ayy but I know this is off topic but State FTW when it comes to females and also UNCG got some fire down there too
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