Why do you hate Duke/Coach K?????

That's why.
I highly doubt that happens...
i'm automatically picking them to lose 2nd rd. whatever 8 or 9 seed they face is going to be more than capable of beating them. lunardi hasduke potentially playing usc in the 2nd rd. duke wouldn't want it with mayo and company.
Originally Posted by J RAIN 23

I highly doubt that happens...
i'm automatically picking them to lose 2nd rd. whatever 8 or 9 seed they face is going to be more than capable of beating them. lunardi has duke potentially playing usc in the 2nd rd. duke wouldn't want it with mayo and company.

Aren't you the dude who said K-State will win it all, but Duke wont getpast the second round...

Kinda hard to take sports opionions seriously from a dude who really believes Randy Moss is the g.r.o.a.t and that Kansas State will win the NC
Originally Posted by TheGift23

I'll never forget.... bastards.

You aren't the only one.� This weekends game against Clemson was worse because we REALLY needed it to make thetournament.� But that Duke game was a game that will remain in infamy.� I miss the days when we were an elite program.
everybody hating on fundamentals and passion for the game?..sure everybody gets a little cocky every once in a while unless your name is Barry sanders...andwith dukes consistency maybe they have proved themselves to be that way.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

one face blends right into the next
That usually happens with fat ugly chicks. Every straight guy I know tends to remember a good looking face when they see one. Again, maaaaad suspect mijo.

Says the guy who went to school at Duke.

Every straight guy I know that went to school known for good looking chicks doesn't reminisce over the few hot girls on campus. Why? Because they'rea dime a dozen at any major state school.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Im a Duke fan and i cant see how anyone could hate coach K
I'm Duke's biggest fan on here and I can CLEARLY see how anyone could hate Coach K. Dude looks like a sniveling rat, he simply isn't a basketball coach anymore, he's an institution, and he's constantly yapping at the refs as if he owns them. I think he's fallen off a lil bit as a coach even though he's re-invented himself this year.

how do you say you are the biggest fan here? with a statement like that you are nowhere close to being a fan. coack K fallen off? all he does is keep ongetting 20 win seasons without have a superstar on his team. i dont know what you been smoking bro, but he is doing a great job coaching. if you look at theirteam this year nobody expected them to be as good as they are. he has done a terrific job in getting his team to where they are with the type of players theyhave
I have to defend Malta here. Just because you are a fan doesn't mean you have to blindly follow a team or coach because they are your team. I personallyhate it when Duke goes into the ten point lead, six minute stall. That is playing not to lose, not playing to win. This, to me, is why Duke hasn't donewell in the past few tournaments (except 2004). They develop no killer instinct. Af for the hate, it isn't because they are good every year, it is becausethey are WHITE and win every year. White players, however unfairly, are seen as smarter than black players, more fundamental, and less athletic. And let'sface it, basketball on all levels is considered a black man's game. When a race that is the minority does well at something another race"owns",it creates hate. Look at early 1900's African-American pioneers in science, politics, law, literature, any field, and they were met with hate at first.However unfairly, Duke is seen as a "white" team, and when a black player goes to Duke they are seen as a sell out. Look at Dawkins, Jason Williams,Battier, Grant Hill. Even Brand and Maggete were seen that way, until they left early and banged on Duke for being racist and unfair to black students. EvenChris Carrawell was seen as less black, and he played on the streets of St. Louis for money in drug games. Coach K's face everywhere doesn't helpmatters, but face it, to companies advertising during NCAA games, who is more accessible to the public? Players can not be used, so who do most casual fansknow? As for hating fans unless they are 40, I am 34, have been a Duke fan since 1986 (Final Four, Dallas), and named my oldest daughter Camryn (had to changethe spelling for wifey).
I went to MD and I hate Duke. But before that I hated Duke, because of the same reason ppl hate the Princeton Offense. Duke students and their alumni believethat their players are smarter than everyone else and that's the reason for their success. Isn't that the general sentiment of Duke. Well there is acouple things that we have to look at, first Coach K has ONLY won 3 championships, and the last one came in 01. Billy Donovan just won two, and is only onebehind while Jim Calhoun is one behind as well, and both have achieved their mars within a decade. So really how successful is Duke. Yes, we know that theyhave went to the final four and final game many times, but ask UNC how many final fours and final games that they have went to and loss. And recently howsuccessful has Duke been? A first round loss, a couple sweet sixteen losses, and how many countless other times have we seen their players come off the courtcrying, and yet they still get all of the TV time.

Why? Because I've heard countless times, that they are the boys next door, and not thugs. Really? Is that the Duke elitism choir singing again the"I'm better than you song." Is that what we have come to, where whoever is black and not on your team is considered a thug? So Duke, puts fourwhites on the floor along with one black, have the black kid score a ton, and then let the white players and white coach get all of the credit. Then when CoachK needs someone to do the dirty work, such as clock someone in the air and break someone's nose, who does he get to do it?.................The Black Kid!

Duke now, recruits the most touted white kids, and tries to form the college version of the Utah Jazz with the one black kid playing the role of Karl Malone.Well hey guess what Duke, please keep it up. I'll take it, because if recent results hold true then you'll be crying every March.

Other reasons why I hate Duke:

Dookie V and ESPN
Bias ACC Refs
Coach K's cockiness
Scumbag players who really display no athleticism nor basketball IQ and are system players
Awards given to those crappy player
Ridiculous argument. You honestly think Duke only recruits the white kids? Look at the 2001 lineup-Williams, Boozer, Battier, Dunleavy, Sanders. I count 1white kid. And he just scored back to back 36 in games for Indy. Maybe Indy sucks, but maybe he can play. And dirty work? How about Laettner? That is stilltalked about more than Henderson. You really like the "Black Rage" and Star Wars argument from Chasing Amy don't you. I have yet to hear Coach Ksay his kids are smarter than any other school. Maybe Michigan, but I think that has been proven over the years. As for thinking of other schools players asthugs, I have never seen that expressed out of Duke either. They don't market their players as the boy next door, mainly because they know that won'tsell with recruiting. Recent success? Maybe not, but more than 99.9% of all other schools. Proven. Don't make me pull stats. You know it, down deep.Especially being a Maryland fan. Then you end with "Scumbag players who really display no athleticismnor basketball IQ and are system players".Johnny Dawkins, Laettner, Hill, Capel, Price, McLeod, Dahntay Jones, Brand, Maggette, Battier, Williams, Boozer, Dunleavy, McRoberts (won the Mcdonalds dunkcontest), Henderson, should I go on? I dare you to name the last black player to lead Duke in scoring. Maybe the white guys can play. The basketball viewingpublic just won't admit it. I will bet they even listened to rap music.
at this turning into a race war

its not that they're white. like someone said earlier, its because Duke as a whole seems to be so elitist, not just in sports but in all aspects of theschool as well. and combined with the elitist attitude, they seem to get all this hype and attention from the media, which people are tired of seeing. thatsthe simplest way to sum up the Duke hate
Pretty much just a bunch of white nerds that are irritating. But I don't really care either way, Duke basketball pretty much bores me these days. Idefinitely don't go out of my way to watch games.
DOWNTOWN43, you say it is not that they are white, but look at these responses. To some, probably half, it is about color. There have been other programs withelitist attitudes (North Carolina, John Thompson II Georgetown, UConn, Kentucky) that are still loved by the public. Because of the Coach? No, Thompson wasarrogant, Williams is whiny, Calhoun is intimidating and loud-mouthed, Pitino was/is slimy and a rat. You are right, it is not all race. Most of it iscontinued success by the same coach who instills a winning system, beats 80% of other teams, and produces winners in life. That scares most people. Remember,we hate what we fear.
Duke4005: That's great that Duke's 01' squad was predominantly black, but go over your current team roster and even for the past 5 years. Also,Georgetown maybe an elitist school to an extent, but it sure doesn't reflect on the type of program they've had. If anything they've been just theopposite and recruited kids off the streets who were different from their student body. Also, I don't now that many people who have problems with Calhounor Pitino. I really think this is you just trying to throw sh@@ up on the wall and seeing what sticks. Secondly you go on to name former Duke "great"players: Johnny Dawkins, Laettner, Hill, Capel, Price, McLeod, Dahntay Jones, Brand, Maggette, Battier, Williams, Boozer, Dunleavy, McRoberts. Really how greatare these players. Certainly if they were not SYSTEM players then they would go on to have long standing careers in the NBA. Hmm, out of those players how manycan we name who are playing in the league or at least performing well. Compare this to a school like UConn, UNC, UMD even

Conclusion: Duke players are successful because Duke abuses the flaws in the college basketball system which include flopping, a three point line that'sreally a mid range shot in the pro's, and moving picks which can sometimes turn out to be triple screens in the case of JJ. Maybe, Duke alumni would bebetter off saying "well Kobe Bryant would have came to this school if he didn't go to the NBA" and which sounds a lot better then rattling offthe names of past failed Duke players.

Next thing I hate about Duke:

Duke students and alumni saying: "well Kobe Bryant would have came to this school if he didn't go to the NBA." Well guess what? He didn't, soget over it, and shut up and go outside.
One last thing:

Duke always like to claim that its alumni are successful and so forth and how their alumni do better off than at other schools. True, if you happen to beenrolled into Duke's pre-med or medical school. What other reason is there to go to Duke when other schools are just as good even better in other majors.MD produced the founder and inventor of Google, yes he went to Stanford for his graduate work, but he got his start right here. Name another alumni who can topthat............ and here's where you say "well Kobe Bryant would have came to this school if he didn't go to the NBA."
I've always hated Duke...They remind me of the Spurs...they are good, but I hate to watch em play. No swagger.....
Never claimed the Kobe card. That was hin saying he would have went. You never heard Coach K claim Kobe. As for me throwing stuff on the wall, Coach JohnThompson II boycotted games because he didn't like the academic rules that his team had to play by. Arrogant, wanted the rules changed. You claimed Dukehas always had system players. I proved they haven't. As for them exploiting the system, doesn't that prove my smart IQ players? Why don't otherteams do the same? But you argue that they haven't had success, so I guess exploiting the system doesn't work. As for the "great players", Inever said they were great. I said they were athletic. I will argue they are as good lately in the pros as UNC, UConn, and especially Maryland except forJordan (big exception) and maybe Worthy as a whole. I know you didn't try to put MD in with great pro players. I will admit that Duke players on themajority fail in the NBA, but please don't fight this with argument Steve Blake, Juan Dixon, and Steve Francis. Except for Jordan (big exception) and maybeWorthy, You just ended your own argument. On the real, no hard feelings. I have been beat down by Duke hate since 1990 UNLV. I enjoy the discussion and havenothing but love for anybody who can hold an adult conversation on this topic. Appreciated.
duke4005 many that was the most questionable post that I have ever read. Are you seriously going to try to pit Duke Alumni against UNCs (minus MJ and Worthy).Man I'm pretty sure Duke's alumni can beat any other school's if you take away the other school's two best players. Do you even know how bad ofa comparison you are making. First of all the argument that I was making was that if Duke's players are so good, and have such great basketball IQ thenthey should be able to exceed in any situation, college system or in the NBA. Because they successfully fail in the NBA it's proven that they are onlycollege system players. You didn't prove that Duke players were successful in the NBA. Go ahead name impact players from Duke. I'm waiting, EltonBrand, Mr.Always Injured Grant Hill, Carlos Boozer, and Corey Magette. Throw in Shane Battier in their if you want. Next we look at your comparisson metric,time. "I will argue they are as good lately" Man if I take a group of players and adjust us the timeline that we measure their success I can provethat any group of players is better than the next. So those players that you named are now as good as any other team's, which I'm guessing is mostlybased on Carlos Boozer's work as well as Elton Brands. So let's compare them recently to UConn's: Okafor, Boone, Hamilton, and Gay. I don'tthink anyone would say that Duke beats those four. Now take a look at UNC: Rasheed, Vince, Antwan Jamison, Marvin Williams, Sean May, and the point guard who Ican't name. Keep on going with this, and i'm pretty sure your going to find many teams that would beat Duke among successful alumni, of course Dukewill always win when you take away the other team's best player.
they have a dude in a speedo standing up in the student section

i dont EVER wanna hear a Duke fan ask "why do you guys hate us so much" again
honestly this is what i've always wondered

if players like hurley, redick, or paulus were not white would they still get hated on? lol
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