Why do you want your banned screen name back? Volume 3

Originally Posted by s dubl

got a PM and was asked to post........

Geronimo/The Hate Boxden wrote:
Screen name: the hater boxden
I was suspended for saying "id rape" in an andressa soares thread and then permanently banned for alledgedly making a threat to cq23s life. I think i should be unbanned because i can put this whole geronimo/kid/blood thing behind me and go back to the hater i was back before this summer, the kid that used to help niketalkers out with their avys, photoshops and make call of duty tourneys again. Im done with my crys for attention as i see it does nothing for me. whether it means sitting out another 1-2-3-4 months to get this screen name back im willing to do it. if any mods so much as think im going to step out of line because of what someone says about me then they can go ahead and ban me its whatever, but you wont see the hater from these past couple months...i think im ready to step up and be a good citizen to the niketalk community. all i can hope for now is that you unban me. 1


Crux, where are you at? you Banned me, back in may/June of 07....FOR Making a Which are better TACOS OR BURRITOS? Can i make it any clearer? its been a Year,and I know i Havent had no warnings....Chriskickz15
I have my name still, but can you let Beanie Seagull back through. I had the perfect pic of a seagull with a beanie on, i even ps'ed "you corny"on the bottom
My old SN (addicted2mikes) was banned for making fun of another NT'er in WDYWT. I was reckless that day. I was dealing with issue between myself and my GFnow wife. Dealing with your personal issues by putting others down is NOT a good look and when I see others do it now is lame. I would really like to get mythat sn back for many reasons. EVERYTHING i use online is "addicted2mikes". Email, AIM, etc.

I've learned a lot over the past two years. I would not ruin this chance. Can I please have it unbanned? Thanks.
please unban ohgreat22. complimenting a woman on her very structurally sound chin should not grant a ban.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

sdubl - should've ignored the PM like I have.
That's harsh... I saw in the original post that PMs would be ignored but if he can't post this in the thread himself then how can he statehis case? Which was the whole purpose of this thread.
dude was just banned last week for flaming in the PYP.
you REALLY think that anyone who is currently banned would even be considered for reinstatement?
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

sdubl - should've ignored the PM like I have.
That's harsh... I saw in the original post that PMs would be ignored but if he can't post this in the thread himself then how can he state his case? Which was the whole purpose of this thread.
pretty much the reason why I posted it, but Dirty has spoken.
[color= rgb(204, 153, 0)]Banned Name: Golden Oozaru Gr8 Ape[/color]

[color= rgb(204, 153, 0)]I want my name back, because I got banned because Edith tricked me into an argument into which I waswrongly banned and didn't deserve it. As she was unbanned and I was banned I feel that it was very ONE SIDED and I was banned due to other mods/admins notliking me from previous banned names. However it may be, I would very much so like to have my name that has been banned free of banishment and returned toit's user... Either that or Wuck Feezy or Kid Mega Man...



Post is in gold to honor my banned user name

Banned Name:YungMooly

Reason: It was deemed inappropriate after a year and some change in activity, not to mention about 1200 posts. I don't understand how a name can beapproved and banned a year later by the same people.I don't see a problem with it at all, its nothing deragatory about it. I use this screen name foreverything I do and I don't know why, but for some reason I don't even feel right posting under this wack +%% name I got now.
Originally Posted by s dubl

Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

sdubl - should've ignored the PM like I have.
That's harsh... I saw in the original post that PMs would be ignored but if he can't post this in the thread himself then how can he state his case? Which was the whole purpose of this thread.
I should'nt have to put up with this
it's funny to see people stating that they've been good...but when I access their profile... they've got a laundry list of warnings and ruleviolations.
OG Name Jthagreat

I was banned cause i posted Game's song 300 bars. it was a mixtape song and not made for retail so it was not illegal to post. i was banned by shegotgame,talked to Jrose, he said get at him in a year, its been like 3. Ive only recieved a one week ban due to quoting someone who flammed with a smiley.

why i post this story even tho its gets ignored? who knows, but i want my name back.
FutureJordan....................... i need it back because i got banned for trying to SHOWING others how to get free photoshop
Originally Posted by ripfan816

Originally Posted by s dubl

Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

sdubl - should've ignored the PM like I have.
That's harsh... I saw in the original post that PMs would be ignored but if he can't post this in the thread himself then how can he state his case? Which was the whole purpose of this thread.
I should'nt have to put up with this
dont put words in my mouth/keyboard/screen/whatever..
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