Why do you want your banned screen name back? Volume 3

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Lrrr

Originally Posted by Lrrr

Free KampoutKid.
no...you can leave the thread now
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

What if I do this, will I get banned just for name dropping?

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

What if I do this, will I get banned just for name dropping?

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

What if I do this, will I get banned just for name dropping?

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

What if I do this, will I get banned just for name dropping?

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

What if I do this, will I get banned just for name dropping?
Originally Posted by Face82

You would make this wack @@@ thread just to tease and piss members off after you deny every application thet submit even when they curent joint is still active. I quote Meth "there is nothing wrong with having another NT account." But I guess you love the power and love to OD on it. I've been lurkin since 99. Made a SN in 06 by the name of Face Murda. Tha was my street rap battle name. Yea I want it back cuz cats I murdered on the mic knew me by it. If I don't get it back... #%+ it ! Face is all they need to know now. More universal. Question ...what would be your SN if Jrose5 was taken away? Just curious........
Blah, blah, blah, spare me your I've been lurking since '99 crap. Son is just mad because I've denied almost all of his screen nameshe's applied since his name was banned. It has nothing to do with power. It's just getting troublemakers like you off of NikeTalk who just seem tonot get it. You really sound bitter don't you?

What would be my screen name if JRose5 was taken away? Jeez, I haven't thought of it. Talk about wack @@@ threads, you shouldn't be talking.

Obviously a decision won't be made today, so you guys can be patient. I need to check your backgrounds anyways. And reading Dirty's posts, he'salready done some e-investigations for me on some of you.

For some of your doubters, the first time I did this thread, I reinstated one account. The second time I reinstated three accounts. So obviously I'm notscrewing around. I know some of your value your old screen names but like Dirty said, you've got to be clean with your current account(s) at least sixmonths. Petty stuff like avatar size or signature violations can be overlooked.

Now back to sleep for me.

Why does people get so mad if you say you've been lurkin since 99? I never got it. All I said was I've been lurkin since 99 and finally made a sn in06.Nikepark was the spot before niketalk if u feel I have to lie. Not that serious. Trouble maker? Please ....all I do is try to be positive and have fun onhere. I just be bsing like I'm doing with you now. I like to play, so why be bitter over a screen name. Yea you have banned every new sn I tried to make.Why i don't know . Your cool jrose...u actually unbanned me before .....your the one that always sounds bitter. Lighten up.
Dear JRose 5. Hey. Its me Praise The X I. Formally known as Praise The XI. MAN See how unfortunate seeing the gap between the X and I is. Its like Mike withoutthe Ike. That didnt even make sense... But I want to explain to you this very sad unfortunate heart warming good friendship story I have on how I got my oldname banned.

I was new to NT. E-Fame off the roof. Mainly hate though. From my ugly Tetris Lineup to my Stalker GF. So one night I was at my boys house now formally knownas PersianBalla. He left the room and left his laptop on and stayed signed in. I went into the Music form where I knew he wouldnt check and went off. Cursingout mods and people and the whole 9 yards. He goes back in the room and checked if I did anything to General but was happy. I then left right away and as soonas I got home he was iming me like CRAZY cussssing me out for getting him band. He checked his username and saw the Music Forum. He basically ended ourfriendship and stopped talkin to me for a while.

It became very awkward at school and I was crying myself to sleep every night. Something had to be done. So I deliberately signed on my account and cussedeveryone out and got myself banned. I then hit him up like "OMG i got banned. the mods found out what i did to you cuz i was braggin and banned me"We began laughing and became best friends again and ate a PB and J together.

I want my old screen name back. It represents me and my soul and my dignity honor friendship. So many epic posts with that account. It just doesent feel rightwith this one. My days and nights on NT are gloomy. People hate so much. They just dont understand Rose. :*( Help me. Revive my E-Fame. Youre my only hope.
I miss HighwayAllstar but i've grown to love this name now and thanks for unbanning me mods! Love you guys!
Originally Posted by Praise The X I

Dear JRose 5. Hey. Its me Praise The X I. Formally known as Praise The XI. MAN See how unfortunate seeing the gap between the X and I is. Its like Mike without the Ike. That didnt even make sense... But I want to explain to you this very sad unfortunate heart warming good friendship story I have on how I got my old name banned.

I was new to NT. E-Fame off the roof. Mainly hate though. From my ugly Tetris Lineup to my Stalker GF. So one night I was at my boys house now formally known as PersianBalla. He left the room and left his laptop on and stayed signed in. I went into the Music form where I knew he wouldnt check and went off. Cursing out mods and people and the whole 9 yards. He goes back in the room and checked if I did anything to General but was happy. I then left right away and as soon as I got home he was iming me like CRAZY cussssing me out for getting him band. He checked his username and saw the Music Forum. He basically ended our friendship and stopped talkin to me for a while.

It became very awkward at school and I was crying myself to sleep every night. Something had to be done. So I deliberately signed on my account and cussed everyone out and got myself banned. I then hit him up like "OMG i got banned. the mods found out what i did to you cuz i was braggin and banned me" We began laughing and became best friends again and ate a PB and J together.

I want my old screen name back. It represents me and my soul and my dignity honor friendship. So many epic posts with that account. It just doesent feel right with this one. My days and nights on NT are gloomy. People hate so much. They just dont understand Rose. :*( Help me. Revive my E-Fame. Youre my only hope.

I got warned by Holden, banned by Meth in a pyp thread for quoting. Myold S/N i really care about is Jay Dean03, i would really like that name back. I really didnt know quoting would get me banned, Holden gave me a warning and italked to him or what not, then after that i just see a Banned Screen

my previous screenname was busyfootworks8567-banned for cursing. that was 2 years ago tho so i really dont want that one back. Just Jay Dean03 and i'll beiight.

my name is Jimmie btw.
Originally Posted by ShoeHefner5


I was banned in this thread:


I was banned in August for quoting something off the NT Wiki page. I wasn't trying to be funny either.
It was my first and only time being banned. I think it was an honest mistake and that i have served my time in Banned Camp. My thegoat121886 sn was a regular in Mac/Apple help threads, and many other threads offering electronic advice.
In a PM I recieved from Meth:
PM Dirtylicious, he's the one who imposed the ban. Given that your post was in violation of the rules, I have no reason to undermine his decision. If he chooses to reduce your ban to a suspension, I'm fine with that - but it's his call. Peace.
------------------------------------- From: thegoat121886 To:Method Man.niketalk Sent:August 21, 2008, 1:13 pm
I had no clue posting that could get me banned. I didn't see anything against the ROC in my post, but if it is I sincerely apologize. What steps can I take to get my name reinstated? I have never in my years visiting this site have ever had any conduct issues. This was an honest mistake.

I'm sorry the formatting is all messed up. I'm posting using Safari
your current SN will be banned once you post in this thread with the old name
Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by Face82

You would make this wack @@@ thread just to tease and piss members off after you deny every application thet submit even when they curent joint is still active. I quote Meth "there is nothing wrong with having another NT account." But I guess you love the power and love to OD on it. I've been lurkin since 99. Made a SN in 06 by the name of Face Murda. Tha was my street rap battle name. Yea I want it back cuz cats I murdered on the mic knew me by it. If I don't get it back... #%+ it ! Face is all they need to know now. More universal. Question ...what would be your SN if Jrose5 was taken away? Just curious........
Blah, blah, blah

Dirtylicious can you reconsider unbanning my first name? It was 6191990 and I'm pretty sure I haven't had any warnings for a long time on this account.Thanks.
I'd like DonFratrachelli back. I believe it was Ceddie who banned him. I posted a picture of poop back in like 98, topic even had a warning there was poopin it, got banned, while I have seen others post poop since and just get a warning or have it removed, or if it's someone in the Klash/Jumpman level ofpopularity, it just gets laughed off entirely. This was back when the R.O.C was more lax too and pretty much just said don't post anything that can'tbe shown on tv. Well I have regular cable, and I have seen poop on it. I apologize though to anyone who was offended, but I feel like it was a little OD to banme forever.

Oh, and I have never been banned before on DonFratrachelli and only once suspended on this screen name. Yes, that screen name gives me my e-Status and it is asatire of a friend of mine's actual name, who is in the Army now and served in Iraq.
its a lost cause...throughout the years I have tried to reason with Jrose/Dirty for Domski Nike Dunk back to no avail. I tried to get a name with DOM in it andfailed all 32 times (not really)
I dont know why Domski Nike Dunk was banned. I had Domski OK but i got into an E-Argument with some dude when TYNS cameout and got sniped. So if I could get DND back that would be cool as hell bruh.


Banned November 06 in the music forum because Cant Ban The Snowman (
) leaked early and someone said they had it. I posted "PM SENT" and wasbanned. I see similar things happen all the time with people posting "shoot me a PM" in General and in music, with no repercussions, I think it was100% unfair.

this is only my 2nd name
I would like my original SN back (jtothadub) because I don't hold grudges, and I don't think you should either. I know I wrote some pretty mean andhurtful things on your profile, but I thought we were playing the "Say mean and hurtful yet untrue things" game, and just played along.

I was banned for jokingly posting a pic of dirty in the "fathers day PYP" a while ago. Before that, I think I had been warned by holdenmichael for myavy size or something. After this happened, I got a new SN, and apologized for what I did. I was subsequently banned for apologizing, and went the hell off. Ithen had several months of excruciatingly boring work weeks.

I got another SN eventually, and was banned soon thereafter for "jjb invasion", which was wild, because I was never banned on their board when otherNTers were, and still post there on occasion, because they need me there.

This is the sum of my offenses, if we don't count the photoshopped pic of Jalen Rose fellating a man that was posted on your yuku profile.

I rescind all of my remarks and gestures toward you, JRose5, if you would reinstate "jtothadub", because you doing so would be display of excellentcharacter, since you did call me a little cross-eyed ghetto boy, which I am willing to let go.

I will, and have been a positive contributor to this board, and have grown through many stages in life while being a member of NT.

So hook a little ghetto boy up, and lemme get that SN back.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos


Banned November 06 in the music forum because Cant Ban The Snowman (
) leaked early and someone said they had it. I posted "PM SENT" and was banned. I see similar things happen all the time with people posting "shoot me a PM" in General and in music, with no repercussions, I think it was 100% unfair.

this is only my 2nd name
a free mixtape

plenty z share links are posted all the time, with mods in the actual threads
I would like my og sn back, balla96.

I was banned because someone (mayor) told a mod I was trolling when i was posting under another sn, cassie...something, I forget the rest of the sn. Anyways, Ionly used it to post/talk to other people who knew who I was in the LPC RPG game threads. Also, I haven't had any prior warnings/offenses on NT prior tothat and since then I've been on good behavior and provided productive posts on NT. I asked holden if he could reinstate it, and he told me to pm methodbut I never got response. If I could get that name back that would be cool.
I would love to get my OG name jhawk826 (sentimental because I use this alias for everything outside of NT) back as well as jrellcuse10.

jhawk826 was banned in the fall of 2006 by Dirtylicious because I had posted the cat lady (woman who looks like a cat). I have no idea why jrellcuse10 wasbanned. One minute I was arguing with someone in the Olympics in Beijing thread in the S&T forum and the next thing I knew when I went to log in, I sawthat my name was banned without any explanation.

I doubt either of those names are going to get reinstated but with the exception of a few warnings, I have contributed to the General forum and Sports andTraining while using other names. If I could get one of the two back then I would be thankful but if I can't, I can't.
So has anybody actually got a name unbanned?

Having said that, my original screen name was Berdat. I think I was banned because of a disparaging remark toward AirRev (something to the effect that helooked mad bummy). Considering he's no longer with the staff, it seems only right to get that jawnpiece reinstated.
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by FlyNY

I vote Pookieman & FreshProduct & 18th letter get their names back
What do you say MR. DIRTY

Nowadays I don't try to do things for the LuLz like I did in that old PYP
and I don't think I have any warnings or anything like that
Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by Face82

You would make this wack @@@ thread just to tease and piss members off after you deny every application thet submit even when they curent joint is still active. I quote Meth "there is nothing wrong with having another NT account." But I guess you love the power and love to OD on it. I've been lurkin since 99. Made a SN in 06 by the name of Face Murda. Tha was my street rap battle name. Yea I want it back cuz cats I murdered on the mic knew me by it. If I don't get it back... #%+ it ! Face is all they need to know now. More universal. Question ...what would be your SN if Jrose5 was taken away? Just curious........
Blah, blah, blah, spare me your I've been lurking since '99 crap. Son is just mad because I've denied almost all of his screen names he's applied since his name was banned. It has nothing to do with power. It's just getting troublemakers like you off of NikeTalk who just seem to not get it. You really sound bitter don't you?

What would be my screen name if JRose5 was taken away? Jeez, I haven't thought of it. Talk about wack @@@ threads, you shouldn't be talking.

Obviously a decision won't be made today, so you guys can be patient. I need to check your backgrounds anyways. And reading Dirty's posts, he's already done some e-investigations for me on some of you.

For some of your doubters, the first time I did this thread, I reinstated one account. The second time I reinstated three accounts. So obviously I'm not screwing around. I know some of your value your old screen names but like Dirty said, you've got to be clean with your current account(s) at least six months. Petty stuff like avatar size or signature violations can be overlooked.

Now back to sleep for me.


I hope you have a chance to View my Name (jthagreat) then.
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