Why Does Feminism Scare You?

Pay, opportunities, etc, should obviously be equal. But should we expect the same physical demands from women? Probably not. Should women’s parental leave be the same as men’s, absolutely not they have to literally birth a human :lol: People get caught up on this “absolute equality” thing and it’s dumb quite frankly.

Also, saying manual labor is peasants work is wild elitist and ignorant. Just a lot of horrible takes all around.
Honestly that's work is for peasants. Women want to be doctors, engineers, and CEOs. Doing back breaking work ain't it.

My man really said laying brick like it's a badge of honor.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

There are big sturdy women out there who could lay concrete of they wanted it. I mean I've seen some of the dudes who do thsr type of work and a lot of them look frail as hell.
This is an incredibly stupid take.
This tells me everything I need to know about you. You have a massive disdain for men. At every turn you constantly down men to uplift women. We can all agree that women should be treated fairly, but not at the expense of declaring superiority over men.

Lol I have a disdain for misogynists. Another #reversesexism cry. Equal rights for women doesn't mean less rights for you. However it does add to the competition pool for desirable positions in life.

Sounding like white people who ask if you hate America when you bring up racism.
This is an incredibly stupid take.

He thought he was being slick with the brick layer comment. Nobody wakes up and gives their kids the pep talk how they can be everything they want to be. Aim for the sky. You can even be a brick layer. :lol: :lol:

Women aren't fighting for the jobs unexceptional men have. That ain't it.:lol::lol::lol:
Feminism doubled the labor force what do you believe that does for wages and benefits?
Actually, WWII created a deficit in the labor force as men were drafted to fight. Women filled up the gap in the factories. Demands for better wages and benefits rose with the realization that they could contribute to society beyond what the traditional gender roles prescribed.
Over time, the movement that arose from that gain of consciousness has been painted by the capital class as an attack on men's spaces such as the workplace in order to delegitimize women's demands. Divide and conquer tactics work just as well when pitting genders against each other.

Women aren't reporting all these abusive scenarios at the rate that they choose to leave relationships.
And I think we know why (see the Cosby thread).
He thought he was being slick with the brick layer comment. Nobody wakes up and gives their kids the pep talk how they can be everything they want to be. Aim for the sky. You can even be a brick layer. :lol: :lol:

Women aren't fighting for the jobs unexceptional men have. That ain't it.:lol::lol::lol:
Ahhh no. Your “for peasants” talk is stupid. What “women want to do” is also just as stupid. Who are you to say these things?

Using physicality as the defining factor of “equality” is the lowest level of thought. No, man and woman are generally not equal physically and they never will be. We don’t live in a world where that is a debilitating factor in normal life generally speaking. If “I can’t hit a girl” or “they aren’t as strong as me” is where people want to lay their argument then it’s a pathetic argument
He thought he was being slick with the brick layer comment. Nobody wakes up and gives their kids the pep talk how they can be everything they want to be. Aim for the sky. You can even be a brick layer. :lol: :lol:

Women aren't fighting for the jobs unexceptional men have. That ain't it.:lol::lol::lol:
You're gonna **** bricks when you learn how good some of these blue collar dudes live, ESPECIALLY if they own their own business. The latter live better lives than most doctors.

Your comments continue to stink of elitism.
So you look down on people who do general labor? "Peasants" huh?

Yet you live in a house/apt, work in a building that was built by "peasants".

You really are a trash individual who thinks highly of themselves.

Pay, opportunities, etc, should obviously be equal. But should we expect the same physical demands from women? Probably not. Should women’s parental leave be the same as men’s, absolutely not they have to literally birth a human :lol: People get caught up on this “absolute equality” thing and it’s dumb quite frankly.

Men getting equal parental leave actually benefits women tremendously. What idiot would say no to that? :lol: :lol:

Unless you're saying fathers are pos and can't help around the house or with the baby. Then I'm not sure what to tell you. Lmao.
He thought he was being slick with the brick layer comment. Nobody wakes up and gives their kids the pep talk how they can be everything they want to be. Aim for the sky. You can even be a brick layer. :lol: :lol:

Women aren't fighting for the jobs unexceptional men have. That ain't it.:lol::lol::lol:

What makes being a brick layer, or any other blue collar job, unexceptional? Quite frankly most of those jobs add more to society than “VP of Marketing Analytics” or w/e type jobs. And that’s coming from someone with a position in the latter.
I work in healthcare, but having grown up in a blue-collar family I would NEVER look down or talk down on blue-collar work. Their skills are extremely practical, necessary, and help make the world a better place.

I wish I had a fraction of their skills and knowledge of their craft.
I work in healthcare, but having grown up in a blue-collar family I would NEVER look down or talk down on blue-collar work. Their skills are extremely practical, necessary, and help make the world a better place.

I wish I had a fraction of their skills and knowledge of their craft.
I dont look down on ANY job. Those that do, says a lot about them and their upbringing. Trash people raised by trash parents.
Men getting equal parental leave actually benefits women tremendously. What idiot would say no to that? :lol: :lol:

Unless you're saying fathers are pos and can't help around the house or with the baby. Then I'm not sure what to tell you. Lmao.

Huh? I’m saying women should obviously have more parental leave because of the physical demands of bearing a child. My point was all things can’t be equal. I have no clue what your second paragraph is about, you’re just twisting words at this point.
Let me know when women wanna lay brick and roof houses, I'll gladly throw an apron on and whip up some meals.

Women want equality in comfortable positions, they don't want it across the board.

Never in my life have I heard a woman complain about how men are treated in divorce court.

You want equality there as well?

I'm just saying that's a horrible example of work "equality". There are jobs historically done by women that takes it toll on your body as well. Aint nobody aspiring to get housemaid knee. I'm talking about cush white collar jobs. Aint nobody fighting for equal rights to mine coal.

Where have you been? I used 4 years of my life fighting for this.

Huh? I’m saying women should obviously have more parental leave because of the physical demands of bearing a child. My point was all things can’t be equal. I have no clue what your second paragraph is about, you’re just twisting words at this point.

That's OK but a smart woman would actually advocate for more paid paternal leave for her husband. People on this forum love hustling backwards for the sake of proving their own bigoted and misogynistic points. The only existence where men getting as much leave is a negative is if said men are expected to waste that time off not helping their wives pre and postpartum. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The people talking about 2 parent household and strong family unit can't even get themselves to admit that a man being off work with his wife is a good thing. Clowns.:lol:

Maximum paid leave for both men and women is a win win for all parties involved, unless like I said...the man is expected not to help.
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