.... We (NT) should all know by now that we dont view rap as thesame thing. Some us are still suck on the Reasonable Doubts/ Illmatics/ 36 Chambers type albums which were all around Classics in our hip hop era.

I actually can appreciate Gucci .. He is entertaining. He doesn't promote anything positive, but neither does Uncle Murda and I like him.

I believe that Gucci is very popular because he does what he wants to do and says what he wants to say no matter how stupid he may sound. People like leadersand Gucci Mane is straight wasted.
I don't have a problem with Gucci or his success my problem is with the way that Hip-Hop is being treated (pimped) as a whole and the mentality behind theexecs who aren't even part of the culture (or even know that it is a culture).
and for da record, if illmatic degraded and got worn down and beat like some jordans people would be standing in line year round for fresh copies of it.

gucci is just da flava of da month..in da end, classics is what stand da test of time.
but yeaaaaa if you actualy give Gucci mane a chance you'll like him for what he is a charismatic rapper who can ride a beat. He isnt a dam soulja boyrapper he more of a down south Camron.
Originally Posted by cartune

but yeaaaaa if you actualy give Gucci mane a chance you'll like him for what he is a charismatic rapper who can ride a beat. He isnt a dam soulja boy rapper he more of a down south Camron
in swag/aura sure cam and gucci are comparable...they both are people's champ and they both keep it funky...but cam's rap ability shiftsup a few

more gears then anything gucci got on his lyrics transmission.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by cartune

but yeaaaaa if you actualy give Gucci mane a chance you'll like him for what he is a charismatic rapper who can ride a beat. He isnt a dam soulja boy rapper he more of a down south Camron
in swag/aura sure cam and gucci are comparable...they both are people's champ and they both keep it funky...but cam's rap ability shifts up a few

more gears then anything gucci got on his lyrics transmission.


Son, all jokes aside...you went back for your GED or something?

You been typing some s_ that almost thought provoking and legible lately
HueyP in LouieV wrote:
In a capitalistic system, everything is a business but when you pimp something out and abuse it everyday for a decade its going to get tired and worn down.

Nobody wants a worn out w_ore.

No artist development, no music that connects with real life experience, no charisma, no moral compass...{DRAMA} This what ya'll do when you get control of the game?! {DRAMA}

Music is from the soul and for the soul...when you neglect that, people neglect to take that extra walk to Best Buy and holla at Rapidshare or Bittorrent for disposable entertainment.

You can't download a Double Whooper over the internet yet and if you stop listening to music for a couple weeks you won't die of starvation, so that analogy made no sense.

Porn stars get paid to get smutted and skeeted on...should I start upholding them as upstanding citizens, who are elevating the visual arts and showing young girls that you can make good money legally?

B_s are w_hores and _s are minstrels. Lets keep it funky. They ain't doing no one a favor, they out there making money in products that can have adverse side effects to certain segments of society. In a free society thats their prerogative and these things might have a place but when dudes like you behind the scenes are hellbent on making sure that this is the only products that are readily available, people have a right to call y'all on it.

ur blogging on a website that keeps remaking the same damn shoes over and over and over and over and over again, and hasnt had a original idea in damn near 5 6 yrs or so.


I didn't even know NT made shoes...

In a capitalistic system, everything is a business but when you pimp something out and abuse it everyday for a decade its going to get tired and worndown.

True but my point is so is nike they have pimped the airforce and jordan retro to death. They been reissuing the same shoes since the late 90'swhen they started this whole retro blast from the past trend. Yet last time i check i didnt see nike filing chapter 11. And if truth be told since rap socalled originated from ny and the creators of the music, then isnt it there fault for selling it to corporate america. How u gonna sell somethin 2 some1 andget mad about how they use, abuse, or mistreat it. If u wanted rap music 2 be a certain way, shoulda kept it 4 urself.

No artist development, no music that connects with real life experience, no charisma, no moral compass...{DRAMA} This what ya'll do when you getcontrol of the game?! {DRAMA}

and why does it have 2 be. most people listen to music as that MUSIC, something they take 2 and enjoy, love to listen 2. PERIOD. Instead of looking for reallife experiences in rap why dont u iuno, EXPERIENCE LIFE. If i wanna know how it is to live in nyc, i dont need 2 listen 2 jay z empire state of mind, ill justhop my @%@ on a plane and go there. Also if u looking to music as a guidance to moral cadence u have issues far beyond rap. For every kid that so called sellsdrugs, f*&k different beaches everyday etc, That can be said about the kid who rob some1 for the air jordans, or car jacking for the latest m6. Thisproblem is far deeper then what artist u listening to. Not saying it doesnt have an affect, but ppl often use it at a scapegoat or a major contributing factorto the depletion of the family in urban communities.

Music is from the soul and for the soul...when you neglect that, people neglect to take that extra walk to Best Buy and holla at Rapidshare or Bittorrentfor disposable entertainment.

Thats all opinions. These artist are doing it 2 get paid. PERIOD if it was strickly for the love they would work a nine 2 five and do music as a hobby or forthere own enjoyment. People aint buying records cause hell they can get the s*&t for free period. Hell people damn near will take anything for free. Lookat the next time u go 2 a coscos a sams bj's wholesale and they offering free food. People dont think oh i am only taking the free food cause the companydidnt put they heart and soul into it. Hello people will take anything if its offered for free. So video games are wack cause ppl download those also? Is macsnow leopard/windows 7 and other various software wack because ppl decide 2 d/l it instead of go 2 staples and purchase it?

In a free society thats their prerogative and these things might have a place but when dudes like you behind the scenes are hellbent on making sure thatthis is the only products that are readily available, people have a right to call y'all on it.

Im not upset or mad my point is that all music should be readily available and all music should be accepted. Its that way for every genre of music in the worldexcept rap. I dont hate on oj as in i dont hate on mf doom. I listen to each based on the mood set, or frame of mind im in. i dont critic ostricize or ridiculeeither artist or discriminate against either. If music rap music in particular is art, then just like art its to the eye of the beholder. Theres paintings thatlook like some1 popped a squat on the canvas thats worth millions, and theres paintings that are so rich and full of detail that are sold on at the flea marketfor 25 bucks. All im saying is im not gonna discredit either artist or base my opinion on who the artist is as a person on their work of art.
im mad ya actuctally arguing in this troll thread theres a "why u like Gucci" thread every two days dudes just be salty cuz their artists notputting out music
....there is no rapper that got more music out on the streets right now than gucci..son is on his grind
I'm not trying to type a essay in a thread about Gucci Mane but...

Jordan Brand was losing sales with all of these Packs and crazy colors that sat on the shelf, so now they have to go back to the basics that made the companypopular in the first place. Nike's unoriginality and lack of quality has allowed The Supras and Adidases and The Hundreds to gain market share and theyhave lost a lot of their cool factor, word to Dom Kennedy...same thing with Hip-Hop. To reclaim their foothold, what do they do?...They go back to the productthat were really original, well thought out and quality products. Until Hip-Hop does that sales will continue to slide.

You say Music is just music like that means something. Music illicits deep human response. Thats why we started making clubs and places to gather to enjoymusic in the first place. Before humans formed language they listened to rhythmic sounds in the environment, which shaped us as a people. Saying music is justmusic is like saying a book is just words or breath is just air...s_ don't make no sense.

Matter fact...Imma let Dame break it down.

HueyP in LouieV wrote:
I'm not trying to type a essay in a thread about Gucci Mane but...

Jordan Brand was losing sales with all of these Packs and crazy colors that sat on the shelf, so now they have to go back to the basics that made the company popular in the first place. Nike's unoriginality and lack of quality has allowed The Supras and Adidases and The Hundreds to gain market share and they have lost a lot of their cool factor, word to Dom Kennedy...same thing with Hip-Hop. To reclaim their foothold, what do they do?...They go back to the product that were really original, well thought out and quality products. Until Hip-Hop does that sales will continue to slide.

You say Music is just music like that means something. Music illicits deep human response. Thats why we started making clubs and places to gather to enjoy music in the first place. Before humans formed language they listened to rhythmic sounds in the environment, which shaped us as a people. Saying music is just music is like saying a book is just words or breath is just air...s_ don't make no sense.

Matter fact...Imma let Dame break it down.


True the difference is those are subconscious traits. My point is when some1 buys a daughtry cd, they buy it cause they enjoy his music... PERIOD they dontcheck his background, determine the purchase on is he who he says he is, or the lyrically depth or message in the music.�Country artist arent graded on ifthere lyrics are about peace,poverty, or�things going on in there community.�They buy it like wow i heard a few of his singles. They sounded good imma copthat. All im saying is why cant people just purchase buy music based on there own personally preferences and what they like/enjoy to listening to.

Trust me slipknot would sell whether they talked about drinking blood for rotten corpses, or song about how to make the world change. I just wish rap had thatsame objective view.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by cartune

but yeaaaaa if you actualy give Gucci mane a chance you'll like him for what he is a charismatic rapper who can ride a beat. He isnt a dam soulja boy rapper he more of a down south Camron
in swag/aura sure cam and gucci are comparable...they both are people's champ and they both keep it funky...but cam's rap ability shifts up a few

more gears then anything gucci got on his lyrics transmission.


Son, all jokes aside...you went back for your GED or something?

You been typing some s_ that almost thought provoking and legible lately

homie, what are you on? Cam & Gucci are no where near each other when it comes to lyricism. Cam supercedes Gucci Mane lyrically by 10 fold. how dare you
^ Yeaa again u thought Drought 3 was mindblowing go find a tree to hug

Cam might have gucci by a lil bit lyrically but its not by much word to computers puting
Cam might have gucci by a lil bit lyrically but its not by much word to computers puting

Right now, as in today, u might be right, but Cam
has 2 lps that could back up his lyrical content. _'s
is waitin for it to come back like the comin of Jesus
Originally Posted by LDJ

True the difference is those are subconscious traits. My point is when some1 buys a daughtry cd, they buy it cause they enjoy his music... PERIOD they dont check his background, determine the purchase on is he who he says he is, or the lyrically depth or message in the music.�Country artist arent graded on if there lyrics are about peace,poverty, or�things going on in there community.�They buy it like wow i heard a few of his singles. They sounded good imma cop that. All im saying is why cant people just purchase buy music based on there own personally preferences and what they like/enjoy to listening to.

Trust me slipknot would sell whether they talked about drinking blood for rotten corpses, or song about how to make the world change. I just wish rap had that same objective view.
How you figure that?

There is all types of cleavage in all types of music.

Rock fans look at Nickelback and 3 doors down as garbage rock. Pop fans that like Mariah and Justin hate on Myley and Jonas Brothers for being pamperedproducts and not having the musical value of more mature pop artists. Country music itself has mad different sub-genres. There is a racist strain of countrymusic where they still say _gger, a love song scene, blues and folksy music, country pop, etc. Same thing with Reggae, classic music and every other type ofmusic there is.

In other forms of music, diversity is pushed in the mainstream. U2 and Madonna make totally different music. Coldplay and My Chemical Romance are oppositesides of the coin. Miley Cryrus and Barbara Streisand, night and day...but they are all offered eqaul shine, oppurtunity and accessbility to the consumer.Thats why there is so much variety in the Billboard Top 100 outside of Hip-Hop.

Mainstream Hip-Hop has become about selling a stereotype and blackballing those that choose not to buy in to the program.

All music sales has declined but Hip-Hop more so than any other genre.

Y'all don't respect the artform and its current condition reflects that.
I'm trying to figure out if some of you guys honestly believe Cam to be the lyrical messiah yall claim he is or if you just like the taste of his siemen. I'm guessing it's the latter.
Originally Posted by sparklecity SC

If I want to be entertained I can go to the circus our something so y would I listen to a rapper just to entertain me
exactly its crazy how many *%#%$! jump on here and tryto defend this garbage whether its entertaining or not its the same +@+@ thats killing hip hop as a artform
and makes it hard for dudes who really make music,and make easy for *%#%$! like wayne,gucci,and this waka guy c'mon WAKA GET THE %*** OUTA HERE
*%#%$! is pathetic
But the vast majority of the time, these same dudes who declare the death of hip hop as an art form are so far removed from the culture and hip hop in itsessence themselves, that I just can't take them seriously. A least show you have an understanding of what's going on.
Lol, im with guy. You're as smart as the music you listen to.. so all of your are ignorant and of very little intelligence.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by LDJ

True the difference is those are subconscious traits. My point is when some1 buys a daughtry cd, they buy it cause they enjoy his music... PERIOD they dont check his background, determine the purchase on is he who he says he is, or the lyrically depth or message in the music.�Country artist arent graded on if there lyrics are about peace,poverty, or�things going on in there community.�They buy it like wow i heard a few of his singles. They sounded good imma cop that. All im saying is why cant people just purchase buy music based on there own personally preferences and what they like/enjoy to listening to.

Trust me slipknot would sell whether they talked about drinking blood for rotten corpses, or song about how to make the world change. I just wish rap had that same objective view.
How you figure that?

There is all types of cleavage in all types of music.

Rock fans look at Nickelback and 3 doors down as garbage rock. Pop fans that like Mariah and Justin hate on Myley and Jonas Brothers for being pampered products and not having the musical value of more mature pop artists. Country music itself has mad different sub-genres. There is a racist strain of country music where they still say _gger, a love song scene, blues and folksy music, country pop, etc. Same thing with Reggae, classic music and every other type of music there is.

In other forms of music, diversity is pushed in the mainstream. U2 and Madonna make totally different music. Coldplay and My Chemical Romance are opposite sides of the coin. Miley Cryrus and Barbara Streisand, night and day...but they are all offered eqaul shine, oppurtunity and accessbility to the consumer. Thats why there is so much variety in the Billboard Top 100 outside of Hip-Hop.

Mainstream Hip-Hop has become about selling a stereotype and blackballing those that choose not to buy in to the program.

All music sales has declined but Hip-Hop more so than any other genre.

Y'all don't respect the artform and its current condition reflects that.

How i figure is do to the fact IT DOES sell, because some1 out there likes it, which is exactly my point about rap. Yes there are sub genres with other music,differences is u dont see u2 personally beefing hating on madonna, nor u dont see beef dvd box sets about barbara streisand and miley cyrus. They dont developwebsites or stay all day on twitter ustream just to say how real or how my music is better then urs or how my music is real urs aint.

How do we not respect it please explain. The joe buddens, the royce 5'9ers arent being blackballed its just people dont like they a$%. Like i said its allabout money, if the corporate world could make money off there music, please believe they would promote it try they damnist to sell it.

I used this reference earlier and ill use it again. Magic tried 2 but upscale restaurants, starbucks einstein bros bagels in the hood. He did in persons,commercials etc, Yet it didnt work. No one was feeling it. So they were shutdown. Does that mean black folks etc ppl in the hood are brainwashed or ignorantetc cause they dont wanna pay 6 bucks for a cold coffee? Is that a statement that ppl from the hood are less sophesticated less civiled... no. Could it be hellthey dont like cold coffee, or they just think its stupid to pay 6 bucks for it.

Same as the music, it aint that people are brainwashed tricked bamboozled into liking soljah boy. They arent stupid either its simply put they dont wanna hearimmortal technique, they find that it is wack and cant feel it. the same thing was said about ppl when rap 1st came out. So are u saying when our parentsthought how u do about us listening to kool moe dee, rakim, etc and they was saying that aint real music. Luther vandros is real music sam cooke is real music,stevie wonder is a real artist krs is just some dude talkin in rhymes over repetitive beats. Were we ignorant lacked depth.

the same argument u r using against gucci mane, waka flocka, etc was the same argument our parents generation was saying about artist like slick rick, ll coolj, so on and so forth. Yall sound just like my parents when i was sittin in my room, playin nes, tryin 2 get mario to reach the top of the flagpole, bumpingrun dmc.
Originally Posted by maxb7ty

But the vast majority of the time, these same dudes who declare the death of hip hop as an art form are so far removed from the culture and hip hop in its essence themselves, that I just can't take them seriously. Take note of haze and show you have an understanding of what's going on
no doubt
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

Lol, im with guy. You're as smart as the music you listen to.. so all of your are ignorant and of very little intelligence.
do you not uderstand how dumb that statement is. I listen to EVERYTHING including Gucci Mane. Marvin Gaye (Here my dear on deck ight now), WillieHutch, Al Green, Yea Yea Yeahs, Nas, War, The Dells. The Beatles, I even got some classical/opera +@+ I dig from my music appreciation class. But because Ilike Gucci Im a !+##*##? What about thse dudes who demand to hear Gucci Mane and OJ at colleges I DJ. Are they dumb too?

While we on Hip Hop lets go back to the beginning where rocking the crowd was the priority. it wasnt about what you said but HOW YOU SAID IT. It wasnt aboutthe lyrics but how the DJ blended tracks together to make a beat. Lets take it back to before it was about listen to a lyrics on your ipod in a corner thinkingyou deep cause the rapper you listening to has something to say, before lil kids came on message boards thinking they knew what real music is but only listsrappers as there evidence. Back to when hip hop was about the party not the politics. It was about the street but the party at the same time.

You so called elitist have no idea Hip Hop started decades before Illmatic came out. Because if you REALLY wanna take it there Gucci Mane and Soulja Boy aremore hip hop than Nas is

[NT response]
[NT response]
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