Why is Kanye west so angry at Jimmy Kimmel?

As much as Kanye criticizes the paparazzi, let's not pretend like he doesn't work hand-in-hand with them when it's convenient on his end. What's the guy? CHarlamagne the God? Well, listen to what he had to say regarding Kanye and when he "bumped" into the stop sign a few months back. Everything dude said made sense. Kanye is an attention *****. He LIVES for this ****. ANY publicity is good publicity. If he wanted to remain low-key, he should have thought twice about knocking up Kim K.
I'd just put a "private property; trespassers will be shot" sign on my property.

Can't say they didn't know after that.

that works, there has to be a line drawn where these dudes cross it, these celeb are well within their rights to put a bullet or at least a mean beatdown from a body guard without repercussions, i mean think about it, aint NOONE getting that close to Obama without catching a bullet, now i know thats the president and all but private space should be respected no matter who you are....
As much as Kanye criticizes the paparazzi, let's not pretend like he doesn't work hand-in-hand with them when it's convenient on his end. What's the guy? CHarlamagne the God? Well, listen to what he had to say regarding Kanye and when he "bumped" into the stop sign a few months back. Everything dude said made sense. Kanye is an attention *****. He LIVES for this ****. ANY publicity is good publicity. If he wanted to remain low-key, he should have thought twice about knocking up Kim K.

the problem with the paps extends far beyond kanye, i remember the LiLo video when she was in some parking lot and the paps had no respect for her space, pulling at her wig, laughing at her, etc, dude was definately crossing the line, is sad...
^^^Yea i agree this is the vid 
I know he famous but 4 am though
there has to be a line and just listen to 
them antagonizing him. Stuff like this would drive anyone to 
sound as crazy as everyone says he sounds:smh:  

SMH got to take kanye's side in this video. I know 90% of america including myself would have acted way worse than kanye did
also, Kanye is doesnt really need publicity from some BS paps, he aint struggling to stay relevant, i know some celep PR's tip off the paps, but i doubt someone like Kanye got his PR team tipping off paps to put up an acted temper tantrum.....i think dude is legit upset, who wouldnt be tho?...how is that far fetch to some of ya?...these dudes are parked up in front of dudes garage at 4am....dude either hasnt slept of just woke up ready to grind....i dont care who you are, have someone harrass you at that time and see how you react, as an average joe you can put the beatdown on these dudes, but being a celeb must be frustrated that nothing protects you from these clowns if you decide to go off and beat they **** and they turn around and sue you....is like having your hands tied behind your back while someone smacking you.
as much a diva as dude is, he right.....paps are some of the biggest scums of the earth....honestly if i was in dudes shoes id hire some goons that just dont give a damb and hire them to just happen to be at the ame location where these paps will be and really put the hurting on them publically and steal their gear and act as if i have no clue what the hell is happening, eventually the paps will learn, harrass Kanye usually comes with a beatdown and stolen gear from some goons.....

either that or there should be a law passed to protect these celebs from this type of harrassment, son 4am in the morning?....in front of your crib???....just pushing your buttons and if you even wink their way they pull a lawsuit?....this cant be life.

Agreed all around. I think kanye acts like a diva egomaniac most of the time. Ex his handling of the jimmy kümmel situation and some of the stuff he said in that interview just reeked of being delusional. However he has every right to be mad at the papparazi. Stalking someone in front of their house at 4am while trespassing. Paparazzi are some of the most disrespectful people known to man. I seen a video a while ago were a pap was belittling and berating Kim Kardashians limo driver because he told dude to get out the way of the limo so they can leave and once the driver got mad dude talked about going to the cops. These clowns will drive like reckless maniacs and put people's lives at risk all to try and get a pic of someone. I'm with you on that though. It would be good to see a guy like kanye hire some goons to press the paparazzi and take their cameras and everything.

On a side note though. For as much of a diva and egomaniac as kanye is, from everyone I've known that's ever met him they've all told me that he was very friendly and approachable to them so I'm assuming his beef is with media and the paps but be appreciates his fans.
^^^Yea i agree this is the vid 
I know he famous but 4 am though
there has to be a line and just listen to 
them antagonizing him. Stuff like this would drive anyone to 
sound as crazy as everyone says he sounds:smh:  

SMH got to take kanye's side in this video. I know 90% of america including myself would have acted way worse than kanye did

Yup. Regardless of how you feel about him, his music, or his actions, There's no reason why anyone should have to deal with that. It's so irritating how innocent those PAPs act, too. Like they're completely oblivious to how annoying they are.
also, Kanye is doesnt really need publicity from some BS paps, he aint struggling to stay relevant, i know some celep PR's tip off the paps, but i doubt someone like Kanye got his PR team tipping off paps to put up an acted temper tantrum.....i think dude is legit upset, who wouldnt be tho?...how is that far fetch to some of ya?...these dudes are parked up in front of dudes garage at 4am....dude either hasnt slept of just woke up ready to grind....i dont care who you are, have someone harrass you at that time and see how you react, as an average joe you can put the beatdown on these dudes, but being a celeb must be frustrated that nothing protects you from these clowns if you decide to go off and beat they **** and they turn around and sue you....is like having your hands tied behind your back while someone smacking you.
I dont think anyone is saying he doesnt have a right to be upset, he does.  I'd be pissed.

But I think (I may be wrong) the point is that Kanye LIVES for attention.  So the paps at the crib at 4AM is way OD, but Kanye lives to have his picture taken.  Early Kanye was 1 thing, but the past few years he has kind of transformed himself into almost an eccentric character of fiction almost...if that makes sense.  We know the paps go overboard, its been happening for decades now, he isn't the first, and won't be the last to be harassed.

but paps =/= being caricatured by a comedian.  He makes himself an easy target when people know that he will go off on a tirade over a simple comedy sketch.

literally the fact that he takes himself so seriously, is the reason why nobody else takes him serious
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Kanye is completely right about the pap's. Dudes bait him by doing **** like this then try to sue, cry like rape victims and paint him as a villain when he reacts. Complete spineless BS. Kanye puts a target on himself by the way he does act but that's no excuse.

Different problem than Kimmel/comedians going after him though.
Kanye is the worst ever !!!!!

i've never been a hater.. i promise, this is like practice for me.. but check it, this guy is soooooo lame lmaoo - he reminds me of that one dude light skinned dude on worldstar couple days ago fighting like sissies :lol: { nothing,wrong with sissies, i'm not racist.. just sayin lol } :lol:

" Hit me, i dare you... i'll murder you right now !! .. idc i'll shoot you in the face, you must want me to call the police.. matter fact.. thats it im calling the cops " :lol:

Such a wuss, my 4 year old son has bigger balls than him.. the kid walks around in the dark dealing with his fears.. playing hide and clap lol like whatttttt lmaoo who does that :smokin :smokin #shoutout my amazing son #kaden :smokin :smokin :smokin .. btw he thinks insidious is a funny movie lmaoooo .. he plays too much lol

He needs to step his game up.. man up !! .. wait, what the frickkk am i talking about, he has millions of dollars in his bank accounts :smokin :smokin :smokin .. he can do whatever he wants, sh*t i would lol carry on mr. west !! lmaoo :smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin

.. must be nice to have unlimited money :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

- strive to be the very best, by any means necessary.. good luck nd good day niketalk :nthat: :nthat:

- stayfreshh
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part is baiting
but a lot of it is self-made attention

p1 n p2 of that interview was funny...ill watch the rest later today
Kanye is the most over hyped and over rated rapper of all time..He's an egomaniac that thinks he's great because he's the most popular person in a dead music genre..I can't wait for him to finally crack on be put into an insane asylum..
Koudie remains the worst, yet best poster here on NT. :rolleyes :D 8) :smh: :x :smokin :nerd: :tongue: :wow: :stoneface: 0] :\ :nthat: :wow: >: :pimp: :smile: |I :frown: :lol: :wink: >D :rofl: :evil:

yall ever do Mad Libs as a kid? I feel like that's what Koudie's posts are...a NT verson...except he uses emoticons (instead of words) to fill in for the nouns, adverbs, adjectives, etc.

But seriously, these celebs and their people will call media outlets like TMZ etc. to let them know their whereabouts. You think it's only a coincidence that the paparzzi seem to be in the same location as *insert famous person* when they land at 2:36am at LAX or when they're leaving a restaurant?
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Kanye is the worst ever !!!!!

i've never been a hater.. i promise, this is like practice for me.. but check it, this guy is soooooo lame lmaoo - he reminds me of that one dude light skinned dude on worldstar couple days ago fighting like sissies :lol: { nothing,wrong with sissies, i'm not racist.. just sayin lol } :lol:

" Hit me, i dare you... i'll murder you right now !! .. idc i'll shoot you in the face, you must want me to call the police.. matter fact.. thats it im calling the cops " :lol:

Such a wuss, my 4 year old son has bigger balls than him.. the kid walks around in the dark dealing with his fears.. playing hide and clap lol like whatttttt lmaoo who does that :smokin :smokin #shoutout my amazing son #kaden :smokin :smokin :smokin .. btw he thinks insidious is a funny movie lmaoooo .. he plays too much lol

He needs to step his game up.. man up !! .. wait, what the frickkk am i talking about, he has millions of dollars in his bank accounts :smokin :smokin :smokin .. he can do whatever he wants, sh*t i would lol carry on mr. west !! lmaoo :smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin

.. must be nice to have unlimited money :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

- strive to be the very best, by any means necessary.. good luck nd good day niketalk :nthat: :nthat:

- stayfreshh

"#shoutout to my amazing son #kaden"

Bruh... :lol:

This guy's posts are comedy 9 times out of 10.
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