Why is Kanye west so angry at Jimmy Kimmel?

Kanye needs to untangle the knot in his panties and just forgot about it. Jimmy Kimmel is a comedian and they rag on celebs all the time that's all they do... Thinking he should be exempt from humor just makes him more full of ***t than he already is. And who the hell is part of his movement and how are you benefitting from it?
I'm not a Drake fan but I don't understand why he was brought up.  Why does Kanye speak so oddly now?
Jimmy is going to clap back...
Kanye better peeper his angus.  Jimmy going in dry tonight.  Jimmy can be a bully when it comes to this ****.  
Being that Kanye is an artist, I found it hilarious and sad at the same time that he doesn't let other artists WORK. Kanye needs help, seriously. 
why do you keep bringing Drake up with Kanye?

they are about as different as night and day
Because they are both ultra sensitive and emo. That's why.

They both react differently tho. Ye will kick, scream, and rant. Drake will call your moms and try to let her know how he really feels.
when has drake ever been overly sensitive (except in his music)?
guess you didn't see him crying about da kendrick control verse.... twitteeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr
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