Why is suicide looked down upon?

Originally Posted by al3x89

suicide shouldn't be looked down upon, but i think it is because of stupid religion.

people have no idea what that person is going through. it's EASY for you to say "yo life is tough just man up", but do you really know the persons history? no because 99% of the time they won't tell you because they're ashamed, or whatever.

and i disagree with it being 'selfish'. like someone said, it's selfish for others to avoid the pain by seeing the person alive, yet suffer each and every single day of their life. so what some of you are basically saying is, let this person live the rough life just because there are a few people that love him and don't wanna go through the pain?

i can tell you right now it's not an easy decision. you don't just wake up one day and kill yourself. you go through months, and maybe YEARS (like the story) of pain to finally say that's enough.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Club29

People love you whether you want to realize it or not.

Suicide hurts them more than you would ever know.

Thats why.

What is more selfish then making someone endure the pain of living just because YOU want them alive?

I.E. someone not even caring when your alive then being sad when you're gone.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Club29

People love you whether you want to realize it or not.

Suicide hurts them more than you would ever know.

Thats why.

What is more selfish then making someone endure the pain of living just because YOU want them alive?

I.E. someone not even caring when your alive then being sad when you're gone.
No one in here can pass any kind of judgment unless you've endured the kind of pain that makes you attempt to take your own life. It is absurd to emotionally well-adjusted people like us but for some it is an illness and not something they can snap out of overnight.
No one in here can pass any kind of judgment unless you've endured the kind of pain that makes you attempt to take your own life. It is absurd to emotionally well-adjusted people like us but for some it is an illness and not something they can snap out of overnight.
Originally Posted by Brandon3000

its a cop out. if i gotta be here in this #*$!#% life so should you!


another reason why suicide is best.

let all the other savages fight for a chance at the gutter.
Originally Posted by Brandon3000

its a cop out. if i gotta be here in this #*$!#% life so should you!


another reason why suicide is best.

let all the other savages fight for a chance at the gutter.
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Zyzz

cowards way out
It takes balls to be able to take your own life.

not sure if srs.....

life is hard, taking your life to get away from it is cowardly.
It is cowardly in your opinion. You don't see life through the perspective of anyone but yourself.
I don't judge people who commit it. Just wish they should have done something others can benefit from
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Zyzz

cowards way out
It takes balls to be able to take your own life.

not sure if srs.....

life is hard, taking your life to get away from it is cowardly.
It is cowardly in your opinion. You don't see life through the perspective of anyone but yourself.
I don't judge people who commit it. Just wish they should have done something others can benefit from
I don't judge people who commit suicide, but I can understand why it is looked down upon.

It is viewed as a selfish act. Committing suicide spits in the face of any and everyone who has ever invested time in that person. Most everyone has been through something in their life that had them questioning themselves, their God(s), or their purpose, but somehow the person who committed suicide felt their problems were so much more special than anyone elses that they had to end it all. Most people can't relate to that because like I said most people have been through things that were "suicide worthy" but they pulled through.

And yes, suicide is the easy way out. Otherwise, the person committing suicide would take the harder option, which is life and whatever difficulties they are facing.
I don't judge people who commit suicide, but I can understand why it is looked down upon.

It is viewed as a selfish act. Committing suicide spits in the face of any and everyone who has ever invested time in that person. Most everyone has been through something in their life that had them questioning themselves, their God(s), or their purpose, but somehow the person who committed suicide felt their problems were so much more special than anyone elses that they had to end it all. Most people can't relate to that because like I said most people have been through things that were "suicide worthy" but they pulled through.

And yes, suicide is the easy way out. Otherwise, the person committing suicide would take the harder option, which is life and whatever difficulties they are facing.
To answer the question, it is so looked down upon because this is the a Christian nation and suicide is the worst thing you can do in that religion.

Now, should it be? Absolutely not. There are a lot of people that are suffering for a lot of reasons. How can you judge another's pain? Everyone is different. Some people can bounce back, but other people never will. Does suicide affect others? A lot of the time yes, but not every time. People all assume that people who off themselves have family, friends, but many times people who commit suicide are lonely people. If you're hurting bad enough to actually go through with killing yourself, you must be very miserable.
To answer the question, it is so looked down upon because this is the a Christian nation and suicide is the worst thing you can do in that religion.

Now, should it be? Absolutely not. There are a lot of people that are suffering for a lot of reasons. How can you judge another's pain? Everyone is different. Some people can bounce back, but other people never will. Does suicide affect others? A lot of the time yes, but not every time. People all assume that people who off themselves have family, friends, but many times people who commit suicide are lonely people. If you're hurting bad enough to actually go through with killing yourself, you must be very miserable.
Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Club29

People love you whether you want to realize it or not.

Suicide hurts them more than you would ever know.

Thats why.

What is more selfish then making someone endure the pain of living just because YOU want them alive?

2 very good points...but op since u didnt ask to be here i wont ask u to stay, off yo self homie

Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Club29

People love you whether you want to realize it or not.

Suicide hurts them more than you would ever know.

Thats why.

What is more selfish then making someone endure the pain of living just because YOU want them alive?

2 very good points...but op since u didnt ask to be here i wont ask u to stay, off yo self homie

i guarantee no one on this board can describe a realistic situation that would warrant ending your life. there are people who have it worse guaranteed. suicide is for those that cant deal with life and its hardships. you then place more hardships on the ones you loved.

Humans have such a feeling of entitlement. Life is a gift not a right and to give it up so easily is a shame. People dont truly realize what a blessing it is to have life. you have the oppurtunity to do something everyday to make the next day better than the last. use it. you got people with terminal illnesses, homeless people, people who have faced harsh amounts of tragedy, those with mountains of guilt and they walk amongst us everyday, if they can make it why cant you.

i honestly just tried and i cant think of one single situation that would make me kill myself. even a near death, no way out situation. i would just let the cards play out, hell im going to die anyway why not try my hardest to live, right?
i guarantee no one on this board can describe a realistic situation that would warrant ending your life. there are people who have it worse guaranteed. suicide is for those that cant deal with life and its hardships. you then place more hardships on the ones you loved.

Humans have such a feeling of entitlement. Life is a gift not a right and to give it up so easily is a shame. People dont truly realize what a blessing it is to have life. you have the oppurtunity to do something everyday to make the next day better than the last. use it. you got people with terminal illnesses, homeless people, people who have faced harsh amounts of tragedy, those with mountains of guilt and they walk amongst us everyday, if they can make it why cant you.

i honestly just tried and i cant think of one single situation that would make me kill myself. even a near death, no way out situation. i would just let the cards play out, hell im going to die anyway why not try my hardest to live, right?
Originally Posted by FEETure

i guarantee no one on this board can describe a realistic situation that would warrant ending your life. there are people who have it worse guaranteed. suicide is for those that cant deal with life and its hardships. you then place more hardships on the ones you loved.

Humans have such a feeling of entitlement. Life is a gift not a right and to give it up so easily is a shame. People dont truly realize what a blessing it is to have life. you have the oppurtunity to do something everyday to make the next day better than the last. use it. you got people with terminal illnesses, homeless people, people who have faced harsh amounts of tragedy, those with mountains of guilt and they walk amongst us everyday, if they can make it why cant you.

i honestly just tried and i cant think of one single situation that would make me kill myself. even a near death, no way out situation. i would just let the cards play out, hell im going to die anyway why not try my hardest to live, right?
How about the millions of sex slaves in the world? I just crossed out the rest of your post because it is irrelevant.
Originally Posted by FEETure

i guarantee no one on this board can describe a realistic situation that would warrant ending your life. there are people who have it worse guaranteed. suicide is for those that cant deal with life and its hardships. you then place more hardships on the ones you loved.

Humans have such a feeling of entitlement. Life is a gift not a right and to give it up so easily is a shame. People dont truly realize what a blessing it is to have life. you have the oppurtunity to do something everyday to make the next day better than the last. use it. you got people with terminal illnesses, homeless people, people who have faced harsh amounts of tragedy, those with mountains of guilt and they walk amongst us everyday, if they can make it why cant you.

i honestly just tried and i cant think of one single situation that would make me kill myself. even a near death, no way out situation. i would just let the cards play out, hell im going to die anyway why not try my hardest to live, right?
How about the millions of sex slaves in the world? I just crossed out the rest of your post because it is irrelevant.
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