Why is suicide looked down upon?

Originally Posted by FEETure

i guarantee no one on this board can describe a realistic situation that would warrant ending your life. there are people who have it worse guaranteed. suicide is for those that cant deal with life and its hardships. you then place more hardships on the ones you loved.

Humans have such a feeling of entitlement. Life is a gift not a right and to give it up so easily is a shame. People dont truly realize what a blessing it is to have life. you have the oppurtunity to do something everyday to make the next day better than the last. use it. you got people with terminal illnesses, homeless people, people who have faced harsh amounts of tragedy, those with mountains of guilt and they walk amongst us everyday, if they can make it why cant you.

i honestly just tried and i cant think of one single situation that would make me kill myself. even a near death, no way out situation. i would just let the cards play out, hell im going to die anyway why not try my hardest to live, right?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Good argument.


Originally Posted by FEETure

i guarantee no one on this board can describe a realistic situation that would warrant ending your life. there are people who have it worse guaranteed. suicide is for those that cant deal with life and its hardships. you then place more hardships on the ones you loved.

Humans have such a feeling of entitlement. Life is a gift not a right and to give it up so easily is a shame. People dont truly realize what a blessing it is to have life. you have the oppurtunity to do something everyday to make the next day better than the last. use it. you got people with terminal illnesses, homeless people, people who have faced harsh amounts of tragedy, those with mountains of guilt and they walk amongst us everyday, if they can make it why cant you.

i honestly just tried and i cant think of one single situation that would make me kill myself. even a near death, no way out situation. i would just let the cards play out, hell im going to die anyway why not try my hardest to live, right?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Good argument.


What is your argument batement other than a cute response, or do you not have one and are just looking for laughs? thats wasnt my main argument. my main argument is why quit living. try to make things better. if that doesnt work keep trying.
An dee 510 why not try to fight back in any way possible. once suicide is an option death should no longer be a concern correct?i know its going to be hard but life is not easy.

My point is once suicide is an option you are at the lowest point possible correct?
so if you are at the lowest point you can go no lower right?
why not use the rest of your life to try and change your situation i mean you are going to eventually die anyway and any change would be for the better right? why stop fighting? why quit?

ill never understand the logic of a quitter.
What is your argument batement other than a cute response, or do you not have one and are just looking for laughs? thats wasnt my main argument. my main argument is why quit living. try to make things better. if that doesnt work keep trying.
An dee 510 why not try to fight back in any way possible. once suicide is an option death should no longer be a concern correct?i know its going to be hard but life is not easy.

My point is once suicide is an option you are at the lowest point possible correct?
so if you are at the lowest point you can go no lower right?
why not use the rest of your life to try and change your situation i mean you are going to eventually die anyway and any change would be for the better right? why stop fighting? why quit?

ill never understand the logic of a quitter.
You aren't born to kill yourself. I think a lot of the issues have to do with the psychoanalytical field in general, lots of people I know have offed themselves after going on/off meds. It wasn't because they were crazy, it was because there wasn't anything wrong with them in the first place.
You aren't born to kill yourself. I think a lot of the issues have to do with the psychoanalytical field in general, lots of people I know have offed themselves after going on/off meds. It wasn't because they were crazy, it was because there wasn't anything wrong with them in the first place.
I agree that their logic is something I could never understand, but I do think it's selfish not to seek help. Like, at least try all your options. ATTEMPT to get better. You hear so many 'suicidal' tweens who are 'waiting for someone to see their pain'. If it hurts that bad, tell someone. Cheese and rice. If you get help and evaluate your life and still think it's not worth living, that's a different story.

Suicide is a path that I don't agree with 99% of the time. I agree that there are outliers where your life might be so awful it's your only choice. But that's very rare. But you get so many people who are so quick to just give up. I mean damn, at least try to talk to someone or see a doctor. Don't just let yourself sink lower and lower. If you've tried every other option, and suicide still seems like the best thing, I can sort of understand that better. But unless that's the case, you don't have any business taking your life, in my opinion.

No matter how brutal you think your life is, there are a thousand people in the world who would kill to have it. You probably have food, clean water, and a roof over your head. There's a ton of people who have died for want of those things who deserved to live. The suicide rates in the 1930's spiked like crazy. THOSE people had a goddamn reason. THOSE people were taking their lives so that their kids could have a little more to eat. They had NOTHING. Millions of people in this world have NOTHING.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I know I don't understand what it must be like to live that far in the dark. But I DO know that there have been times where I could have let myself spiral downward. What makes me mad is that there's so many suburban people with perfectly normal suburban lives who think they're suffering enormously, and they're not. Our society has come to feel far too entitled. If things aren't perfect, if we aren't receiving the correct amount of attention from the correct kind of people, we're eager to quit. And I think that's garbage. /rant

Edit: I'm an atheist, if that matters.
I agree that their logic is something I could never understand, but I do think it's selfish not to seek help. Like, at least try all your options. ATTEMPT to get better. You hear so many 'suicidal' tweens who are 'waiting for someone to see their pain'. If it hurts that bad, tell someone. Cheese and rice. If you get help and evaluate your life and still think it's not worth living, that's a different story.

Suicide is a path that I don't agree with 99% of the time. I agree that there are outliers where your life might be so awful it's your only choice. But that's very rare. But you get so many people who are so quick to just give up. I mean damn, at least try to talk to someone or see a doctor. Don't just let yourself sink lower and lower. If you've tried every other option, and suicide still seems like the best thing, I can sort of understand that better. But unless that's the case, you don't have any business taking your life, in my opinion.

No matter how brutal you think your life is, there are a thousand people in the world who would kill to have it. You probably have food, clean water, and a roof over your head. There's a ton of people who have died for want of those things who deserved to live. The suicide rates in the 1930's spiked like crazy. THOSE people had a goddamn reason. THOSE people were taking their lives so that their kids could have a little more to eat. They had NOTHING. Millions of people in this world have NOTHING.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I know I don't understand what it must be like to live that far in the dark. But I DO know that there have been times where I could have let myself spiral downward. What makes me mad is that there's so many suburban people with perfectly normal suburban lives who think they're suffering enormously, and they're not. Our society has come to feel far too entitled. If things aren't perfect, if we aren't receiving the correct amount of attention from the correct kind of people, we're eager to quit. And I think that's garbage. /rant

Edit: I'm an atheist, if that matters.
Its probably looked down upon mostly because of religion. Because in japan their have been a lot of honorable suicides that changed society.
Its probably looked down upon mostly because of religion. Because in japan their have been a lot of honorable suicides that changed society.
If killing yourself is the only rational answer you can think of in the face of adversity, then go ahead and do it.
If killing yourself is the only rational answer you can think of in the face of adversity, then go ahead and do it.
Originally Posted by FEETure

i guarantee no one on this board can describe a realistic situation that would warrant ending your life. there are people who have it worse guaranteed. suicide is for those that cant deal with life and its hardships. you then place more hardships on the ones you loved.

Humans have such a feeling of entitlement. Life is a gift not a right and to give it up so easily is a shame. People dont truly realize what a blessing it is to have life. you have the oppurtunity to do something everyday to make the next day better than the last. use it. you got people with terminal illnesses, homeless people, people who have faced harsh amounts of tragedy, those with mountains of guilt and they walk amongst us everyday, if they can make it why cant you.

i honestly just tried and i cant think of one single situation that would make me kill myself. even a near death, no way out situation. i would just let the cards play out, hell im going to die anyway why not try my hardest to live, right?

Have you ever gotten up in the morning and felt low for no apparent reason? A lot of people who are clinically depressed in the large scope of things have no reason to feel that way, but I'm not gonna sit here and act like I understand what they're going through. If you make a decision to kill yourself, regardless of what your reason for feeling depressed it-from chemical imbalances/chronic depression, to death of a loved one/inconsolable mourning or enduring physical pain, your pain is real.

KEYWORD: "yourself". You live your life, your emotionally "healthy"...suicide is not a normal response to emotional pain but it is a reality for some people. I too can't think of anything that would make me wanna kill myself because I've never felt that low for an extended period of time. I know friends who go through pathological depression and some girls who cut themselves because the physical pain numbs the emotional one. I'm not in these people's shoes so i can't judge them for their plight....and yes it's a plight one I wouldn't wish on anybody.
Originally Posted by FEETure

i guarantee no one on this board can describe a realistic situation that would warrant ending your life. there are people who have it worse guaranteed. suicide is for those that cant deal with life and its hardships. you then place more hardships on the ones you loved.

Humans have such a feeling of entitlement. Life is a gift not a right and to give it up so easily is a shame. People dont truly realize what a blessing it is to have life. you have the oppurtunity to do something everyday to make the next day better than the last. use it. you got people with terminal illnesses, homeless people, people who have faced harsh amounts of tragedy, those with mountains of guilt and they walk amongst us everyday, if they can make it why cant you.

i honestly just tried and i cant think of one single situation that would make me kill myself. even a near death, no way out situation. i would just let the cards play out, hell im going to die anyway why not try my hardest to live, right?

Have you ever gotten up in the morning and felt low for no apparent reason? A lot of people who are clinically depressed in the large scope of things have no reason to feel that way, but I'm not gonna sit here and act like I understand what they're going through. If you make a decision to kill yourself, regardless of what your reason for feeling depressed it-from chemical imbalances/chronic depression, to death of a loved one/inconsolable mourning or enduring physical pain, your pain is real.

KEYWORD: "yourself". You live your life, your emotionally "healthy"...suicide is not a normal response to emotional pain but it is a reality for some people. I too can't think of anything that would make me wanna kill myself because I've never felt that low for an extended period of time. I know friends who go through pathological depression and some girls who cut themselves because the physical pain numbs the emotional one. I'm not in these people's shoes so i can't judge them for their plight....and yes it's a plight one I wouldn't wish on anybody.
This letter was powerful. I somewhat felt dudes pain and understand why he did it, and honestly, that's mad scarry to be reasoning with...

However, this quote:

Being molested has defined me as a person and shaped me as a human being and it has made me the monster I am and there's nothing I can do to escape it.
is the complete opposite for me in my life. I was loved as a child and I am the manifestation of that love and reading that letter makes me so thankful for being the way I am. 
This letter was powerful. I somewhat felt dudes pain and understand why he did it, and honestly, that's mad scarry to be reasoning with...

However, this quote:

Being molested has defined me as a person and shaped me as a human being and it has made me the monster I am and there's nothing I can do to escape it.
is the complete opposite for me in my life. I was loved as a child and I am the manifestation of that love and reading that letter makes me so thankful for being the way I am. 
its look down because the people that are left around are sad about the death. they are the only people that may tell your story. with that said, i don't think there is anything wrong with killing yourself. also consider that the world is going to be overpopulated in about 30 years. once that happens, people may riot, people may kill each other. things are going to change really fast
its look down because the people that are left around are sad about the death. they are the only people that may tell your story. with that said, i don't think there is anything wrong with killing yourself. also consider that the world is going to be overpopulated in about 30 years. once that happens, people may riot, people may kill each other. things are going to change really fast
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