Why is there so much disgusting obesity in this country?

Originally Posted by jc619er

How can anyone on this board post something negative about an addictive behavior. The only reason we're all on this board is because we wait in lines for $200 shoes and own tens if not hundreds of pairs. How is that a healthy lifestyle?

Why do people always assume EVERYONE on NT was/is/going to be a massive shoe head? I have NEVER paid $160 for shoes. Never waited outside etc. So speak for yourself
Originally Posted by jc619er

How can anyone on this board post something negative about an addictive behavior. The only reason we're all on this board is because we wait in lines for $200 shoes and own tens if not hundreds of pairs. How is that a healthy lifestyle?

Why do people always assume EVERYONE on NT was/is/going to be a massive shoe head? I have NEVER paid $160 for shoes. Never waited outside etc. So speak for yourself
Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Yea losing fat/weight is one thing, but have a heart that is 5 seconds away from exploding is another. I am not sure if you were suggesting that anyone eats unhealthy, but if you are, please stop.
I don't think he is. Like people have said in this thread being skinny=/=healthy by default, but you CAN be slim even if you eat Mcdonalds/fast food. As a college student who leaves his car at home, I don't have a ride to get groceries every week, or sometimes I'm stuck on campus for hours with no options except fast food.But I also work out/run almost every day of the week. I walk to/from class every day, which is usually a 40 min round trip. I've eaten fast food for 7 days straight and didn't gain a single pound (although I'm naturally skinny so for me it's different 
Good luck with the cholesterol. That's something that working out daily really doesn't alleviate. Gotta change your diet to do that...

that's why I mentioned skinny=/=healthy. I also don't eat a @#$% load of fast food either, but sometimes there really is no other option for me.
Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Yea losing fat/weight is one thing, but have a heart that is 5 seconds away from exploding is another. I am not sure if you were suggesting that anyone eats unhealthy, but if you are, please stop.
I don't think he is. Like people have said in this thread being skinny=/=healthy by default, but you CAN be slim even if you eat Mcdonalds/fast food. As a college student who leaves his car at home, I don't have a ride to get groceries every week, or sometimes I'm stuck on campus for hours with no options except fast food.But I also work out/run almost every day of the week. I walk to/from class every day, which is usually a 40 min round trip. I've eaten fast food for 7 days straight and didn't gain a single pound (although I'm naturally skinny so for me it's different 
Good luck with the cholesterol. That's something that working out daily really doesn't alleviate. Gotta change your diet to do that...

that's why I mentioned skinny=/=healthy. I also don't eat a @#$% load of fast food either, but sometimes there really is no other option for me.
I have a family history of diabetes, stroke, liver problems, and heart attack. This is enough reason for me to cut things from my diet and promote a more healthy style of eating.

So far I've given up:
Bread - acid reflux
hard liqour - acid reflux, liver
HFCS products
gelatin products
butter/hydrogenated oils
artificial flavored products
egg yolks
mostly all seafood except certain types of fish
red meat

i'm around 5'7 155 lbs yet I still get heavy breathing sometimes...cholesterol is no joke to me.

I got 2 nephews that I want to see grow up and I want a kid of my own one day...I got so many things against me healthwise that the only logical solution was to eat right and maintain an adequate level of fitness.
I have a family history of diabetes, stroke, liver problems, and heart attack. This is enough reason for me to cut things from my diet and promote a more healthy style of eating.

So far I've given up:
Bread - acid reflux
hard liqour - acid reflux, liver
HFCS products
gelatin products
butter/hydrogenated oils
artificial flavored products
egg yolks
mostly all seafood except certain types of fish
red meat

i'm around 5'7 155 lbs yet I still get heavy breathing sometimes...cholesterol is no joke to me.

I got 2 nephews that I want to see grow up and I want a kid of my own one day...I got so many things against me healthwise that the only logical solution was to eat right and maintain an adequate level of fitness.
Originally Posted by calikev34

I work in a pretty rare situation
I'm a summer RA in a dorm full of International students from everywhere. I mean everywhere, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Venezuela, Japan, you name it, they're here

These kids come in groups from their home countries, usually consisting of 10-15 per

Now, aside from my observations of some of these underage European girls 
 no exaggeration 

hey, shes 16. Yeah, but that @%$ looks grown. Honestly. It's so impressive. I used to call ppl \crazy when they said they'd hit a girl that young (I'm 19) but wow. *#@% is mindblowing, honestly

da mass is so impressive

But I digress. My opinion of how Europeans are born with an elegant swag that we can never possess isn't for this issue

These kids are healthy. All of them. It was refreshing to see 300 kids and you don't have typical American type bodies. Insanely obese at age 12 and all that.

It really is sad that that's today's reality in our .

It is a simple problem though, just as the pediatrician pointed out.

And I just wanted to offer my perspective that witnesses first hand the adolescents from other countries. They look NOTHING like us

Diet and exercise, baby. Diet and Exercise.
Ex-friggin-actly. It's amazing to be in another country and see how obesity is a rarity. 
Go to Japan and find a fat dude who's not a sumo wrestler, guarantee you'll be looking for a while.
Originally Posted by calikev34

I work in a pretty rare situation
I'm a summer RA in a dorm full of International students from everywhere. I mean everywhere, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Venezuela, Japan, you name it, they're here

These kids come in groups from their home countries, usually consisting of 10-15 per

Now, aside from my observations of some of these underage European girls 
 no exaggeration 

hey, shes 16. Yeah, but that @%$ looks grown. Honestly. It's so impressive. I used to call ppl \crazy when they said they'd hit a girl that young (I'm 19) but wow. *#@% is mindblowing, honestly

da mass is so impressive

But I digress. My opinion of how Europeans are born with an elegant swag that we can never possess isn't for this issue

These kids are healthy. All of them. It was refreshing to see 300 kids and you don't have typical American type bodies. Insanely obese at age 12 and all that.

It really is sad that that's today's reality in our .

It is a simple problem though, just as the pediatrician pointed out.

And I just wanted to offer my perspective that witnesses first hand the adolescents from other countries. They look NOTHING like us

Diet and exercise, baby. Diet and Exercise.
Ex-friggin-actly. It's amazing to be in another country and see how obesity is a rarity. 
Go to Japan and find a fat dude who's not a sumo wrestler, guarantee you'll be looking for a while.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by jc619er

How can anyone on this board post something negative about an addictive behavior. The only reason we're all on this board is because we wait in lines for $200 shoes and own tens if not hundreds of pairs. How is that a healthy lifestyle?

Why do people always assume EVERYONE on NT was/is/going to be a massive shoe head? I have NEVER paid $160 for shoes. Never waited outside etc. So speak for yourself
Not to mention that sneakers are primarily used for active endeavors.

Irony at its finest.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by jc619er

How can anyone on this board post something negative about an addictive behavior. The only reason we're all on this board is because we wait in lines for $200 shoes and own tens if not hundreds of pairs. How is that a healthy lifestyle?

Why do people always assume EVERYONE on NT was/is/going to be a massive shoe head? I have NEVER paid $160 for shoes. Never waited outside etc. So speak for yourself
Not to mention that sneakers are primarily used for active endeavors.

Irony at its finest.
Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by jc619er

How can anyone on this board post something negative about an addictive behavior. The only reason we're all on this board is because we wait in lines for $200 shoes and own tens if not hundreds of pairs. How is that a healthy lifestyle?

Why do people always assume EVERYONE on NT was/is/going to be a massive shoe head? I have NEVER paid $160 for shoes. Never waited outside etc. So speak for yourself
Not to mention that sneakers are primarily used for active endeavors.

Irony at its finest.
Ah yes but 100 pairs are not needed to be active. And I get it not everyone spends over a hundred dollars on a pair of shoes or waits in line or has hundreds of pairs. But the majority of people on here do spend thousands of dollars a year on just shoes and have waited in line and a lot of people would find that pretty ridiculous. I mean our addiction to shoes is what brought us here in the first place. But if that's how you justify your addiction it's cool.
Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by jc619er

How can anyone on this board post something negative about an addictive behavior. The only reason we're all on this board is because we wait in lines for $200 shoes and own tens if not hundreds of pairs. How is that a healthy lifestyle?

Why do people always assume EVERYONE on NT was/is/going to be a massive shoe head? I have NEVER paid $160 for shoes. Never waited outside etc. So speak for yourself
Not to mention that sneakers are primarily used for active endeavors.

Irony at its finest.
Ah yes but 100 pairs are not needed to be active. And I get it not everyone spends over a hundred dollars on a pair of shoes or waits in line or has hundreds of pairs. But the majority of people on here do spend thousands of dollars a year on just shoes and have waited in line and a lot of people would find that pretty ridiculous. I mean our addiction to shoes is what brought us here in the first place. But if that's how you justify your addiction it's cool.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by sonofsam

its "disgusting" because society has brain washed you to believe that skinny is beautiful and fat is ugly...


These are extremes , y'all dudes can't effectively argue for %+%%. Just being in Jamaica I agree though, im basically in shape but everyone there told me I was fat, they all cut up off 0 exercise maybe the occasional soccer match and they all eat like a mother. Gotta be something in the food/ water.
of jamaican heritage myself and i know what u saying.  the thing is the life style is active. most people dont work cushy offfice jobs. they haulin around merchandise, cuttin up cane wit cutlass, going fishing. their work is effectively excersice so while you just think they goin about their business their body is getting a work out.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by sonofsam

its "disgusting" because society has brain washed you to believe that skinny is beautiful and fat is ugly...


These are extremes , y'all dudes can't effectively argue for %+%%. Just being in Jamaica I agree though, im basically in shape but everyone there told me I was fat, they all cut up off 0 exercise maybe the occasional soccer match and they all eat like a mother. Gotta be something in the food/ water.
of jamaican heritage myself and i know what u saying.  the thing is the life style is active. most people dont work cushy offfice jobs. they haulin around merchandise, cuttin up cane wit cutlass, going fishing. their work is effectively excersice so while you just think they goin about their business their body is getting a work out.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by calikev34

I work in a pretty rare situation
I'm a summer RA in a dorm full of International students from everywhere. I mean everywhere, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Venezuela, Japan, you name it, they're here

These kids come in groups from their home countries, usually consisting of 10-15 per

Now, aside from my observations of some of these underage European girls 
 no exaggeration 

hey, shes 16. Yeah, but that @%$ looks grown. Honestly. It's so impressive. I used to call ppl \crazy when they said they'd hit a girl that young (I'm 19) but wow. *#@% is mindblowing, honestly

da mass is so impressive

But I digress. My opinion of how Europeans are born with an elegant swag that we can never possess isn't for this issue

These kids are healthy. All of them. It was refreshing to see 300 kids and you don't have typical American type bodies. Insanely obese at age 12 and all that.

It really is sad that that's today's reality in our .

It is a simple problem though, just as the pediatrician pointed out.

And I just wanted to offer my perspective that witnesses first hand the adolescents from other countries. They look NOTHING like us

Diet and exercise, baby. Diet and Exercise.
Ex-friggin-actly. It's amazing to be in another country and see how obesity is a rarity. 
Go to Japan and find a fat dude who's not a sumo wrestler, guarantee you'll be looking for a while.

Yeah it's actually ridiculous how thin people in Japan are, especially since it's a super-modern, wealthy country. 
Honestly it's tough finding anyone even more than 10 lbs overweight.......obese? Keep looking

And while the traditional diet is super healthy it's not like the kids don't have McDonald's and the like all around Tokyo to eat at....they just don't OD like we do in America. 
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by calikev34

I work in a pretty rare situation
I'm a summer RA in a dorm full of International students from everywhere. I mean everywhere, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Venezuela, Japan, you name it, they're here

These kids come in groups from their home countries, usually consisting of 10-15 per

Now, aside from my observations of some of these underage European girls 
 no exaggeration 

hey, shes 16. Yeah, but that @%$ looks grown. Honestly. It's so impressive. I used to call ppl \crazy when they said they'd hit a girl that young (I'm 19) but wow. *#@% is mindblowing, honestly

da mass is so impressive

But I digress. My opinion of how Europeans are born with an elegant swag that we can never possess isn't for this issue

These kids are healthy. All of them. It was refreshing to see 300 kids and you don't have typical American type bodies. Insanely obese at age 12 and all that.

It really is sad that that's today's reality in our .

It is a simple problem though, just as the pediatrician pointed out.

And I just wanted to offer my perspective that witnesses first hand the adolescents from other countries. They look NOTHING like us

Diet and exercise, baby. Diet and Exercise.
Ex-friggin-actly. It's amazing to be in another country and see how obesity is a rarity. 
Go to Japan and find a fat dude who's not a sumo wrestler, guarantee you'll be looking for a while.

Yeah it's actually ridiculous how thin people in Japan are, especially since it's a super-modern, wealthy country. 
Honestly it's tough finding anyone even more than 10 lbs overweight.......obese? Keep looking

And while the traditional diet is super healthy it's not like the kids don't have McDonald's and the like all around Tokyo to eat at....they just don't OD like we do in America. 
Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23
just watched part 2 of this vid on youtube. it cites a case of a guy weighing 400 something pounds who fasted for a year and two weeks (drinking only water and vitamins) and lost 200 something pounds, and an avg person can fast for 2 weeks..... 1 YR AND 2 WEEKS
mind = blown
Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23
just watched part 2 of this vid on youtube. it cites a case of a guy weighing 400 something pounds who fasted for a year and two weeks (drinking only water and vitamins) and lost 200 something pounds, and an avg person can fast for 2 weeks..... 1 YR AND 2 WEEKS
mind = blown
When I was a kid, soda and chips were something that people had at birthday parties, special occasions, etc. Going out to eat at a fast food place was a special treat that was once in a while. Now for so many people, soda is something that people drink on a daily basis, even multiple times a day. and fast food has been substituted for real food. back when i was a kid, you hardly saw obese children because we played outside, and drank water and weren't sitting on our butts all day, and those that were obese probably had some emotional problem that led to it.
Was watching the OG willy wonka movie with my kids, and Augustus Gloop back when that movie was shot, was a FAT kid. But looking at him compared to todays fat youth, he doesn't look very overweight at all. How times have changed.

Its a sad thing when here in the US, even our homeless people are obese. You just don't see that in other countries.

If you guys watch The Biggest Loser, I am amazed at how much weight these people lose in the first week, some people are losing 30-40 pounds in the first week, which is saying that their eating habits were WAY out of control.
When I was a kid, soda and chips were something that people had at birthday parties, special occasions, etc. Going out to eat at a fast food place was a special treat that was once in a while. Now for so many people, soda is something that people drink on a daily basis, even multiple times a day. and fast food has been substituted for real food. back when i was a kid, you hardly saw obese children because we played outside, and drank water and weren't sitting on our butts all day, and those that were obese probably had some emotional problem that led to it.
Was watching the OG willy wonka movie with my kids, and Augustus Gloop back when that movie was shot, was a FAT kid. But looking at him compared to todays fat youth, he doesn't look very overweight at all. How times have changed.

Its a sad thing when here in the US, even our homeless people are obese. You just don't see that in other countries.

If you guys watch The Biggest Loser, I am amazed at how much weight these people lose in the first week, some people are losing 30-40 pounds in the first week, which is saying that their eating habits were WAY out of control.
Saw this for the first time at 7/11 the other day. Come on son, don't know one need that much soda.

Saw this for the first time at 7/11 the other day. Come on son, don't know one need that much soda.

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Saw this for the first time at 7/11 the other day. Come on son, don't know one need that much soda.


sadly, this is what America is all about.. take as much as you can get as supposed to, take what you need
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