Why isn't anyone talking about this?: NAACP Colorado office bombed

And yet you said nothing to debunk it. Shirley you can't be serious.

There's nothing to debunk. You made a baseless statement in an attempt to look intelligent and it failed. Blacks don't commit anymore crimes than any other race, so it's silly that people like you keep trying to use that as a crutch when in these types of discussions.

Go ahead and pull out some flow charts and graphs from a conservative website to support your claim. We're used to this **** by now.
Until then, all balding, middle-aged White men in the area should be advised to remain at home.  

You wouldn't want to fit the description of a terrorist bomber.   

Though Colorado has legalized the private, personal use of marijuana, citizens may not carry more than one ounce and may not consume it openly or publicly.  Any balding, White male carrying more than one ounce may feel the urge to run if approached by police officers.  DO NOT RUN.  You will be summarily executed for your own safety and left to decompose in the street.  Even if asked to produce identification, do not reach into your pocket or waistband.  Keep your hands and face in view at all times while in public.  

No matter how aggressively you might be treated by police officers, remain calm and submissive at all times.  Remember, as long as you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about.  You'll just be temporarily detained and lightly abused from time to time to preserve the public peace.  

If you, as a balding White man of a certain age, are resentful of the additional scrutiny and suspicion to which you and those "like you" have been subjected, perhaps you should direct your outrage at your own community.  The "profile" exists for a reason, after all. 

Did I forget anything? 

I think it's fair to say that if EVERYONE were so profiled by law enforcement, there would be no more profiling. 

As it stands, you could put a burning cross on a family's lawn and your religion will not be called into question for it.  (At worst, you'd be referred to as an extremist whose views pervert, rather than exemplify, your religion.)  

If the assumptions that you make in this case - that it's the work of a lone maniac who no more represents balding, White males than he does Americans or Coloradans in general, were applied to other "terrorist" acts - or to criminal acts perpetrated by people of color - our nation's system of justice would be a lot more just.  

Profiling is not about racism. It's about statistics and probability. If blacks commit more crimes than any other race, they are going to be stopped more than any other race.

Boy you know you bout to get a dissertation, with pie charts and cited references.
This is the only damage done.... I see why it's not in the news.... not very shocking..
And yet you said nothing to debunk it. Shirley you can't be serious.

There's nothing to debunk. You made a baseless statement in an attempt to look intelligent and it failed. Blacks don't commit anymore crimes than any other race, so it's silly that people like you keep trying to use that as a crutch when in these types of discussions.

Go ahead and pull out some flow charts and graphs from a conservative website to support your claim. We're used to this **** by now.

How bout you bet em to the punch and pull up info from a non bias source and prove yourself correct?
Boy you know you bout to get a dissertation, with pie charts and cited references.

I don't need to see any pie charts. If you're talking about the US as a whole, whites do commit more crimes than blacks. But blacks are only 13% of the population. Blacks do commit more murders than whites though.

But in urban areas blacks commit more crime and so if the cops are following the description of a criminal who is black, others blacks are going to be followed more closely than whites. I'm sorry but that's how it is. Just like Muslims are profiled more for behavior related to potential terrorist acts.
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Boy you know you bout to get a dissertation, with pie charts and cited references.

I don't need to see any pie charts. If you're talking about the US as a whole, whites do commit more crimes than blacks. But blacks are only 13% of the population. Blacks do commit more murders than whites though.

But in urban areas blacks commit more crime and so if the cops are following the description of a criminal who is black, others blacks are going to be followed more closely than whites. I'm sorry but that's how it is. Just like Muslims are profiled more for behavior related to potential terrorist acts.

Thats cool. We do, though.

You can just make a claim and expect people to just go with because you got some concords in your avy.

Based on your logic, white people are more likely to be white supremacists so its ok for NTers to holler SWS every time you say something they dont agree with.
Boy you know you bout to get a dissertation, with pie charts and cited references.
I don't need to see any pie charts. If you're talking about the US as a whole, whites do commit more crimes than blacks. But blacks are only 13% of the population. Blacks do commit more murders than whites though.

But in urban areas blacks commit more crime and so if the cops are following the description of a criminal who is black, others blacks are going to be followed more closely than whites. I'm sorry but that's how it is. Just like Muslims are profiled more for behavior related to potential terrorist acts.
Damn bombing a place because he doesn't like black people? :smh:
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Thats cool. We do, though.

You can just make a claim and expect people to just go with because you got some concords in your avy.

Ok, well show me the proof that cops stop more blacks than whites in this country. This is a claim that I've never seen proven.
It was proven in the other thread

White commit more murders by numbers and Blacks are arrested more and face harsher sentences. Its like a common knowledge
^^^you were in the "ferguson" thread...don't act like you haven't seen the stats...

around and around...

„ Relatively more black drivers (13%) than white (10%) and
Hispanic (10%) drivers were pulled over in a traffic stop
during their most recent contact with police. There were
no statistical differences in the race or Hispanic origin of
persons involved in street stops.

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Everyone... Please do not engage...

Dude has been shut down in 3 different threads.

Straight ninjahood status... Get completely called out and proven wrong...

Leaves thread and go into another one with the same ridiculous argument.

Only to get shut down, vanish, and reappear in another thread 2 weeks later.
no...dude asked for stats to prove that blacks are stopped more than whites...stats given...

How bout you bet em to the punch and pull up info from a non bias source and prove yourself correct?

Why do I need stats to prove common sense? It's ******** to sit here and flat out say that one race commits more crime than any other race, in a country with more than 300 million people. I don't need stats to tell me black people make up 13% of that population, but somehow they commit more crimes as a whole. Not just murder and any other violent crimes. When you put things into context, it just doesn't make sense.

And by the way, way to completely get off topic. Let's not forget this was a white man who detonated a bomb on US soil the other day. Not a black man :lol:
And by the way, way to completely get off topic. Let's not forget this was a white man who detonated a bomb on US soil the other day. Not a black man :lol:

Has this been confirmed? Who detonated the bomb, I may have missed it.
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