Why isn't anyone talking about this?: NAACP Colorado office bombed

Let's simplify this. 

Violent crime is down in this country, yet we incarcerate more people than any nation in human history.  Let's be honest: when people are "profiled" via stop and search, etc., most of the time this has to do with drugs, not murder.

More than HALF of all prisoners currently serving federal sentences of one year or longer were convicted of drug offenses.  

According to the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (2000), White teenagers are over 33% more likely to have sold illegal drugs than their Black counterparts.  

Usage rates for marijuana are approximately the same regardless of race.  However, according to this same survey, White students are SEVEN TIMES more likely to use cocaine and heroin.  Before you say "well, that's just self-report survey data," bear in mind that White youth visit hospital emergency rooms due to illegal drug use three times  more than Black youth.

Yet, despite this, THREE QUARTERS of those imprisoned for drug crimes are Black or Latino.  

If you've read that before, it's because I've typed that before.  It's still valid:  http://niketalk.com/t/514040/they-t...g-laws-in-white-areas-really/60#post_16622910
And, by the way, every single one of you ducked this:  http://niketalk.com/t/615018/18-year-old-shot-by-police-in-berkley-missouri/900#post_22300007

The reason why is obvious.  You would be forced to reveal flagrantly prejudicial beliefs.  

Oh, and blco, you know your boy Rexanglorum no longer believes what you do, right?  In fact, he's ashamed of such beliefs.  Perhaps you should ask him why. 

You can sit in your echo chamber and deny, deny, deny every voice that doesn't confirm your biases - or you can LISTEN and LEARN.  You do not know what it's like to be Black in America better than a Black American.  So stop acting like it.  

If it would sound ridiculous to you for a man to troll every thread about rape and proclaim that it's just an "invention of the media used to advance perpetual-victim status for women", then you should stop spewing the same garbage when it comes to race and crime.
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Do you know anything about Holder? He is a crook that should have been fired or resigned long before he did. He refused to prosecute the black panther members who were intimating voters at the polls in 2008, among other things.
eric holder was the district attorney in the city where the intimidation happened?
Barbados/Bronx take that L
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Also, that study came from the Department of Justice. There's NO WAY a department headed by Eric Holder would release a study saying that blacks are not pulled over more than whites. So I take that study with a grain of salt.
Talk about pushing the goal posts back :lol: :smh: Pathetic.
Oh, and blco, you know your boy Rexanglorum no longer believes what you do, right?  In fact, he's ashamed of such beliefs.  Perhaps you should ask him why. 

You can sit in your echo chamber and deny, deny, deny every voice that doesn't confirm your biases - or you can LISTEN and LEARN.  You do not know what it's like to be Black in America better than a Black American.  So stop acting like it.  

If it would sound ridiculous to you for a man to troll every thread about rape and proclaim that it's just an "invention of the media used to advance perpetual-victim status for women", then you should stop spewing the same garbage when it comes to race and crime.

My boy? I don't know the guy. The only thing I know is that he defended me from people constantly calling me a troll, which he said I was not. It sounded to me like he values opposing viewpoints and free speech. It sounds like you don't value these things.

Spewing garbage? I give my opinions, most of the time backed up by stats like the ones I posted from the FBI. The garbage being spewed is coming from NT liberals, who name call, accuse others of racism, deflect, etc., then claim to by morally superior. I have never personally attacked anyone with who I disagree. Just bringing another side to the debate which you clearly aren't fond of.

Sounds like you only like free speech when it agrees with your pre existing bias. YOU and other NT liberals are the ones who don't like to "LISTEN and LEARN".
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Oh, and blco, you know your boy Rexanglorum no longer believes what you do, right?  In fact, he's ashamed of such beliefs.  Perhaps you should ask him why. 

You can sit in your echo chamber and deny, deny, deny every voice that doesn't confirm your biases - or you can LISTEN and LEARN.  You do not know what it's like to be Black in America better than a Black American.  So stop acting like it.  

If it would sound ridiculous to you for a man to troll every thread about rape and proclaim that it's just an "invention of the media used to advance perpetual-victim status for women", then you should stop spewing the same garbage when it comes to race and crime.
My boy? I don't know the guy. The only thing I know is that he defended me from people constantly calling me a troll, which he said I was not. It sounded to me like he values opposing viewpoints and free speech. It sounds like you don't value these things.

Spewing garbage? I give my opinions, most of the time backed up by stats like the ones I posted from the FBI. The garbage being spewed is coming from NT liberals, who name call, accuse others of racism, deflect, then claim to by morally superior. I have never personally attacked anyone. Just bringing another side to the debate which you clearly aren't fond of.

Sounds like you only like free speech when it agrees with your pre existing bias. YOU and other NT liberals are the ones who don't like to "LISTEN and LEARN".
So, you're choosing to answer nothing and deflect?  

You claimed that profiling is about "probability."  It is not.  Most people are stopped, arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced for drug offenses - not murder.  Profiling does not scale according to murder, nor do the targets of profiling correlate to the demography of drug users or sellers.

You won't answer anything substantive for a reason. 
Sounds like you only like free speech when it agrees with your pre existing bias. YOU and other NT liberals are the ones who don't like to "LISTEN and LEARN".
Between the two of us, only one has actually studied these issues at any depth.  That much is obvious. 
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I love how this dude just throws out "NT Liberals" so dismissively as if to toss aside the opinions that challenge his 
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Methodical Management Methodical Management , should me, @WhatCanISay, me662ll a me662ll a , and others who generally oppose the conventional NT wisdom just not post? Why did you choose to single me out? Are you going to ban us for giving our opinions? Why haven't you banned mr marcus mr marcus and countless other NT'ers who contstantly accuse us of being racist, SWS, etc?

Per these rules: http://niketalk.com/t/583919/reminder-slur-substitutes-are-not-allowed-on-our-forums, I thought "We all need to work together to maintain a friendly, RESPECTFUL community environment."
@Methodical Management, should me, @WhatCanISay, @ME662LL A, and others who generally oppose the conventional NT wisdom just not post? Why did you choose to single me out? Are you going to ban us for giving our opinions? Why haven't you banned @Mr Marcus and countless other NT'ers who contstantly accuse us of being racist, SWS, etc?

Per these rules: http://niketalk.com/t/583919/reminder-slur-substitutes-are-not-allowed-on-our-forums, I thought "We all need to work together to maintain a friendly, RESPECTFUL community environment."
lol@you thinking meth disagreeing with you and pulling your card = intent to ban
Turning the tables is pretty much admitting guilt...

"Shaq do it all the time.." lookin ***...
Methodical Management Methodical Management , should me, @WhatCanISay, me662ll a me662ll a , and others who generally oppose the conventional NT wisdom just not post? Why did you choose to single me out? Are you going to ban us for giving our opinions? Why haven't you banned mr marcus mr marcus and countless other NT'ers who contstantly accuse us of being racist, SWS, etc?

Per these rules: http://niketalk.com/t/583919/reminder-slur-substitutes-are-not-allowed-on-our-forums, I thought "We all need to work together to maintain a friendly, RESPECTFUL community environment."

That would be wonderful, :D.
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Do yall realize if he wanted to ban you he could already?

Just delete the thread, IP ban you and its like you never existed

He lets you post, so you can expose your ignorance and hopefully one day grow from it
Some of you came in here - to a thread about the bombing of an NAACP office in Colorado, JUST to say that it's not a big deal.  

That speaks volumes.

Now that you're here, you will absolutely not explain why it is you believe that people of color commit more crimes, or violent crimes, or whatever your rationale for profiling may be.

This is not a matter of "disagreement."  These are thinly veiled assertions of prejudice.  Such statements are inherently offensive.  You could at least do us the honor of having an open discussion about it.  

Instead, we get a whole lot of "I refuse to listen to anything you say, but I know exactly what it's like to be a person of color in America and it's not that hard.  If you're profiled or poor, it's because you deserve it.  I would know: I'm neither." 

You've made that statement, in essence, time and time again.  It is hurtful.  It is offensive, and yet, you have said it.  You have said (or implied) that racism is an "excuse."  You have said (or implied) that victims of racism essentially "had it coming."  

Yet ANY pushback to these vehemently hurtful, if not hateful, assertions is considered "intimidation" or "censorship."

If someone had one that said, "Pissing off plantation workers descendants"  
 people would be going nuts every time said person posted. It's cool Meth let's people post their opinions, but it's clear how biased he is. You can get banned from the site or even individual threads for opposing opinions, but you can make racist remarks, and wide generalizations about whites all day. It's no wonder no one wants to argue with him. He's an admin of the site who clearly thinks one way, so honestly who really wants to challenge him? 
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