Why you are the way you are: Origins of your NT name?



[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]honestly i had at least 8 of my alias banned and everytime i make something remotely similar, it gotbanned.....so i had to pick this +#+* quoted from the great and wise man John Witherspoon in the final scene in Vampire in Brooklyn[/color]
pretty obvious, when i show up everyone is all like woah oh my god its wes. omgitswes
i'm pretty much a big deal
Nickname was always RayRay.... whenever we would free style and mess around my friends would always say that i use a lot of metaphors that dre from outkastwould make... RayRay turned to RayRay3000...
Originally Posted by :nerd:ne7

Area code

my SN: between reselling kicks/scalping tickets i thought i was doin it. i was making many stacks for a teen, but blew most of the cash i made as a younginjust living a young silly life. still young, but wish ida had the same mindset i did now that im bout to enter the real work world
I got thousands...when I stack my first milli in a about 2 years, Dom gone have to run that name
[table][tr][td]cleavland steamer[/td] [td]688 up, 107 down [/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]
Also known as the Pasadena mudslide, California hot plate, or simply the "steamer", this term commonly involves some variation on the act of defecating on a chest of a lover as a means of revenge.
[/td] [/tr][/table]
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