Wifing that chick that let you splash first time yall chilled... A show of hands

I wifed a chick that let me smash first time we chilled, been together for 3 months. But she's always doing some exciting **** with ****** while I'm not around should I be worried?
Need to read this thread, but here's my take. Hell yeah I'll wife a girl that lets me hit first night. What, I'm supposed to hold it against her that my game is tight? Nah son.

Also, when you hit first night you know 1) WHAT THAT THANG SMELL LIKE, and 2) if there's chemistry. Nothing worse then spending a month getting to know a broad, dropping mad dough on dates, thinking she really respects herself cause she's not easy, only to find out that her P STINKS! F that. S*** happened twice to me in the last year. ******* were holding out on me cause they knew their P was funky. What I'm gonna date some broad with a great personality and some funky P? Hell no, sex is way too important.
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