Wikileaks: U.S. soldiers murdered Iraqi children.

Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

War is a bad thing man...
Dam people really hate american

If true we aren't the first country to do these things

Mayans ripped heart out of there captured enemys warriors or not.
Barbarians piligaved raped burned whole towns Down
Hussein dropped mustard gas on a whole village
I mean there's so much in history idk why America is always trashed on

If I was fighting an enemy it would be American I know ain't no Taliban taking prisoners of war
Originally Posted by airedweezy

Dam people really hate american

If true we aren't the first country to do these things

Aztecs Mayans ripped heart out of there captured enemys warriors or not.
Barbarians piligaved raped burned whole towns Down
Hussein dropped mustard gas on a whole village
I mean there's so much in history idk why America is always trashed on

If I was fighting an enemy it would be American I know ain't no Taliban taking prisoners of war
Originally Posted by airedweezy

Dam people really hate american

If true we aren't the first country to do these things

Mayans ripped heart out of there captured enemys warriors or not.
Barbarians piligaved raped burned whole towns Down
Hussein dropped mustard gas on a whole village
I mean there's so much in history idk why America is always trashed on

If I was fighting an enemy it would be American I know ain't no Taliban taking prisoners of war
 @ this whole response. So these countless atrocities should be brushed off, and the US should avoid criticism all because certain ancient peoples and a brutal dictator committed some not-so-nice acts themselves? Deplorable logic. Some of you really need to wake up and realize that the current federal government is a profoundly corrupt, morally-bankrupt, and imperialistic regime. I know many seem to believe the US is sticking it's nose into every corner of the Earth because our natural inclination is to "fight for freedom," but really, our only concerns are our interests and geopolitics. Luckily for our government it'll always have it's blind patriot constituency defending and excusing it's actions, no matter how blatantly reprehensible those actions may be.
 @ the US 'complying' with international war agreements/conventions. As anyone over at the UN would attest, the United States government runs its war machine as they see fit. 
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Originally Posted by airedweezy

Dam people really hate american

If true we aren't the first country to do these things

Mayans ripped heart out of there captured enemys warriors or not.
Barbarians piligaved raped burned whole towns Down
Hussein dropped mustard gas on a whole village
I mean there's so much in history idk why America is always trashed on

If I was fighting an enemy it would be American I know ain't no Taliban taking prisoners of war
 @ this whole response. So these countless atrocities should be brushed off, and the US should avoid criticism all because certain ancient peoples and a brutal dictator committed some not-so-nice acts themselves? Deplorable logic. Some of you really need to wake up and realize that the current federal government is a profoundly corrupt, morally-bankrupt, and imperialistic regime. I know many seem to believe the US is sticking it's nose into every corner of the Earth because our natural inclination is to "fight for freedom," but really, our only concerns are our interests and geopolitics. Luckily for our government it'll always have it's blind patriot constituency defending and excusing it's actions, no matter how blatantly reprehensible those actions may be.
 @ the US 'complying' with international war agreements/conventions. As anyone over at the UN would attest, the United States government runs its war machine as they see fit. 
When I read this statement the rest of your point was ignored!
Get educated!!!! When you see how the middle east operates then come back and try the rest of the statement!
Originally Posted by rashi

"Enemy combatants"
you cannot be serious. How do you label them? You invaded a country with a 1940 style military and terribly outdated weapons (that were supplied by the U.S. in the 1980's) and gave up after a couple days. You are fighting civilians, your superiors claim they pledge allegiance to terrorist organizations without proof. Al-CIAada must give out membership cards, eh? Them military kidnaps people from their home and puts them in jail and tortured.


Fighting an insurgency is nothing like conventional war. There were no ak47's, draganovs and rgp-7's in wwii.

Furthermore, we are not there to engage in conventional warfare. When will you bloviating morons understand this? The united states military could vaporize the whole country if need be. Thats not the mission.

Here is how the conlfict in afghanistan works. An insurgent comes out to play, the usmc crushes them, the insurgents retreat, either back in to the community blending in with the civilian population or back over the boarder in to pakistan. Mix in a few spec-op raids here and there. Rinse and repeat.
What is the mission? Because if you know, you sure know a hell of a lot more than the people at the Pentagon.

Gen. Patreus during a Senate testimony a few months ago there were only "double digit" amounts of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, so that means there are only about between 10-99. So this government needs 100k+ troops in Afghanistan? Really?
Originally Posted by justforsneaks

Wikileaks is so 2010
how is wikileaks so 2010.
This corrupt country does soo many F'd up things everyday that we as Americans deserve to know.
No one says brush it off but you guys act like America is holy

Pls anyone who quoted my post against me. Name a country or civilization that did not do a for of what we are all arguing about. Heck pls name me a country not corrupt towards there people.

Educate myself I am educated but I am not also holding a country responsible for every dam action. S*** we like to be critics but yet we love the freedoms the USA hands us. Smh....
this war is only a continuation of the ways of the past...until the complete picture and narrative is acknowledged change will not come.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

this war is only a continuation of the ways of the past...until the complete picture and narrative is acknowledged change will not come.

If America wants to carry the label of "World Diplomatic Police" in the name of democracy
then it should follow through on that. Unfortunately, for decades America (as well as Europe) has never really been able to
keep its foreign policy "interests" in check. And the saga continues...
Originally Posted by airedweezy

No one says brush it off but you guys act like America is holy

Pls anyone who quoted my post against me. Name a country or civilization that did not do a for of what we are all arguing about. Heck pls name me a country not corrupt towards there people.

Educate myself I am educated but I am not also holding a country responsible for every dam action. S*** we like to be critics but yet we love the freedoms the USA hands us. Smh....
Had to do it.................

Originally Posted by High Altitude

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy


Where all the dudes that were mad at me the other day for not respecting soldiers at???

You're dumb as all hell. You're grouping all US soldiers in the same category.
I love when people try to defend people of authority who abuse their power, There isnt a special patch that lets us know which members of the military are "dirty"

 Hence the term "Guilty by Association?" 
Gen. Patreus during a Senate testimony a few months ago there were only "double digit" amounts of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, so that means there are only about between 10-99. So this government needs 100k+ troops in Afghanistan? Really?
  Yet the Taliban numbers are over 35,000. And since 2009, the Taliban have been responsible for over 76% of the civilian casualties. And if we never went into Afghan, Taliban would still be in power, harboring Al-Qaeda.
Originally Posted by Any Given Sunday89

Gen. Patreus during a Senate testimony a few months ago there were only "double digit" amounts of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, so that means there are only about between 10-99. So this government needs 100k+ troops in Afghanistan? Really?
  Yet the Taliban numbers are over 35,000. And since 2009, the Taliban have been responsible for over 76% of the civilian casualties. And if we never went into Afghan, Taliban would still be in power, harboring Al-Qaeda.
please dont try to educate the deaf and blind ....
funny that the month the statement was made 25 known Al Qaeda  members were killed.  So this lead to many unanswered questions, main one being that who they consider Al-Qaeda (the openly sworn members)?
I want people to understand that they are trying to justify the killing of Children. There is a reason that we have Juvenile Court system. There is a reason you can't/shouldn't sleep with 14 year olds. We have really smart people completely missing the point on a lot of issues. America Executes Kids. this is the land I love, and we need to fix it.
Originally Posted by bboy1827

I want people to understand that they are trying to justify the killing of Children. There is a reason that we have Juvenile Court system. There is a reason you can't/shouldn't sleep with 14 year olds. We have really smart people completely missing the point on a lot of issues. America Executes Kids. this is the land I love, and we need to fix it.

Keep thinking children will not kill you in a heart beat


You can be tried as an adult as early as the age of 12.

The age of consent in some states are 14 y/o and you can legally get married with the permission of a judge 13.

I'm just saying! 
Originally Posted by RiKaN HaVoK

Originally Posted by bboy1827

I want people to understand that they are trying to justify the killing of Children. There is a reason that we have Juvenile Court system. There is a reason you can't/shouldn't sleep with 14 year olds. We have really smart people completely missing the point on a lot of issues. America Executes Kids. this is the land I love, and we need to fix it.

Keep thinking children will not kill you in a heart beat


You can be tried as an adult as early as the age of 12.

The age of consent in some states are 14 y/o and you can legally get married with the permission of a judge 13.

I'm just saying! 
So you're cool with executing kids?
Originally Posted by bboy1827

Originally Posted by RiKaN HaVoK

Originally Posted by bboy1827

I want people to understand that they are trying to justify the killing of Children. There is a reason that we have Juvenile Court system. There is a reason you can't/shouldn't sleep with 14 year olds. We have really smart people completely missing the point on a lot of issues. America Executes Kids. this is the land I love, and we need to fix it.

Keep thinking children will not kill you in a heart beat


You can be tried as an adult as early as the age of 12.

The age of consent in some states are 14 y/o and you can legally get married with the permission of a judge 13.

I'm just saying! 
So you're cool with executing kids?

Executing in what way?
 If they are still shooting while they are down? Nope, no problem at all

 or if they are disarm? Yes, they are no longer a threat to my life.

One thing is for sure - If I go into a hostile situation, you better believe that if I see a child , elderly or woman with intent of causing me harm I will not hesitate.

If you think kids are not expose to the propaganda use by these terrorist organization, these anti-american countries, the list go on and in no way they are affected by it, YOU ARE WRONG!

Just Saying!
Gambit215- wow good one bro forgot everyone here has phds. And great value you add to this topic
Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

this war is only a continuation of the ways of the past...until the complete picture and narrative is acknowledged change will not come.

If America wants to carry the label of "World Diplomatic Police" in the name of democracy
then it should follow through on that. Unfortunately, for decades America (as well as Europe) has never really been able to
keep its foreign policy "interests" in check. And the saga continues...
Well, to do that, we would have to tackle the root cause, violent people. But, in order to do that, you would have to have uncompromising peace and rid the USA of all violence, which would negate us going to war altogether.
No police organization is perfect, no military is perfect, no country is perfect. The only difference between us and other countries is we have more interests and investments everywhere so when something goes wrong to compromise either of those, we have to try to solve it diplomatically or through "force". True, we shouldn't carry the label "World Diplomatic Police", but there's no turning back to an isolated country we once were and what you're asking for is damn near impossible. For the record, the saga continues, but, it's bettering itself, and I'd like to add, that's a human issue a whole. Not just the US and Europe.
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