Wildest stuff you ever seen at work vol: someone $$#$ on the floor...

Originally Posted by solarius49

Tons of things when I worked at this shoe store....

We had this crackhead (Tommy) who would come in all the time and was friends with my boss. Another dude was a registered sex offender (Ben), and was always highly medicated. Every other week they would switch off taking out the trash, and my boss would pay them $10 to do so. One day they both showed up at the same time, but the trash had already been taken out. My boss offered them to split $10 if they would suck each other off......needless to say they took the money

My last deployment, this dude thought it would be funny to jack off in front of everybody with hand sanitizer...Needless to say we were not amused.  So while he was doing this, my boy snuck up on him and set his penis on fire lol!  i couldnt believe what I was seeing!

what store did u work in? crackhead sounds familiar
i got somethin for that @+$ $%^$

So continuing with my hospital stories i just remembered of one or two more.

So i was walking down the hall of one of the floors at my hospital and a nurse called for help from one of the rooms..at this point i looked around first to see if she was calling someone she knew or if someone else herd but nobody paid attention, so as the good guy iam
i walked in the room and moved the curtain too see!!! a person on their side and the nurse whos got this face like she's pushing to take a dump (white girl red face). So i put some gloves on and ask her what she needs help with, nurse asked me to help keep the patient on the side so she can stick a suppository (A suppository is a drug delivery system that is inserted into the rectum) up this lady's butt. So i gave the :X and helped the patient onto her side. Nurse was getting it in with that @+$ after she sticks it in she's making faces like
:l . So she was done and i took my gloves off and went to wash my hands, she was talking to me while she took of her gloves, as she was talking to me i noticed one of her gloves ripped and it was the hand that was up the patients @+$, her index finger had dookie on it and she had no idea..worse was that she had kinda long nails OooOOo man and i didnt say anything either....she was talking about her day while she fixed her hair, by then i knew it was too late to rescue her so i said i have to go and left...4 steps into the hallway and i hear her goo omg +%%!! note to ppls in hospital dont have crackhead fingernails!

used to work in the cafeteria at a psychiatric hospital

a ladies colostomy bad busted while waiting in line and she tracked poop although out the cafeteria and hallways.

One day this dude start jacking it during dinner. They taught us in training to always let them finish so they don't shoot any on you.
Retail job at a department store:
* Man in lingerie department trying on women's panties/bras.
* A crap filled pair of briefs left in changeroom (or countless times they get pissed in).
* A kid came up to me saying that his mama wasnt stealing anything (so of course I call loss prevention to tell them to follow her on camera).
Hospital lab job:
* All the foreign object removed from people's rectum/colon came through our lab. So I can recall seeing candles, adult toys, branches, plants, trophys, and a cue ball. And on most the surgery reports the patient always seemed to say they fell and the objects ended up there.
* Celebrity patients usually using aliases and finding out who has cancer, who gets abortions, who has anal warts (usually a sign that someone is gay) or who has prosthetic penises amongst other things. I dont work their now but Im still not gonna break all the HIPAA/confidentiality regulations. Pretty mind blowing stuff.
* Body parts and organs. Not pretty stuff but you get used to it. One time they were having a practice workshop for doctors trying a method of surgery going through the nose. So in a lab there were tables with a dozen or so cadavor heads on them.
Originally Posted by RobinVanDamn

used to work in the cafeteria at a psychiatric hospital

a ladies colostomy bad busted while waiting in line and she tracked poop although out the cafeteria and hallways.

One day this dude start jacking it during dinner. They taught us in training to always let them finish so they don't shoot any on you.

Smh. NastyI could never work at a psych ward. Seen too many horror movies.
Originally Posted by odog24

every retail job comes guaranteed with a story about someone taking shooting rocket feces all over the bathroom.

Yep. At my last job someone covered the toilet seat, the back of the toilet, the walls and the floor in and outside the stall in diarrhea. I had to clean it
With the door closed
With gallons of bleach and a mop
I only got $30 for it.

Current job I had a coworker lose his $$*@ during the holidays; a customer wouldnt stop yelling so he in turn started yelling, cussing out everyone on the floor he could see. Walked out of the registers station and went on break right there. He didnt get fired.

My first job, I saw someone rage on PCP. The guy was scrawny, an obvious fiend. It took 6 full grown men to take him down after he stripped halfway naked in front of all the registers, screaming and throwing things. Cops came in and busted his !%* with a baton to the legs so they could keep him controlled long enough to put the cuffs on. Wildest thing I've ever seen

Another time, before I actually worked there, as my friend and I were walking in, we see this dude gettin his Usain Bolt on, sprinting out the door with a shopping cart full of groceries. Out of nowhere, in perfect synchronization, some old coupe pulls up and the guy unloads the cart into the car in 3 seconds flat. Driver hits a burnout, they're gone. Everyone was just standing in shock until LP ran past asking if anyone got the license plate. No one did
 When I worked at 6 Flags when I was 14, I used to run games. Got caught sleeping at my game so I had to do bathrooms for a week
. Before the park opened we had to fully inspect and clean each bathroom. We opened up this one bathroom (ladies) and and the only thing missing was yellow caution tape cause it straight looked like a crime scene. Some tramp took a bloody pad and smeared it all over the place (walls, mirror, single handles,). however, the site wasn't the worst part. The fish smell was 
. One chick who worked with us vomited almost immediately. Lucky for us, we didn't have to clean it. Any time there's blood/vomit around, leads/supervisors have to clean it.
Originally Posted by MMG

was just having this discussion earlier today with my dude

i remember when i used to work at target, i walked into the bathroom, someone had literally took a #%%# in the middle of the bathroom floor, i did the grandpa simpson, walked out the bathroom and told my manager

when i worked at a cell phone spot in a pretty wealthy area i used to have stripper come in and pay their phone bills
by pulling moist money on their bras
When I used to work for T-Mobile we used to clean the glass a couple times a day to watch people walk into it.  About 4 or 5 people actually walked into it and broke the glass 

Someone I know works as a manager at a popular NYC hotel and said she got a request for some things the hotel usually doesn't provide so she had to go speak with the guest.  Once it was Diddy and Cassie walking around in the background in a robe.  Second time it was Rihanna and Zac Efron. 
I'm a concierge at a residential building.  One day, a resident goes up to me and said someone stole his car (dude is in panic mode)....and wants me to find out what happened. 

(Knowing that this guy was on that white....) I called the garage attendant and he told me the resident crashed his own car on camera and threw the keys at him because he was in a rush to do something in the apartment.  I told the guy what happened and he was relieved that it was not stolen....just moved ....lol

Originally Posted by irie

Originally Posted by MMG

was just having this discussion earlier today with my dude

i remember when i used to work at target, i walked into the bathroom, someone had literally took a #%%# in the middle of the bathroom floor, i did the grandpa simpson, walked out the bathroom and told my manager

when i worked at a cell phone spot in a pretty wealthy area i used to have stripper come in and pay their phone bills
by pulling moist money on their bras
homie snitched on a piece of turd. relax boy

anyway the craziest thing i seen at work was a group consisting of 2 middle aged women and 2 10-year old kids tryna steal from our store..... they had the kids be the distraction while the moms had a de-pucker.......... people steal all the time but damn they had kids being affiliated too... wack as #*%*
While I was working at Starbucks, this ****** got into a fight with a dude that allegedly was making fun of shim. There were bottles thrown and garbage cans thrown around in the store. Dude wanted to square up with the ****** and I convinced him not to cause the cops were already on their way, and also I didnt want that crap in my store. But it was also lose lose for him. Just cause it kinda looks like a female, people forget that it still has man strength. If you lose you got beat by a dude wearing a dress. If you win, you just beat up a dude wearing a dress.
Originally Posted by mdwst9

Originally Posted by solarius49

Tons of things when I worked at this shoe store....

We had this crackhead (Tommy) who would come in all the time and was friends with my boss. Another dude was a registered sex offender (Ben), and was always highly medicated. Every other week they would switch off taking out the trash, and my boss would pay them $10 to do so. One day they both showed up at the same time, but the trash had already been taken out. My boss offered them to split $10 if they would suck each other off......needless to say they took the money

My last deployment, this dude thought it would be funny to jack off in front of everybody with hand sanitizer...Needless to say we were not amused.  So while he was doing this, my boy snuck up on him and set his penis on fire lol!  i couldnt believe what I was seeing!

what store did u work in? crackhead sounds familiar

Ace Athletic in Pittsburgh
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

While I was working at Starbucks, this ****** got into a fight with a dude that allegedly was making fun of shim. There were bottles thrown and garbage cans thrown around in the store. Dude wanted to square up with the ****** and I convinced him not to cause the cops were already on their way, and also I didnt want that crap in my store. But it was also lose lose for him. Just cause it kinda looks like a female, people forget that it still has man strength. If you lose you got beat by a dude wearing a dress. If you win, you just beat up a dude wearing a dress.
Smart/Good man
Too many to even remember, I've worked alot of different jobs, but I'll put some more recent.
When I worked for FedEx:

* Went to deliver a package to one of my regular stops but it was kinda late in the day.  Office door was usually wide open and this husband and wife worked in this one office but the door was closed and I was just gonna leave a delivery attempt slip on the door.  Some guy on the same office floor said he'd sign for it if I would just check to see if the door was open to leave it in their office. (I had already knocked.  No answer.)  I open the door, lights are out and the dude that works there is pounding himself to some G on G pron.  Apparently he really likes blondes.  His wife was a redhead. I could see him minimizing like 5 screens real quick on the comp and they were all blonde on blonde.  He was mad embarrassed and kinda mad, but just got up and tried to sign for it.  I was like "Nah, it's good" I just wrote his name down on the screen.  (didn't want him handling my scanner (pause) cause I wasn't sure whether he'd finished or not.)  He wouldn't talk to me or look me in the eye for a good 2 weeks after that he was so embarrassed and I couldn't just say "Dude, it's no big deal" cause his wife was always there working whenever I got there.  BTW they ran a cryogenics lab, meaning every day I would deliver them overnight shipments of sperm samples in freeze-containers for them to do whatever scientific stuff cryogenics labs do.  I always wondered if he was replacing the samples with his own, trying to impregnate the world...

* Had an 80 something year old lady answer the door in her bra and panties.

* Had a guy call in for a pickup. When I went to the office he handed me a FedEx envelope and the scanner wouldn't process the zipcode.  I told him we didn't deliver to the location he was trying to send it to.  (Some remote location in Guatemala) and he said to me, hand-to-God:

"It's there, you just have to ride a burro through the hills to get there.  When you get there to the city one of the guards will escort you so the Federales don't think you're trespassing and open fire so stay with the guard, but you'll have to ride a burro..."  Dude seriously thought I was gonna take that envelope, hop on a plane, and fly to Guatemala for one delivery that probably cost him about $25.  

* Had a woman call in a pickup, when I got there it was a TV and remote.  She said "Do you have a box?"  I told her we don't carry boxes in the truck big enough for a TV and she tried to argue with me to take it anyway and box it at the station. Then she asked if I knew the address where it was going.  She had no shipping label.  I asked her how I was supposed to know where it was going she said she sold it on ebay and the guy was gonna mail her a Fedex shipping label, and asked if I had it.  I could have just said "Yeah, it's in the truck" and walked away with a free TV. 

At the gym in Brooklyn I used to work at:

* Guy came in one time, changed his clothes, put everything in his locker, locked it up, and then taped an 8 x 10 autographed photo of him and Mariah Carey to the outside of the locker.

* Same guy: took a shower for what was probably 30-40 minutes with the curtain WIDE open for everyone who passed by to see his naked self.  Kept walking in and out of the sauna.  After he left we got complaints that the sauna smelled like urine.  Dude pee-pee'd on the hot coals in the sauna...

* Same guy, after he left and took down the Mariah picture, guy who had his locker after him came back out and complained that someone left a dirty diaper in his locker.  It was a balled up diaper with skidmarks all around it.  We still dont' know if it was an adult or child diaper.

* had a woman come in, walk to the desk and ask if we could put the TV that's above treadmill number 5 on Oprah.  She then stood on the treadmill for the entire hour and never moved.  Never turned the treadmill on.  Just stood there watching Oprah, then she left.

* Same woman: came in about 4 different times after that with a guest.  Every time it was a Middle-Eastern man. (she was white). Every time it was a different guy.  Every time she was extremely rude and authoritative towards them, just kept yelling stuff out like "Finish and shower, we're leaving in 2 hours.  Don't be late!!!"  We never figured that one out.

Gym I work at now in Boston:

* had a woman walk in, go to the leg press machine, put all her stuff down, coat, purse, grocery bags, etc... and, still in her work clothes, put a 45 on each side of the machine, pull her skirt all the way up to her waist, showing underwear, pantyhose, etc... (she was not attractive), kept her heels on, and got in the leg press and knocked out 15 reps (I counted), then got up and picked up all her stuff and left.  !@#$ never put her weights back.

* Same woman: was on the stepmill (like a stairmaster but set up like an escalator, so actual stairs keep rotating) and she started screaming "NO, NO, NO!!!" out of nowhere.  The machine kept getting faster and faster and instead of getting off she freaked out and tried to keep up with it but just kept screaming.  She eventually lost it, fell, and held on to the side-rails so she was just hanging there with these steps wacking the !@#$ out of her legs.  Someone pulled the plug and she got down and filed a complaint. 

* Had a membership sales rep who didn't get along with the general manager so he got transferred.  Before he left, he went out to the ave and gave out 3-month guest passes to a bunch of crackheads.  Most of them would just come in during the day, check in, and then go break into lockers and steal peoples stuff.  One guy used to actually come in every morning and work out, but it was a crackhead workout.  Picture a white Tyrone Biggums on Red Balls, just walking around the gym and doing sets on other people machines and benches whenever they got up to get water.  Dude would always get stuck under somebody's 315 bench press and have to get rescued.  His daily outfit was a pair of track pants, a backwards Kangol, and a backwards wifebeater.  One day he walked in with a lavendar, open-back, women's halter-top with flowers printed on it, and still had on track pants and a backwards Kangol.  He'd flex in the mirror after each set.

I have a ton more, just the first stuff that came to mind at the moment.  
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

* Had a membership sales rep who didn't get along with the general manager so he got transferred.  Before he left, he went out to the ave and gave out 3-month guest passes to a bunch of crackheads.  Most of them would just come in during the day, check in, and then go break into lockers and steal peoples stuff.  One guy used to actually come in every morning and work out, but it was a crackhead workout.  Picture a white Tyrone Biggums on Red Balls, just walking around the gym and doing sets on other people machines and benches whenever they got up to get water.  Dude would always get stuck under somebody's 315 bench press and have to get rescued.  His daily outfit was a pair of track pants, a backwards Kangol, and a backwards wifebeater.  One day he walked in with a lavendar, open-back, women's halter-top with flowers printed on it, and still had on track pants and a backwards Kangol.  He'd flex in the mirror after each set.

I have a ton more, just the first stuff that came to mind at the moment.  

Originally Posted by Ecook0808

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

* Had a membership sales rep who didn't get along with the general manager so he got transferred.  Before he left, he went out to the ave and gave out 3-month guest passes to a bunch of crackheads.  Most of them would just come in during the day, check in, and then go break into lockers and steal peoples stuff.  One guy used to actually come in every morning and work out, but it was a crackhead workout.  Picture a white Tyrone Biggums on Red Balls, just walking around the gym and doing sets on other people machines and benches whenever they got up to get water.  Dude would always get stuck under somebody's 315 bench press and have to get rescued.  His daily outfit was a pair of track pants, a backwards Kangol, and a backwards wifebeater.  One day he walked in with a lavendar, open-back, women's halter-top with flowers printed on it, and still had on track pants and a backwards Kangol.  He'd flex in the mirror after each set.

I have a ton more, just the first stuff that came to mind at the moment.  


This needs to be a dave chappelle skit
When I used to work at Party City, a car crashed through the front of the store in an area I was working in. Luckily I stepped away for a few minutes
Last summer we had a group of guys that had a bachelor party on a Saturday night at the restaurant I work at. All of the guys were hammered of course. Anyways the guy that was getting married asked me what it would take for him to get him and his party kicked out of the restaurant
...I tell him he'd probably have to do something illegal or really stupid. He just looks at me and smiles and laughs with the O RLY face
. He proceeds to go to the restroom and comes out butt naked
JUMPING and RUNNING on TOP of all the tables in the restaurant yelling "I'm getting married!" Parents that had their kids with them covered their kids eyes, but everyone else is cheering him on
...we call the bouncer and escort him outside. We just tell them to leave. The ones that weren't as hammered apologized and ended up leaving a $500 tip on a $1000 bill
funniest and craziest thing I've seen at work

Also on St. Patricks day someone came in with their face cut up, bleeding like crazy. They said someone "buck 50'd" him with a razor
. The manager denied him service cause he was drunk and bleeding all over the place and he threw his cell phone at our bar....

The things you see while working in a restaurant in NYC
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by Ecook0808

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

* Had a membership sales rep who didn't get along with the general manager so he got transferred.  Before he left, he went out to the ave and gave out 3-month guest passes to a bunch of crackheads.  Most of them would just come in during the day, check in, and then go break into lockers and steal peoples stuff.  One guy used to actually come in every morning and work out, but it was a crackhead workout.  Picture a white Tyrone Biggums on Red Balls, just walking around the gym and doing sets on other people machines and benches whenever they got up to get water.  Dude would always get stuck under somebody's 315 bench press and have to get rescued.  His daily outfit was a pair of track pants, a backwards Kangol, and a backwards wifebeater.  One day he walked in with a lavendar, open-back, women's halter-top with flowers printed on it, and still had on track pants and a backwards Kangol.  He'd flex in the mirror after each set.

I have a ton more, just the first stuff that came to mind at the moment.  


This needs to be a dave chappelle skit

Anyway when I did my Police internship last summer I saw some crackhead refusing to get arrested. He took a metal coat hanger and stabbed himself in the stomach with it. He was in the hospital just chillin there with a hanger in him, he got it 4 inches into his belly
. He got arrested as soon as he left lol
one time at work they caught this guy shootin up in the bathroom, when the boys came i seen his eyes bruh looked like he seen da devil, i remember something fell and he started wildin, i was
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