Window Tints

I got 5% in the 2 backseat windows and my rear window...I thinkin' about 35% in the front...but the Police mess with me enough already...
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I got 5% in the 2 backseat windows and my rear window...I thinkin' about 35% in the front...but the Police mess with me enough already...
Man i would never put 5% on my car... Ive driven a car with 5% and you cant see %+*$ ... i would never wanna be backin up like that.

I dont like it when people have crazy dark tint in the back then light in the front too... looks weird.

You should just to like 20 all around or 20 in the back and 35 up front
I got 15%. I think it looks

Haven't had any troubles with it either and I think I'm a decent amount below the legal limit.
Originally Posted by geminifly

In Florida the legal limit is 35% up front and 15% in the back. I had 5% up front and 3% in the back and I was getting
pulled over every other day. Finally I got so tired of going to court that I got them taken off and got 35% all

Tip:If you go to the flea market you can find police/fire department stickers. Place one on the back of your whip
and cops will be quicker to turn a blind eye.
I got 35% in front, 20% in back

Broward County
I have 35% on my front windows which almost matches the OEM tint in the rear windows. Most windows have a slight tint on them so meters will read a littledarker in reality by 1-2% most times. The legal limit is 30% here, but if I move back to NC I wanted to be legal there too.

Just be aware that those with illegal tints may be setting themselves up for liability with accidents, especially at night.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

true roommate got illegal tint, and he got a few tint finally he went to his eye doctor and got him to write a note that says his eyes make it a necessity that his tint be darker

cops still pull him over and give him *$%$, but he doesn't get tickets. gonna try this
My buddy's envoy OD in tint.
tinted like crazy

rear is 5% x2 (tinted twice)
windshield is 45%
front is 5%




you can't even see him in daylight driving....

Yep, he's been to court several times.

i'm looking to tint my whip and yes 35% all around sounds good enough.
Definitely have to get the backs darker then the front, in NY you dont want a pitch black tints in the front...being pulled over will be a everyday routine,especially if you got rims on the whip.
I have "limo" tint all around. I've gotten pulled over twice in the last month. ##@+ the police
i have 20% all around except the front windshield...

but no mean to thread jack but do yall think 35% on the front windshield will block the sun out?
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