Wine afficianado's I need your expertise...

Gill Baka Esq. LLC.

formerly grimlock
Sep 28, 2008
So I made a thread about getting a token of appreciation for people who wrote me a letter of rec and I figured the wine idea may be a good one since the semester is winding down and adults, esp. females drink wine.

I just need some wine heads to chime in and let me know what a good all around wine, with some class, that won't break the bank for me.  I'll I want to do is say "hey, here's a little something for helping me out a lil bit, hope you enjoy it and hope to talk to you one day"

They are 3 female professors between 35-55:
- One is jewish, just got married, 35ish (don't know if their is specially blessed wine for Jewish person(s)
- The other is 55ish, prob knows about wine a lil bit and may be a cat-lady
- the last is 50ish, reserved and busy with research most of the time so she could def. use some wine, along with the cat-lady

Any help is appreciated.
You're out east right?

Can't go wrong with Napa cabs....but you'll pay a bit more since you're not in CA (if I recall).

2007 was a great year for Napa valley (Oakville, espcially).

Give me a price range and I can name some wineries. You can buy direct from, possibly, too.
I sell wine for a living bro.
If youre in NYC I suggest you hit up some BK stores and support a brotha.

This link should be pretty good for you.

All of those are awarded wines and should all be under $25.
Theres even a store locator thatll tell you what stores in your area carry the wines.
The wines are:

Ghost Pines
Frei Bros
William Hill
Louis Martini

Personally Id suggest Louis Martini from Napa.

Youre welcome bro.
Anyway you can find out if they prefer red/white etc.?

If they like reds, I can offer up some suggestions. I'll be back.
whatever you get. spike it... then givem the D
If you're looking for good wine for a great price.go with Stella Rosa. It goes for like 12 bucks here in CA. Make sure you buy the red wine and not the white. I think the red wine says il conte on the label. Or just go with moscato Everyone likes it because its a sweet won't be to strong and definitely not bitter. Good luck op.
Originally Posted by kix28

If you're looking for good wine for a great price.go with Stella Rosa. It goes for like 12 bucks here in CA. Make sure you buy the red wine and not the white. I think the red wine says il conte on the label. Or just go with moscato Everyone likes it because its a sweet won't be to strong and definitely not bitter. Good luck op.

I have to disagree with moscato. Tastes like juice and never pairs well to me (coming from someone with no formal training).

A brand that I love is Cono Sur Bicycle. I've been on a Chilean wine kick.There Cabernet is very good.

Moscato and most Rieslings make me 

Much too sweet, and definitely aimed toward the younger crowd. That being said, they're good for an intro to wine.

You're talking about older women who more than likely have a specific taste. If they're white drinkers, you're looking at a Chardonnay or a Sauvignon Blanc. Red drinkers more than likely a Cabernet, maybe a Pinot Nior.

This is coming from someone whose worked in the service industry for close to 4 years in a particular demographic so I can't promise I'm accurate.
wow a lot of info here to absorb....uhhh but I was thinking up to $20 on each bottle? I mean it's probably cheap but it's what I can work with right now.

I was actually gonna call the secretary for all the professors and see what she knew but I know her and she's a run-mouth so I don't wanna go that route.  Not really sure if women prefer red over white a lot (generalizing) or if it really is a individualistic kind of decision for wine among women....I mean I would think women prefer red....or is that only the youngin's?
If you need a white, go with Rutherford Ranch 2010 Chardonay. I'm not huge on Chardonay, but this is one that pairs well and is very nice. Below your price range ($16 in CA).

As for $20, there's really a wide selection at that price point.
wine is a good idea and you can really never go wrong...if its a good one and they like it they will enjoy it...if its a cheapy or red when they like white or vice versa they will store it and serve it to guests or regift at the next holiday party

you need to figure out your price range and go from can get a bottle for $5 or $500 so obv thats a factor...other than that without knowing them or their tastes its gonna be crap shoot
I'm in nyc Lazy.

These names got me going nuts...I got no clue when it comes to wine so if you buds drink wines under $20 and swear by it lmk the name and year....I actually had some barefoot the other day white wine and it tasted great so that should let you know my overall knowledge of the winery game

I am trying to impress them with wine if I can do so you guys can make that happen for me.  They'll be like "OHH he knows about Bobby Brandon's white zinfandel from 1908?!??!?!?!, his pallet must be so refined"

and i'll be like

If you're in NYC then I still say you should go Napa Valley/Sonoma style. Even if the winery isn't well known to them, the region should be. Versus trying to impress and get one from a lesser known area and it turn out to be not so good. You know what I mean?

I'd look at points from recognized places (Wine Spectator) and see what you can get in terms of bang for your buck. You won't be able to get any reserves or super great years (i.e - 2007, IMO) at $20 from CA (generally) but you can still get some great wine.

As others have mentioned, see what preference is in terms of red/white if you can. I think a smooth Cabrinet as a token gift is still a nice gesture, given what they did for you I'd assume you don't have the relationship to really know what their drink preference is.
Originally Posted by kix28

If you're looking for good wine for a great price.go with Stella Rosa. It goes for like 12 bucks here in CA. Make sure you buy the red wine and not the white. I think the red wine says il conte on the label. Or just go with moscato Everyone likes it because its a sweet won't be to strong and definitely not bitter. Good luck op.

That stuff is a dessert wine.  And should be consumed with dessert. 

If you want, get a "Fairview"


...if you want to get something really special that is different..find a place that imports "Vergelegen"


I can guarantee you, you will NOT go wrong with it. It will also show you didn't just walk into a cheap liquor store and take something off the shelf, that you actually cared to put some thought into it...

Also, you can get a bottle of "Graham Beck", very good wine, in fact, it was used at Barack Obama's inauguration dinner. 
might be a stupid question but do places that sell wine let you taste them? Not like a regular liquor store but an actual wine store with racks of wine and whatnot.

I know that GoodBeer here in nyc lets you taste beer...just wondering if there's a wine counterpart...
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

might be a stupid question but do places that sell wine let you taste them? Not like a regular liquor store but an actual wine store with racks of wine and whatnot.

I know that GoodBeer here in nyc lets you taste beer...just wondering if there's a wine counterpart...

You got BevMo out there?
  That's on spot...some low key shops may do tastings. 

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