Wisdom Teeth??? vol. extraction

Nov 19, 2002
So, your boy will be getting all four of his wisdom teeth removed on Wednesday. Is there any advice you can give him?
Dont be sacared. Its not nearly as bad as it seems, had all four of mine cut out and was able to do things later that day, and I have a very low pain tolerancelevel.
jus got all 4 of mines out on Thurs only 1 of the 4 is still swollen and sore

but make sure you TAKE ALL YOUR MEDS (especially the antibiotics, make sure you take them as prescribed and finish them)
Oh boy..never will have mine pulled..I was shocked when my dentist told me.
but for most park I can say it will hurt..you should have them numb your gum before..
Rent alot of movies and exaggerate the pain so everyone will be your personal slave for the 3-5 days you are recovering.

For real though, rent some movies, I just stayed home and was bored as hell. The doc wouldnt let me take pain killers so I had to tough it out. Not fun...
i have one that i need to get pulled out. i'm bout to turn 22, and it just grew in a few months ago.
RIP---took me 2 weeks to recover...u will get addicted to the pain killers tho...they are nice...i miss them
lots of bleeding, stitches (possibly), and youre face will be numb for a few hours if they numb your mouth. eat soft foods kus food would get stuck in theholes where your wisom teeth were.
I had all 4 of mine removed too. My two bottom ones were growin sideways.. so they had to cut open my gums, crush the wisdom teeth, and then extract them. Oneof the worst experiences in my life. I slightly woke up in the middle of all this, and heard all the tooth crushing action. They seen my eyes opening and putme back under anesthesia again. I don't know how people say it ain't so bad. It was the worst 2 weeks of my life while it was healing. Not to mentionit was smelled real bad.
Dont be sacared. Its not nearly as bad as it seems, had all four of mine cut out and was able to do things later that day, and I have a very low pain tolerance level.
co-sign. i had mine done last november, and it wasn't bad at all. just ask for gas so you don't have to listen to all the cracking,crushing, yanking and powersawing they gotta do to pull out your teeth. hearing your teeth being broken is worse than the pain, i've been told. my twobottom teeth were impacted sideways into my jawbone, and i was worried that the extraction and recovery would be a mess. on top of that, i had a nerve wrappedaround one of them. turns out my fears were unfounded.

for me, the pain wasn't bad at all. they prescribed vicodin, and i didn't even take it. i just took three or four ibuprofen in addition to theantibiotics, and i was good money.

just remember to follow the post operative procedures they give you, and eat soft foods -- yogurt, mac n cheese, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, ice cream,stuff like that. for the first few days, try to keep food out of the extraction sites, or rinse them out when you can. don't, freak out if food getsstuck a few days later, though, as it'll make its way out on its own.

when you brush your teeth, be careful with how you rinse, as gargling with too much force might open up the incisions. if this happens, just gargle gentlywith warm salt water, and it should stop on its own and continue to heal.

honestly, it wasn't that big of a deal. just don't make the same mistake i did and eat refried beans and rice with el yucateco habanero sauce threedays after.
Originally Posted by c1o27

pain killers will be your best friend

yessir...and soft foods, ice-cream, milkshakes, soups, mash potatoes…try and stock up on food like that forthe next couple of days. And don't take the pain killers if you're going to drive, if you have to drive takesome extra strength Motrin.
Originally Posted by Patmc13

RIP---took me 2 weeks to recover...u will get addicted to the pain killers tho...they are nice...i miss them
2 weeks? must be nice! I was in basic training when I had mine removed, I had like 3 days tops to recover
i had so many waffles when i had mine out.
people make it out worse than it really is
and on the ride home, i dont remember much, but i sent some weird text to my ex
make sure u have alot of soup at home...they took all 4 of mines off..they put me to sleep and they got done lyk in an hour and a half. the pain was crazy.took me about 2 weeks to heal too. the wack part was that i was in high school n was goin 2 school with big ol cheeks..

edit:by the way people. my holes are still kind of open(wen i eat food get stuck in there) should they be closed? (remember i got them about about a yearago)they did put stitches but idk
I made a thread about this to about how I was shook... Man its nice you get some good drugs you bleed but nothing hurt the whole time I had it done plus I gota week off work to play gow2 right when it came out lol
prepare to have your mouth swollen, i had all 4 mine cut out before they grew in bout 3 yrs ago when i was 15. its gonna bleed that whole first day tho. andmake sure you clean out the holes after you eat. you don wanna get no infections
I had 2 pulled January 3rd with no swelling & was eating normal the next day - I just made sure I rinsed my mouth with warm salt water like theyrecommended though.
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