wisdom you have picked up over the years


Apr 12, 2012
post some things you have leaned since growing up -even when your doin bad someone somewhere is doing worse-have fun while you can cuz life is short-you don't need the baddest girl, u need the girl who needs you the baddest- when in doubt whip it out-money over witches -work is only as fun as you make it-not havin a dad in your life makes you a better dad for your son - text first then call-there's a thin line between thirst and being distant, it's hard to master
Originally Posted by Jordanscrub

Women NT can be cold...
if you fail to plan, you're only planning to fail.

for things to change you, must change.

dont wish it was easier, wish you were better.

successful people are willing to do what unsuccessful people aren't willing to do.

only the weak attempt to accomplish what he knows he can already achieve.

save and invest.

before you make any purchase, ask yourself, do you really NEED it?
You can't save everyone. Some people have to hit rock bottom before they change.

Always think before you speak. Sometimes think twice.

Be careful of what you think, say or do in anger. Once you say or do something, you can't hit rewind.
Listen to EVERYTHING the older folks try to tell you while you're younger. The older I get, the more I realize that everything they said was true
Know you limits, but never stop trying to exceed them
Originally Posted by jbpkickz

post some things you have leaned since growing up -even when your doin bad someone somewhere is doing worse -have fun while you can cuz life is short -you don't need the baddest girl, u need the girl who needs you the baddest - when in doubt whip it out -money over witches -work is only as fun as you make it -not havin a dad in your life makes you a better dad for your son - text first then call -there's a thin line between thirst and being distant, it's hard to master

Wisdom doesn't just fall into quotes.  Wisdom is something you experience and embrace for a 'change'.  Just like many of us, I grew up w/ quotes and all that type of stuff, but I never thought I'd have my shot at encoutering something I could relate to.  Most of my wisdom and experience comes from the working world. 

For myself, I've always emphasize hard work, and even though some people always want to claim 'credit' - I always deferred it.  I've always believed that people have eyes and ears and do realize the hard work that people do, and that they don't need the arrogant, loud types.  Just recently, I had a meeting with my close manager and was told that she was working w/ HR into getting me a bump in my pay scale/range.

Suddenly, it gave me confidence in the system of belief. 
I agree about wisdom not falling into quotes, but they are short summations of how things play out. I'm sure I'll be back in this thread because I have learned a lot. Here are some:

-"What's right isn't always popular, and what's popular isn't always right".
-In life, don't carry around other people's burdens, it will become your own and that person's problem will be yours unnecessarily. That being said, forgive and let go (not to be confused with forget it never happened, just don't hold a grudge, it will consume you.)
-Start each day on purpose.
-Invest time.
-Just do it.
-Take chances.
-Be happy for others!
-Go fast. Don't rush.
-Study both successes and failures with an eye to the future.
-Live life like its your first and last day.
-Pain now is better than pain deferred.
-If you're not going all in, don't waste your time.
-Nothing can be wrong but your own personal attitude.

Some more on my blog (link below) on quotes page
When the opportunity presents itself, seize the moment instead of putting it off for a "better time"
Money comes and goes but Time is the most precious thing you can give to someone,

Choose wisely who you give it to.
The best treasury has no lock, yet no one can open it. The best fetters are those which bind by nothing material, yet cannot be broken.

Only he who does not seek to be ahead of others is capable of living in harmony with everyone.

Falsity, aspiration to wealth, theft, cruelty toward living beings — all these disappear when people possess true knowledge.

What does it mean that glory and disgrace are equally feared of? It means that people fight for glory and then fear to lose it. And what does it mean that fame is a great distress in life? It means that I suffer great distress because I treasure my name.

When people know the beautiful, they understand also what is ugly. When they learn what is good, they realize also what is evil.

-Tao Te Ching
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