With the #1 pick in the NBA draft, Seattle Supersonics select.....


Feb 7, 2008
I know this is just speculation and the draft is months away but just think about if they get the #1 pick.

The Sonics are building around two players right now They are Kevin Durant and Jeff Green. Kevin Durant is having a great rookie year (avg 19 points a game)and Jeff Green is playing pretty well also. These two players by themselves could provide a bright future for Seattle but apparently Clay Bennett (Sonicsowner) thinks they aren't enough to keep the team in the same location.

Think about it, the Sonics get #1 pick (which isn't that little of chance since as of today they have a 11.9% shot to get the #1 pick ) they bring inMichael Beasley who completely electrifies the whole city of Seattle, making them think this team could go somewhere sooner rather than later. Think of thatcombo, Green + Durant + Beasley = a BRIGHT future for the Sonics.

For those of you that don't know, Clay Bennett is aggressively pursuing the idea of moving the Sonics to Oklahoma City. The only way he says he won'tmove the team is if the Sonics get a completely brand new arena, which has been turned down by the higher ups in Seattle. But, if, just if, the Sonics get the#1 pick, bringing in Beasley, maybe this will change the mindset of all those people who said "no" to a new arena. The upside of this team would takea gigantic swing and hopefully the city of Seattle would notice it. If they did, they would probably see that it would be a good choice to keep this team inSeattle, since they young talent on the team would be completely ridiculous.

This is just what I've been thinking about since the season is winding down and teams are starting to tank. Has anybody else gave this a thought for whatthis could do for Seattle?

Considering the general turmoil surrounding the team in regards to the potential move, I doubt Kevin Durant or Jeff Green is a "Sonic" once theirrookie deals are up. If getting one of the more exciting players to come into the league in Kevin Durant didnt change the minds of those refusing to publiclyfund a new arena, Michael Beasly isnt going to help either.
that would be
considering there all from the MD/DC area and Durantand Beasley were childhood friends...It would be a problem for the NBA
The problem with the arena isn't that the city is completely unwilling to help finance one, it's that the city refuses to completely finance one.That's probably not going to change, regardless of who is brought in. If Clay Bennett doesn't concede and put some of his own cash into the new arenaproject, that team isn't staying in Seattle. It sucks, but it is what it is...

And yeah, I think they take Beasley, too... But he's not changing the fact that they'll be moving at the first opportunity.
sorry. Beasley's coming to NY. No way David Stern doesn't see the Knicks to a #1 pick.
^ Stern's been trying to help the Knicks, but Dolan refuses to listen. Knicks aren't getting @%@
Even if the Sonics get the #1 pick, the ownership will find a way to kill the excitement. They did the exact same thing when it was announced we got the #2pick last year. Instead of building momentum and excitement around the #2 pick and the franchise, Bennett delivered a quote saying that he was pessimisticabout the team staying in Seattle. Everyone went from excited to depressed.
Originally Posted by G2P0

Even if the Sonics get the #1 pick, the ownership will find a way to kill the excitement. They did the exact same thing when it was announced we got the #2 pick last year. Instead of building momentum and excitement around the #2 pick and the franchise, Bennett delivered a quote saying that he was pessimistic about the team staying in Seattle. Everyone went from excited to depressed.

pretty much. bennett doesn't want to stay in seattle so he'll do anything to kill off fan support. him and stern have been doing it all season
Yeah Beasley is a lock for the top spot...no matter who has the pick. There's no way he doesn't go 1 now.
Originally Posted by Cyprus Sinner II

Kevin Durant is having a great rookie year (avg 19 points a game)

I wouldn't call it great.

He's only shooting 40%.

To put it in perspective, Adam Morrison shot 37% his rookie year and people now think he is an abomination to basketball.

Lebron shot 41% rookie year

Melo 42%

Kidd 38% first and second year (people overlooked it and gave him ROY)

Kobe 41%

Iverson 41%

So....just to put fg% in perspective amongst other 'stars'
Beasley is staying, he doesn't want to 'grow up' yet by becoming an NBA-player and getting all the responsibilities that will bring along..
/\ if you hadn't noticed...KD has played the 2 for the entire year and Jeff is a SF. the 4 and 5 spots have been occupied by combinations of Wilcox,Collison, Thomas, and Petro
Wilcox is alright. Rose definatly is who they need more. I could see them getting Rose. I agree with Dutch also Beasley is staying another year
do you guys seriously believe Beasley is staying another year?

would any of you guys like to put $$$ on that? i am dead serious. i have about $10 left in my PayPal... if it turns out in 3 months that Beasley does stay iwill pay up.
These people just don't know who Mike is...if you knew ANYTHING about the kid you would know he was on the one and done path since about his 8th gradeyear. There were even some in his circle who explored the possibility of having him play overseas instead of going to college at all when they put the rule in.There is a 0% chance that he returns...I don't know why you all are reading so much into those comments he made. Carmelo and Durant both said theydidn't want to leave and might "return" for the sophmore years.
Originally Posted by AK Nako

sorry. Beasley's coming to NY. No way David Stern doesn't see the Knicks to a #1 pick.

aint that the truth
but although Rose would be our need pickconsidering he is a franchise PG, turning down Beasley would be tough considering how much better he is than the rest. and his potential to be one of theleagues best...

so let me fix it for you...
With the #1 pick in the NBA draft, Seattle Supersonics select..... Michael Beasley

New York Knicks
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