WM XXVII Fallout - 4/7 NTWT Maina I Concludes Tonight! - Hombrelobo vs TennHouse | IC Title Tourny


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]that didn't take long at all.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]that didn't take long at all.[/color]
Anybody using TVandsportstreams know if they replaying WM right after this because I'm just now tuning in....I gotta see from the beginning.
Anybody using TVandsportstreams know if they replaying WM right after this because I'm just now tuning in....I gotta see from the beginning.
4w you think they are giving these two vets at least 20 plus minutes ending this around 9ish then hopefully no more than 10-15 for the divas majority of that time John Mo and Dolph leaving the last 45 for Cena/Miz and what ever they got planned for Rock...
4w you think they are giving these two vets at least 20 plus minutes ending this around 9ish then hopefully no more than 10-15 for the divas majority of that time John Mo and Dolph leaving the last 45 for Cena/Miz and what ever they got planned for Rock...
That bump HHH took from that back body drop off of the Table. That had to have damaged his arm or wrist somehow

I don't feel any story being told in this match though, it's just bumps and bumps and bumps so far although I do understand the need for it just being that.

Spine Buster through the spanish announce table
That bump HHH took from that back body drop off of the Table. That had to have damaged his arm or wrist somehow

I don't feel any story being told in this match though, it's just bumps and bumps and bumps so far although I do understand the need for it just being that.

Spine Buster through the spanish announce table
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