WM XXVII Fallout - 4/7 NTWT Maina I Concludes Tonight! - Hombrelobo vs TennHouse | IC Title Tourny

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Yes, they didn't tie up!!!

DAMN! Taker just tossed HHH like he weighed 100 lbs.

JR and King calling the rest of the show

JR is rusty as $%!% but wow does his voice add so much to the broadcast. makes u wanna shake your head as to why anybody would not let him call raws and ppv every damn time.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Yes, they didn't tie up!!!

DAMN! Taker just tossed HHH like he weighed 100 lbs.

JR and King calling the rest of the show

JR is rusty as $%!% but wow does his voice add so much to the broadcast. makes u wanna shake your head as to why anybody would not let him call raws and ppv every damn time.
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by CherryJ23

I really cant stand Undertaker's entrance music

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Johnny Cash would beat the dog sh-- outta you. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Johnny Cash [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].[/color]

I dont have a problem with the song it just doesnt go right as his entrance music
Originally Posted by masondid

4w you think they are giving these two vets at least 20 plus minutes ending this around 9ish then hopefully no more than 10-15 for the divas majority of that time John Mo and Dolph leaving the last 45 for Cena/Miz and what ever they got planned for Rock...

Yeah, these guys will end around 9:55.  The Snooki match itself won't last more than 5 minutes meaning it prob is over by 10:10, and then we have Miz/Cena/Rock in the ring from 10:15 to the end.  I really am starting to get the feeling that The Rock is winning the title tonight.  He keeps talking that this will be the most memorable WrestleMania in history, and we haven't had anything to make it that thus far.......
Originally Posted by masondid

4w you think they are giving these two vets at least 20 plus minutes ending this around 9ish then hopefully no more than 10-15 for the divas majority of that time John Mo and Dolph leaving the last 45 for Cena/Miz and what ever they got planned for Rock...

Yeah, these guys will end around 9:55.  The Snooki match itself won't last more than 5 minutes meaning it prob is over by 10:10, and then we have Miz/Cena/Rock in the ring from 10:15 to the end.  I really am starting to get the feeling that The Rock is winning the title tonight.  He keeps talking that this will be the most memorable WrestleMania in history, and we haven't had anything to make it that thus far.......
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by CherryJ23

I really cant stand Undertaker's entrance music

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Johnny Cash would beat the dog sh-- outta you. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Johnny Cash [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].[/color]

I dont have a problem with the song it just doesnt go right as his entrance music
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