Woman falsely accuses man of rape Vol. Signed by the ATL Falcons!

I hope she gets raped, tortured, and dies a slow death... I'm not joking either.

Such a disgusting piece of sh..


Even though they blurred out her face... judging from her body... I'd smash.
im truly disgusted. 6 years is a LONG $%# time to spend in jail for something you didnt do. on top of that he is a sex offender? no amount of jailtime she serves is gonna bring those years back. i say kill her now and spare make the world a better place
As soon as my man started crying I cut that %%%% off.

+*#+##$ disgusting.
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

that chick deserves to really get raped.

 What she did was foul and she should be severely punished--jail time + compensating her victim, etc--but to advocate that she get raped is O.D...


. %$%* that noise. The !*#%! deserves to be raped repeateldy over and over again for 5 years or however much time he did inside.
he should sue her triflin #@$. he can sue for compensation, emotional damages, false accusation, all that %@^&. had that guy been me i would have flipped out. his dream of becoming a player in the nfl are probably shot now. smh
Smh...dude is definitely strong, he's handling this whole situation with class and dignity. There have to be laws enacted to punish false rape accusers.

A couple years back an NTer and his friends got accused of raping of this chick, but it turns out she lied. Anybody remember that?
She has to pay that money back, right? The district gave up $1.5 million on false pretenses. The district will at least destroy her financially, because you know she's been livin' large off that ever since.

Edit: if USC really wants some great PR, they give this guy a free ride for the education he was robbed of.
Originally Posted by romedadude

A couple years back an NTer and his friends got accused of raping of this chick, but it turns out she lied. Anybody remember that?

Word!? Link?
USC needs to admit this guy and give him a scholarship. Let the dude put on some pads, even if he sucks. They don't have to play him, there has to be enough scholarship money out there to let him get the free education he was robbed of. Let him live some of his dream.
She deserves to be in jail 10 years, twice him. How the hell does she feel justified enough to not give back the 1.5 mil?? She should be this mans slave the rest of his life
Originally Posted by dankenstien88

Considering the fact he had NFL potential IMO he is 100%  entitled to the potential millions he would have received if he made it to the NFL.

Im assuming his next step will be suing the girl, the school and the state for letting this kind of thing happen to him.

I really hope dude gets PAID!!!   But even more so I hope that little liar that took 5 years of his life gets what she has coming to her.


I actually went to school with dude and was at summer school the day it happened. The girl is foul, she's very known around for being a grimey skeezy. But to put Brian in the situation that she did was purely jacked up. He had TONS of colleges recruiting him and he had a chance at going pro. None of us understood what was taking so long for him to get out of jail, we all knew he didn't do it. Plus the fact that she was running around telling people that he didn't rape her was
. Good for Brian, now he can move on with his life. Go Jackrabbits!
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

Originally Posted by romedadude

A couple years back an NTer and his friends got accused of raping of this chick, but it turns out she lied. Anybody remember that?

Word!? Link?

one of the accusers was a nter and posted in that thread
i hope they don't come back with some bs like "she was a minor, aint nothing we can do now". her moms should get time too
if brandon weeden can make it into the NFL as a 'rookie' at the age of 29, so can brian.

...i'm tempted to even write a letter to USC about this. What a great story this would be.
Also reminds me of an even sadder story in Seattle a number of years ago. This girl claimed a guy raped her (she had actually just cheated on her BF), then she recanted her story, then she changed her mind again. Her boyfriend and a couple other dudes lured the supposed "rapist" to a pre-dug grave, stabbed him with a screw driver, then buried him. Then the girl recanted her story again and said it never happened. Too late, dude died because of it, and she went about her life without punishment.
Originally Posted by cocotaso1

i hope they don't come back with some bs like "she was a minor, aint nothing we can do now". her moms should get time too

Her mom should get it the worst! She knew that girl hadn't been raped and decided to sue anyway! Not a %^&* was given. SMH!
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by 916kid

he has a youtube page

This is legitimately terrifying. �Like i feel something gripping my heart just seeing how easily and coldly you could take away someone's life like that for money. �I can't...this world man.
damn...im tiiiight right now
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