Woman falsely accuses man of rape Vol. Signed by the ATL Falcons!

^You can't.

Some NTers would have you think that if you select wisely that everything's all good,but you NEVER know who will flip ++*% on your $!@ and show you a side of them that you never even knew existed.
Originally Posted by culturecarnage

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Wow, one of my cousins (along with 2 of his friends) did 10 years for "rape". My cousin was smashing some chick he had been hitting up for
awhile at her parents house, and she told him to invite some of his friends over. So they came over and all got some from her. Her dad comes 

home, all 3 dudes hop out the window and you can probably fill in the rest. 
thats terrible...

women who lie about rape and who the father of their children are are the bottom of the barrel...doesn't get much worse than that
blame the societal norms that greatly constrain what women can do sexually while still being upstanding citizens. blame %%+*-shaming, that's the reason for false rape charges. 
some of the responses to this thread are ridiculous. don't even know why i bother coming here.

It's not the women's fault for doing things they're ashamed of and lying about it?  Those are things outside of their control?
kudos to him for having the patience to deal with this.
that's all I have to say. 
Originally Posted by culturecarnage

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Wow, one of my cousins (along with 2 of his friends) did 10 years for "rape". My cousin was smashing some chick he had been hitting up for
awhile at her parents house, and she told him to invite some of his friends over. So they came over and all got some from her. Her dad comes 

home, all 3 dudes hop out the window and you can probably fill in the rest. 
thats terrible...

women who lie about rape and who the father of their children are are the bottom of the barrel...doesn't get much worse than that
blame the societal norms that greatly constrain what women can do sexually while still being upstanding citizens. blame %%+*-shaming, that's the reason for false rape charges. 
some of the responses to this thread are ridiculous. don't even know why i bother coming here.

The good ole fall back...blame it on the societal constructs that have been set since the beginning of American culture etc etc
Women cry so much that society is unfair towards them, but there are so many tools set before them to counter these "societal constructs"
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Some NFL dreams never die

By Rick Reilly

[/td][/tr][tr][td][font=verdana, arial, geneva]Brian Banks holding a paper with the best news of his life. His wrongful conviction of rape and kidnapping was overturned when his accuser recanted.[/font][/td][/tr][/table]It's not every day that the Washington ******** call up a man convicted of rape and ask him if he'd agree to a one-day workout, but it happened Tuesday.Oh, and the Kansas City Chiefs called Tuesday, too. And the Miami Dolphins. And they were three days behind the Seattle Seahawks, who will work him out on June 7.Why are all these NFL teams eager to check out a convicted sex offender, a man who served five years in prison and wore a GPS ankle bracelet for another five?Because Brian Banks didn't do it.A judge in Long Beach, Calif., threw out his kidnapping and rape conviction last week after looking at a videotape of his accuser admitting she lied. After 10 years, he was suddenly a free and innocent man."My mouth hurts from smiling so much," Banks told me Tuesday night. "Unbelievable."Banks was 16 in 2002, the bluest of blue chips out of Long Beach Poly High School, an NFL feeder if there ever was one. He'd already been offered a full-ride scholarship at USC by then-coach Pete Carroll.But on a summer day that year, he and a girl named Wanetta Gibson decided to go make out in a stairwell at school. When they came out, she accused him of rape.No semen traces in the rape kit. No witnesses. And yet Banks' attorney insisted he cop a plea, saying his size, age and race would mean a sure conviction of 40-plus years. He said no, no, a hundred times no and finally, reluctantly, yes.Banks got six years. He served 62 months.When he got out, he had to wear a GPS ankle bracelet at all times. He had to register as a convicted sex felon. Couldn't go near schools, parks or zoos. Couldn't get a job. He was lucky to get a few hours a week unloading docks.What did Gibson get? A $750,000 settlement from the school.But then, last year, a chunk of luck fell from the stars. Out of the blue, Gibson, then 24, sent Banks a Facebook friend request.Banks slammed the laptop cover down and jumped out of his chair. Was somebody playing a joke on him?He looked again. Amazing. Gibson had typed, "Let's let bygones be bygones."Easy for her to say. She didn't watch 10 years of her life go by."She was adamant about meeting me," Banks says. "I asked my brother (Freddy), 'What should I do?' He said, 'Whatever you do, make sure you play chess, not checkers.'"Banks' first move: To get everything she said on tape. He hired a private investigator and met Gibson in the man's office, where every conversation is secretly videotaped. The tape recorded Gibson saying, clearly, "No, he did not rape me."Was he nervous she wouldn't say it?"I didn't have to get her to say anything," Banks said. "She came into the room expressing herself. She even came back the next day. The investigator asked her again, point blank. 'Did Brian rape you?' 'No.' 'Did he kidnap you?' 'No.'"And why would Gibson meet with Banks in the first place? Was it a trap? Was it guilt? No. Banks thinks Gibson -- are you ready for this? -- was hoping to get back together."You read the texts and that's the only conclusion you come to," says a source who worked on the case. "She seems absolutely clue-free about what she did to him."Getting evidence is one thing, getting your rape conviction flipped is another. Banks called the California Innocence Project in San Diego. They agreed to help. It was the first time they'd taken a case of a man already out of prison."As soon as we met him, we had no doubt," says Justin Brooks, the lead attorney. "We could see this was a kid who had a big future ahead of him, one that had been lost."On Thursday, May 24, in a Long Beach courtroom, Banks got his future back.What's the first thing he did, besides cry at the courtroom table? Snipped off the stupid ankle bracelet, the scarlet letter of our age. "Oh, man, when that thing came off?" Banks says. "There are no words."Then he went with Brooks' wife and kids to a place he couldn't have gone the day before -- Sea World."It's so crazy to go from being labeled a monster to seeing your phone light up with all this support and offers and love," he said. "It's, really, a little hard to get used to."And what does Banks want most now? Retribution? Revenge? Gibson's head on a serving platter? No. He's not even demanding Gibson give the money back. While he is suing the state for $100 for each day he was falsely imprisoned, what he wants back most is football.[table][tr][td][/td][td]
[/td][/tr][tr][td][font=verdana, arial, geneva]Banks celebrates his exoneration and freedom with his mother, Leomia Myers.[/font][/td][/tr][/table]Thanks to the best Tuesday of his life, he's now got a chance at it.None of the four teams are offering any guarantees for a spot in training camp, nor is Banks asking for any."I'll make 'em happy," says Banks, who's been training non-stop since October. "After all I've been through these last 10 years, I can still do some things that will impress you."Like ... dead-lift 545 pounds, box jump 55 inches flat-footed, broad jump 10-plus feet and run a 4.6 40, all at 6-foot-2 and 245 pounds. NFL trainer Gavin Macmillan, who has volunteered to train Banks for free, says he has a shot. "You see him run and you can see why USC wanted him."And if the NFL doesn't pan out? Banks already has all kinds of job offers. One of them is to "work in the front office and explore other sports opportunities" for the Arizona Diamondbacks."I about fell out of my seat when I read that one," Banks said.I don't know about you, but I can't remember another story that made me want to alternately punch something and hug something like this one. The way Banks has handled himself, without bitterness or bile, with grace and guts, makes you wish he were running the U.S. Senate. If it were me, I'd be stomping around, waving lawsuits and screaming, "I TOLD you I didn't do it!!!""I know my story makes people angry at first," Banks says. "That's where I was, too, at first. But where would it have gotten me to stay mad for 10 years? It's like when you're a little kid and you cry about having to clean your room. You can cry and cry, but it doesn't get your room cleaned."Brian Banks' room is clean again. His heart is spotless. He's holding on to nothing but his dreams. He lost a full decade of his life and now all he wants in exchange is an NFL jersey.C'mon, Miami Dolphins. Who's had more "Hard Knocks" than Brian Banks?
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Wow, one of my cousins (along with 2 of his friends) did 10 years for "rape". My cousin was smashing some chick he had been hitting up for
awhile at her parents house, and she told him to invite some of his friends over. So they came over and all got some from her. Her dad comes 

home, all 3 dudes hop out the window and you can probably fill in the rest. 
thats terrible...

women who lie about rape and who the father of their children are are the bottom of the barrel...doesn't get much worse than that
daaaaaamb... that's cold blooded, famb...
lemme ask folks this though...

what's the best way of avoiding something like this? 

i'm scared man... real life...

Record the whole thing.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

^You can't.

Some NTers would have you think that if you select wisely that everything's all good,but you NEVER know who will flip ++*% on your $!@ and show you a side of them that you never even knew existed.

Mostly true. You never know who will turn on you in any situation. The best way to avoid something like that, is to not get in a position like that in the first place.
Usually if something feels like it's gonna be wrong, it more than likely is. Gut feelings are normally the right feelings. The going back on gut feelings is what normally

puts you in situations like that.
I'm genuinely happy for him.

I haven't given a single damn about the ******** in about 10 years,but if my man is offered a position here I will definitely be checking for him.

I see you Peep Game and I totally agree.
Why not goto USC(if thats still possible), for a few years.. get yambs.. get coaching.. then go pro?

One excerpt from that article stood out to me:

Gibson had typed, "Let's let bygones be bygones."

The audacity of this broad.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Moral of da story? Always record when u smashin women.

I didn't read the whole thread but secretly recording a sexual encounter might not be the way to protect yourself.  If your video evidence was recorded illegally, it may not be admissible in court.  From what I've heard the way to get around that is to put up "surveillance" cameras in your krib with the stickers on your windows that your property is under 24/7 video surveillance.  That way the cameras aren't there to secretly record sexual encounters, but there to protect your property and just happened to record some relations.
Originally Posted by Kiiing

Shouldn't the chick go to jail for fraud or something?
It's rare for a female to go to jail for a false rape claim.  Feminist claim that if women were punished for false rape accusations that would discourage legitimate rape victims from coming forward fearing that if they don't have enough proof they may go to jail.  The system would rather 100 innocent men go to jail than one guilty man go free.
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