Woman killed by an Illegal Immigrant

>Spew rants based on ignorance and prejudice under the pretense of discussing current events.

>Muhammad Ali-esque bobbing and weaving when checked.

>Play the victim role.

>Never learn.

Rinse. Repeat.
aren't you the dude that said women asked to get raped?
>Spew rants based on ignorance and prejudice under the pretense of discussing current events.

>Muhammad Ali-esque bobbing and weaving when checked.

>Play the victim role.

>Never learn.

Rinse. Repeat.

Dude is a clown.

Hope that perma-ban comes soon.
Haven't read anything in this thread but the article....

Where the hell are they deporting this guy where he's managed to sneak back over 5 damn times?

Epic fail.
I know plenty of Paisas getting deported come back like its no thang. If you have the money you are coming back, fast. I don't even begin to differentiate between illegal or legal immigrants. It's the USA every one and they mama here as it is. Been going on since the beginning of time. Scumbags gon scumbag regardless...
OP this woman was killed by a criminal who just happened to be an illegal immigrant. Should he have been out in the streets or let alone in the US after his past history? Of course not. But what would have been the difference between a US citizen that fell through the cracks to commit such a crime and him? The focus here should be on the flaws of the legal system and how they failed to do their job to keep a criminal off the streets and out of the country. Stop lumping all illegal immigrants in the same boat as this murderer.....

Oh and what jobs are these illegal immigrants stealing that you or anyone would want to do :lol:
OP this woman was killed by a criminal who just happened to be an illegal immigrant. Should he have been out in the streets or let alone in the US after his past history? Of course not. But what would have been the difference between a US citizen that fell through the cracks to commit such a crime and him? The focus here should be on the flaws of the legal system and how they failed to do their job to keep a criminal off the streets and out of the country. Stop lumping all illegal immigrants in the same boat as this murderer.....

Oh and what jobs are these illegal immigrants stealing that you or anyone would want to do
he only outs criminals who are illegal immigrants or black.
Cats are going ham on OP, but he's right to dome extent. No reason that scumbag should have been in the US, again.

You can't just and and go to France, can you? How about Turkey? Nope. You need a passport and a visa. Same goes for the USA.

I swear y'all some clowns talking about, "stole it from the Natives so it's not even your land." As ****** as it is, that's the way it's always been and always will be. Wars over territory been going on since...ever.

Cats literally don't give one damn about illegal immigration, or you just don't want to agree with OP, even a little?
You can enter France visa-free with a U.S. passport.

>Spew rants based on ignorance and prejudice under the pretense of discussing current events.

>Muhammad Ali-esque bobbing and weaving when checked.

>Play the victim role.

>Never learn.

Rinse. Repeat.

Dude is a clown.

Hope that perma-ban comes soon.

Why would I be banned? I would have been banned a long time ago. I'm only expressing my own opinions, is that a rule on NT that you have to only agree with what everyone's saying and stick to 1 side? You're not using your brain man. This is a website where anyone can speak of their own opinion. If anyone should be banned it's you man, you've been insulting me non stop ever since you got so furious just because I expressed my own opinion that's different from yours. I have to question your educational level sometimes because you can be irrational.

The old they took our jobs argument :lol:
Majority of jobs immigrants are taking are jobs that Americans think they're too good for.

I'm an immigrant. My mom cleans other peoples houses for a living.
Where's a white person who's gonna clean another person's toilet for a living?

I'll wait.

That's called a janitor. Why the hell does it have to be "white"? I'm not white, this isn't about white people. This is about illegal immigrants. Do you remember the days where kids would help around the yard for a bit of cash? You know many restaurants hire dish washers under the table right?

OP this woman was killed by a criminal who just happened to be an illegal immigrant. Should he have been out in the streets or let alone in the US after his past history? Of course not. But what would have been the difference between a US citizen that fell through the cracks to commit such a crime and him? The focus here should be on the flaws of the legal system and how they failed to do their job to keep a criminal off the streets and out of the country. Stop lumping all illegal immigrants in the same boat as this murderer.....

Oh and what jobs are these illegal immigrants stealing that you or anyone would want to do :lol:

But the fact is, the illegal immigrant murdered an American citizen, it's like a terrorist attack. What jobs? You don't go places much, check out the back of restaurants.
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did the op comment on the american citizen Dylan Roof committing murder?

did he express his outrage?
I'm shocked this tread even made it to niketalk. Some real stupid responses that were expected. I mean 99 percent of you essentially want open borders even though it negatively effects you.

This is taking political correctness to an insane level. It's self defeating.
I'm shocked this tread even made it to niketalk. Some real stupid responses that were expected. I mean 99 percent of you essentially want open borders even though it negatively effects you.

This is taking political correctness to an insane level. It's self defeating.
so America should treat immigrants like Israel? 
Go home and look up the word illegal. Get back to me.

Black men are the most negatively impacted by illegal immigration. It's ironic that you would be all for it.

Republicans wants the cheap labor

democrats want the eventual votes if they get amnesty and to please their base

It's pretty simple.
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lmao blaming illegal immigrants for america's problems.

illegal immigrants>>>>>>>>police brutality and political corruption.
I don't blame it for americas problems, it just confuses me when people basically argue and call for open borders and welcome illegal immigration.

Someone shouldn't be able to cross our border illegally 5 times. It's a security issue at the very least.
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I don't blame it for americas problems, it just confuses me when people basically argue and call for open borders and welcome illegal immigration.
Ive never heard anyone call for open borders and inviting "illegal" immigration.

Ive heard of people advocating for immigration reform and some sort of way for illegal immigrants to gain legal standing.

what i mostly here are people blaming "illegal" immigrants for "taking the jobs" and "increasing crime".

these people are the same loons who want to "take our country back", fly a flag that "represents american heritage" and wish that these "thugs" would just "respect the police and let them do their jobs".

people wanna cry bout illegal immigrants but dont care if black citizens are being gunned down like prey.
Can somebody explain to me these "jobs" illiegal immigrants are stealing? Considering the only work they can do is under the table
Can somebody explain to me these "jobs" illiegal immigrants are stealing? Considering the only work they can do is under the table

You won't get an answer for this.

And for the people actually agreeing with OP :smh:

Ban them all
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