Woman killed by an Illegal Immigrant

This crime was horrible in multiple fronts, nice woman gets killed, potential for immigrants to get hunted out, may steer more people to be against giving citizenship, creates generalization based on an individual, hate might stir in everyday life, prejudices emerge with "justification".
This crime was horrible in multiple fronts, nice woman gets killed, potential for immigrants to get hunted out, may steer more people to be against giving citizenship, creates generalization based on an individual, hate might stir in everyday life, prejudices emerge with "justification".

thats america for you, unfortunately. its sad
Who cares about claims on the land though. Point is the dude shouldn't even have been in the country in the first place. They should put a tracking device in people that are criminals caught here illegally and deported, or find some other way to track them if they come back over the border.

I feel like Adolph Hitler had this exact convo at some point.
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Who cares about claims on the land though. Point is the dude shouldn't even have been in the country in the first place. They should put a tracking device in people that are criminals caught here illegally and deported, or find some other way to track them if they come back over the border.

Good idea, we should do this for all criminals.

Even better, just do it to everyone at birth.

Then we can finally end crime.
News been pretty much talking about this constantly out here
"Young white woman" killed by immigrant with an arrest record
Him being an immigrant doesn't matter to me
As far as I, concerned
If ur not Native American
Than everyone's an immigrant in America
They keep bringing up his immigration status in the news
So u know that's gonna play a part of someone's campaign during the elections
Wonder when they gonna bring up how the white man immigrated to this country and killed the natives of this fair land
I fail to see the connection between immigrating here illegaly and causing crime rates to go up (because obviously there isn't one). American born citizens are some of the most violent people on earth, but you have completely brainless people like OP pointing the finger at illegal immigrants :lol: I'm all for deporting illegal immigrants to prevent crime if we deport all the crazy and racist white people in this country too, before they shoot up more schools and burn more black churches. Will that happen? No? Then shut the hell up

You do know illegal immigrants are already classified as criminals right so sneaking in here is already a crime? Hence, "illegal". Some illegals sell counterfeit goods, that's a crime, some sell drugs, that's a crime. Some females resort to prostitution, crime. Not to mention we don't know their criminal background. What does race have to do with this? Another irrational poster just trying hard to play the victim bringing irrelevant stuff. Reread your post before you even post. So you, shut the hell up. Thanks man I appreciate it. Also, there's Asians who shoot up schools.

If you want to immigrate here, you have to do it the fair way that most of our ancestors/grand parents did.

Genocide and land theft is fair?
Being brought here in chains is fair?
The Chinese Exclusion Act is fair? 
Racist national origins quotas are fair?  

One person's actions are hardly representative.  Classic dog-whistle politics.  


You're referring to race, I'm not referring to race. Also you're referring to history, I didn't talk about the history, I more so referred to the present. People immigrate the fair way by petitioning and some other process now. So again, you're bringing irrelevant topics.

kills me to say but I don't think me and mr highness could be friends in real life.
I think everyone other than blco2 and oneilmatt hates him. I rarely get upset over internet clowns but I can't STAND confident/arrogant idiots who speak like they're PHD scholars on the subject

I don't really care about friends here, I have friends in real life already. I'm just posting my own opinion, that makes me a confident arrogant idiot if we don't share the same opinion? You're a fool man.

So basically the majority of people here (not all), would welcome all immigrants from Mexico to come here in the U.S? Damn...I don't know what's wrong....I mean look how populated China and India are, they don't go through wars, they save money, but due to their population, quality of life isn't as great than it should be. Some of you people have to learn economics. Think of it this way, the more sneakerheads there are, the worst the chance you'll get a pair of shoes that you really want. It just doesn't make any sense. I'm not even talking about history nor race, yet you guys bring it up to justify and want to allow illegal immigrants in this country? Please, some of you who disagree with me, don't ever get into politics, ever.
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^none of your essays matter. The reason people are disagreeing with you is because you said "stories like this shows that Trump has a point." This shooting has nothing to do with the "threat" of illegal immigration, but you tried to be slick about it by throwing in an undercover racist comment with points that are actually debatable (although still mostly wrong).
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Cats are going ham on OP, but he's right to dome extent. No reason that scumbag should have been in the US, again.

You can't just and and go to France, can you? How about Turkey? Nope. You need a passport and a visa. Same goes for the USA.

I swear y'all some clowns talking about, "stole it from the Natives so it's not even your land." As ****** as it is, that's the way it's always been and always will be. Wars over territory been going on since...ever.

Cats literally don't give one damn about illegal immigration, or you just don't want to agree with OP, even a little?
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Cats are going ham on OP, but he's right. No reason that scumbag should have been in the US, again.

You can't just and and go to France, can you? How about Turkey? Nope. You need a passport and a visa. Same goes for the USA.

I swear y'all some clowns talking about, "stole it from the Natives so it's not even your land." As ****** as it is, that's the way it's always been and always will be. Wars over territory been going on since...ever.

Cats literally don't give one damn about illegal immigration, or you just don't want to agree with OP, even a little?
yo word up. I can't agree with him 100% because I myself am an immigrant but constantly saying what happened 190894892873289 years ago. We get it ppl stole/ won the land but rules change. You guys are acting like America can't change its rules because of what happened 3297498723982392192472 years ago. Lulz
Cats are going ham on OP, but he's right. No reason that scumbag should have been in the US, again.

You can't just and and go to France, can you? How about Turkey? Nope. You need a passport and a visa. Same goes for the USA.

I swear y'all some clowns talking about, "stole it from the Natives so it's not even your land." As ****** as it is, that's the way it's always been and always will be. Wars over territory been going on since...ever.

Cats literally don't give one damn about illegal immigration, or you just don't want to agree with OP, even a little?

No, people do care but don't want nonsense reasons like "Mexicans are murdering and raping US citizens. Trump had a point." OP made some reasonable points but completely lost all his credibility by using this story to support a racist rant made by that scumbag Trump.

On top of that, he does the same thing in damn near every thread involving a minority. He'll say something ignorant and then play the victim when everyone calls him out on it
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OP always hiding behind some ******** to get his post off :lol:

Every thread is "I'm talking about this, not race" same ol same ol

So fixated on blacks and Latinos when native Americans got their own issues.
^ I'm not talking about race...it's about nationality in this thread.

^none of your essays matter. The reason people are disagreeing with you is because you said "stories like this shows that Trump has a point." This shooting has nothing to do with the "threat" of illegal immigration, but you tried to be slick about it by throwing in an undercover racist comment with points that are actually debatable (although still mostly wrong).

If you didn't have reading comprehension issues, I said; "I don't like Trump, but half of what he said we can all agree with but stories like these make him have a point." Let me make it clear, I said, "half of what he said". That meant I only agreed half or even part of what he said. Did Trump say, illegal immigrants bring crime? Did my article state that an illegal immigrant committed a crime (murder)? Yes. Also, "a point" means 1 point. It's like, you read that one line and immediately got angry. Only the people who are illiterate disagree with what I said because they didn't fully interpret what I said. I never said, "Donald Trump is 100% right and we should believe in what he says", that's basically what you probably saw when you read what I said, that's your issue, not mines.

This is the dumbest thread I've ever read on NT. absolutely

You don't have to come here though. This is to spread a message.
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^ I'm not talking about race...it's about nationality in this thread.
If you didn't have reading comprehension issues, I said; "I don't like Trump, but half of what he said we can all agree with but stories like these make him have a point." Let me make it clear, I said, "half of what he said". That meant I only agreed half or even part of what he said. Did Trump say, illegal immigrants bring crime? Did my article state that an illegal immigrant committed a crime (murder)? Yes. Also, "a point" means 1 point. It's like, you read that one line and immediately got angry. Only the people who are illiterate disagree with what I said because they didn't fully interpret what I said. I never said, "Donald Trump is 100% right and we should believe in what he says", that's basically what you probably saw when you read what I said, that's your issue, not mines.
You don't have to come here though. This is to spread a message.

Actually, Trump literally said that Mexicans immigrants are mostly rapists and bring drugs and crime into the country. You used an article of a Mexican immigrant committing a crime and then said "Trump has a point." YOU made it about race by supporting a racist point, but you're writing essays about how it's not about race :lol:
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 you're referring to history, I didn't talk about the history, I more so referred to the present. People immigrate the fair way by petitioning and some other process now. So again, you're bringing irrelevant topics.
If you want to immigrate here, you have to do it the fair way that most of our ancestors/grand parents did.
So your ancestors/grandparents immigrated in the present?  
I don't know.

I feel like the whole "oh America was founded by forcing Native Americans out" is such a null argument now when it comes to immigration policies.

The past has passed. This is now.

I don't believe illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay here, however, I do believe that people from different countries should have an easier way of living here legally/getting a citizenship.

Now am I saying we should open up our borders and let anyone in? No. But people with no criminal background, etc. should be allowed. This is just a general idea, though.


I agree with @Chopper  as well. You can't just go to no damn country and live there without any legal documentation. If you could, i'd be in Japan right now.
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This ain't about me nor my ancestors or grandparents Meth. I implied I have Native American ancestry. A typical Native would get angry at everyone and tell them all to go back to their country.

^ I'm not talking about race...it's about nationality in this thread.
If you didn't have reading comprehension issues, I said; "I don't like Trump, but half of what he said we can all agree with but stories like these make him have a point." Let me make it clear, I said, "half of what he said". That meant I only agreed half or even part of what he said. Did Trump say, illegal immigrants bring crime? Did my article state that an illegal immigrant committed a crime (murder)? Yes. Also, "a point" means 1 point. It's like, you read that one line and immediately got angry. Only the people who are illiterate disagree with what I said because they didn't fully interpret what I said. I never said, "Donald Trump is 100% right and we should believe in what he says", that's basically what you probably saw when you read what I said, that's your issue, not mines.
You don't have to come here though. This is to spread a message.

Actually, Trump literally DID say that Mexicans immigrants are mostly rapists and bring drugs and crime into the country. You used an article of a Mexican immigrant committing a crime and then said "Trump has a point."

But i never said I agreed that Mexicans are rapist, I was actually pissed about that because I know many Mexicans who are Catholic and don't do that. In fact the majority are Catholics. Most of my friends are of Hispanic decent. That point was that "committed crime".
The old they took our jobs argument :lol:
Majority of jobs immigrants are taking are jobs that Americans think they're too good for.

I'm an immigrant. My mom cleans other peoples houses for a living.
Where's a white person who's gonna clean another person's toilet for a living?

I'll wait.

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