Women, this is why you're not married

Pretty good list.

Somebody post one for men. So I can make sure I aint doing nothing wrong when I want to get farther in dating since I don't plan on getting married.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

So are you guys looking into marrying women with supermodel bodies? If that's your preference,it's all good. If you marry a woman who is very much in shape,it is not guaranteed she will remain that way either,especially once she gets married and after having children. Well, this is unless she is into working out, and she has time in her schedule to exercise, and can make sure her body will bounce back. We can only fight our metabolism so much as we get older.
My marry list is pretty reasonable
not evil

not manipulative
Not a @$#

not a devil worshiper…

not dumb

at least half as attractive as me…

at least half as good of a cook as me

some type of talent or asset ( you must be able to do something dance, music have a practical skill)

and graduate highschool.
Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by axel f0ley

most men just want to marry someone who is nice to them. I am the mother of a 13-year-old boy, which is like living with the single-cell protozoa version of a husband. Here's what my son wants out of life: macaroni and cheese, a video game, and Kim Kardashian. Have you ever seen Kim Kardashian angry? I didn't think so. You've seen Kim Kardashian smile, wiggle, and make a sex tape. Female anger terrifies men


females have no heart, the amount of dirty grimey @%@% females do is

one hunnit, females would rather give you the eye or storm out than talk about how they feel.. if I wanted a pet I couldn't communicate with I'd buy a dog
Men are in their prime from 20 all the way to 50+, women usually from 20-30.

It's probably because men are usually valued for their power and wealth while women are usually valued for youth and attractiveness. Power and wealth never leaves
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Since I am replying on my phone, in my previous post I meant to say we can only do so much to fight our metabolism slowing down.

Sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes!
I dont buy this. Genetics and metabolism are scapegoats.  They can be overcome if you take care of yourself and maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat right etc. Its more problematic for some ppl than others granted but some individuals just let themselves go thinking it is out of their hands, blaming it on metabolism. 

I whole-heartedly agree. My mother is living proof....turning 50 next year, she looks better then I ever remember. I was recently looking at old pics of her and realized how much weight she lost. We both share the same enthusiasm for fitness and we prioritize it into our daily life. This is definitely something I look for in any women I deal with. Call it superficial if you must, but I ultimately view it as a lifestyle with great pastures.
Good read indeed and dead on.

A lot of females need to realize that the simplest things can go a long way. My ex was a shrew who was tall and had some cake, but her negative ways turned me off, whereas this new girl im courting is short slim and is a joy to be around. That makes me happy in my pants.
Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by axel f0ley

most men just want to marry someone who is nice to them. I am the mother of a 13-year-old boy, which is like living with the single-cell protozoa version of a husband. Here's what my son wants out of life: macaroni and cheese, a video game, and Kim Kardashian. Have you ever seen Kim Kardashian angry? I didn't think so. You've seen Kim Kardashian smile, wiggle, and make a sex tape. Female anger terrifies men
this is really the only thing that stuck out to me in the whole article.

I never thought about it....but that is basically all i want in a women.  Some one who is considerate and just nice.  Sad but that is so hard to find these days.  Women have this sense of "you are lucky I am even talking to you".  When i first meet a girl if she smiles says hi and just laughs at a dumb or corny joke then I am sold.

Spoiler [+]
She should be considerate, nice, have dat mass and be a dime
  because this is NT bruh bruh
Originally Posted by toast1985

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Since I am replying on my phone, in my previous post I meant to say we can only do so much to fight our metabolism slowing down.

Sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes!
I dont buy this. Genetics and metabolism are scapegoats.  They can be overcome if you take care of yourself and maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat right etc. Its more problematic for some ppl than others granted but some individuals just let themselves go thinking it is out of their hands, blaming it on metabolism. 

I whole-heartedly agree. My mother is living proof....turning 50 next year, she looks better then I ever remember. I was recently looking at old pics of her and realized how much weight she lost. We both share the same enthusiasm for fitness and we prioritize it into our daily life. This is definitely something I look for in any women I deal with. Call it superficial if you must, but I ultimately view it as a lifestyle with great pastures.

I agree with you guys, you are very right. But for us women, and I know many in some cases no matter what they do, they can't lose that baby pouch. 

Genetics and metabolism can play a factor, but you can offset it with dieting and exercise. I lost my weight in the past year just by changing my eating habits and portions, not very much exercise at all. I look at my mom's side, all the sisters, including my mom (each had a set of four kids or more), nice slim bodies after all the kids until now. I look at my dad's side, 2 of his sisters who also have over 5 kids, are fat, and one sister of his who does not have kids is usually chubby but I believe she dieted and got slim. So maybe it is genetics.

I just know it, after pregnancy, I will blow up like a blimp. Urgh. But, if I put my mind to it I can lose the weight. Ok, this inspired me to hit the gym to shape and tone up.
Don't know why I don't. But I have a dilemma since I don't want to go to the gym to lose weight which is what it might do. :S
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by axel f0ley

most men just want to marry someone who is nice to them. I am the mother of a 13-year-old boy, which is like living with the single-cell protozoa version of a husband. Here's what my son wants out of life: macaroni and cheese, a video game, and Kim Kardashian. Have you ever seen Kim Kardashian angry? I didn't think so. You've seen Kim Kardashian smile, wiggle, and make a sex tape. Female anger terrifies men
this is really the only thing that stuck out to me in the whole article.

I never thought about it....but that is basically all i want in a women.  Some one who is considerate and just nice.  Sad but that is so hard to find these days.  Women have this sense of "you are lucky I am even talking to you".  When i first meet a girl if she smiles says hi and just laughs at a dumb or corny joke then I am sold.

Spoiler [+]
She should be considerate, nice, have dat mass and be a dime
  because this is NT bruh bruh

Good article... I agree with most of the things, but is this what dudes really want tho?? A "nice" girl??

I'm forever being told that I'm too nice... I didn't even know there was such a thing. Maybe I just have a way of finding dudes that are looking for miserable, selfish chicks... So please enlighten me NT, can a girl be too nice?? 
Originally Posted by jus4lafs

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by axel f0ley

most men just want to marry someone who is nice to them. I am the mother of a 13-year-old boy, which is like living with the single-cell protozoa version of a husband. Here's what my son wants out of life: macaroni and cheese, a video game, and Kim Kardashian. Have you ever seen Kim Kardashian angry? I didn't think so. You've seen Kim Kardashian smile, wiggle, and make a sex tape. Female anger terrifies men
this is really the only thing that stuck out to me in the whole article.

I never thought about it....but that is basically all i want in a women.  Some one who is considerate and just nice.  Sad but that is so hard to find these days.  Women have this sense of "you are lucky I am even talking to you".  When i first meet a girl if she smiles says hi and just laughs at a dumb or corny joke then I am sold.

Spoiler [+]
She should be considerate, nice, have dat mass and be a dime
  because this is NT bruh bruh

Good article... I agree with most of the things, but is this what dudes really want tho?? A "nice" girl??

I'm forever being told that I'm too nice... I didn't even know there was such a thing. Maybe I just have a way of finding dudes that are looking for miserable, selfish chicks... So please enlighten me NT, can a girl be too nice?? 

No there’s a difference between being nice and being a pushover…
doing everything I say isn't nice… giving food to the homeless is.

Bottom line is, if i met a girl that could handle basic human interactions i’d be happy…

You’d be surprised how many women cant have a conversation…
^Jus4lafs i've never in my life heard a dude say "maaaaaan she's... she's just TOO nice man... I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!"
Girls don't even realize that being nice and pleasant makes you that much more beautiful.
Originally Posted by jus4lafs

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by axel f0ley

most men just want to marry someone who is nice to them. I am the mother of a 13-year-old boy, which is like living with the single-cell protozoa version of a husband. Here's what my son wants out of life: macaroni and cheese, a video game, and Kim Kardashian. Have you ever seen Kim Kardashian angry? I didn't think so. You've seen Kim Kardashian smile, wiggle, and make a sex tape. Female anger terrifies men
this is really the only thing that stuck out to me in the whole article.

I never thought about it....but that is basically all i want in a women.  Some one who is considerate and just nice.  Sad but that is so hard to find these days.  Women have this sense of "you are lucky I am even talking to you".  When i first meet a girl if she smiles says hi and just laughs at a dumb or corny joke then I am sold.

Spoiler [+]
She should be considerate, nice, have dat mass and be a dime
  because this is NT bruh bruh

Good article... I agree with most of the things, but is this what dudes really want tho?? A "nice" girl??

I'm forever being told that I'm too nice... I didn't even know there was such a thing. Maybe I just have a way of finding dudes that are looking for miserable, selfish chicks... So please enlighten me NT, can a girl be too nice?? 
Then those are obviously the wrong guys.  If and when a guy comes across a "good girl" trust and believe me that they will be scooped up.  A sensible man wants a good girl.

Girls don't even realize that being nice and pleasant makes you that much more beautiful. 

100% Truth.
Originally Posted by jus4lafs

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by axel f0ley

most men just want to marry someone who is nice to them. I am the mother of a 13-year-old boy, which is like living with the single-cell protozoa version of a husband. Here's what my son wants out of life: macaroni and cheese, a video game, and Kim Kardashian. Have you ever seen Kim Kardashian angry? I didn't think so. You've seen Kim Kardashian smile, wiggle, and make a sex tape. Female anger terrifies men
this is really the only thing that stuck out to me in the whole article.

I never thought about it....but that is basically all i want in a women.  Some one who is considerate and just nice.  Sad but that is so hard to find these days.  Women have this sense of "you are lucky I am even talking to you".  When i first meet a girl if she smiles says hi and just laughs at a dumb or corny joke then I am sold.

Spoiler [+]
She should be considerate, nice, have dat mass and be a dime
  because this is NT bruh bruh

Good article... I agree with most of the things, but is this what dudes really want tho?? A "nice" girl??

I'm forever being told that I'm too nice... I didn't even know there was such a thing. Maybe I just have a way of finding dudes that are looking for miserable, selfish chicks... So please enlighten me NT, can a girl be too nice?? 
It is kind of complicated lol

I agree with not being a push over but i think all it really means is don't be boring.  I dated a girl that was way too nice and broke up with her.  When i say that i mean she bored me to death.  She dressed nice, was hot but just boring.  Never argued (playfully) always said the right things, never got too upset over anything, claimed to be everything i wanted, it's just boring.  She was like a cookie cutter of American society. 

I think it pays to be nice and STAY nice.  But just keep things interesting.

Spoiler [+]
Real Talk: the only girls i tell are too nice are ones I'm not physically attracted to but am good friends with and want that friendship to continue
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by jus4lafs

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by axel f0ley

most men just want to marry someone who is nice to them. I am the mother of a 13-year-old boy, which is like living with the single-cell protozoa version of a husband. Here's what my son wants out of life: macaroni and cheese, a video game, and Kim Kardashian. Have you ever seen Kim Kardashian angry? I didn't think so. You've seen Kim Kardashian smile, wiggle, and make a sex tape. Female anger terrifies men
this is really the only thing that stuck out to me in the whole article.

I never thought about it....but that is basically all i want in a women.  Some one who is considerate and just nice.  Sad but that is so hard to find these days.  Women have this sense of "you are lucky I am even talking to you".  When i first meet a girl if she smiles says hi and just laughs at a dumb or corny joke then I am sold.

Spoiler [+]
She should be considerate, nice, have dat mass and be a dime
  because this is NT bruh bruh

Good article... I agree with most of the things, but is this what dudes really want tho?? A "nice" girl??

I'm forever being told that I'm too nice... I didn't even know there was such a thing. Maybe I just have a way of finding dudes that are looking for miserable, selfish chicks... So please enlighten me NT, can a girl be too nice?? 
Then those are obviously the wrong guys.  If and when a guy comes across a "good girl" trust and believe me that they will be scooped up.  A sensible man wants a good girl.

Girls don't even realize that being nice and pleasant makes you that much more beautiful. 

100% Truth.

1000% agree…
Im a fairly attractive male also… I would be very happy with a down to earth six...
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