Working at VECTOR

Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by brownsuga1

So today I was hired by a company called Vector

Tomorrow you're gonna quit working for a company called Vector.
i got my letter today and got kind of excited till i checked on the website and it said i had to pay 200 for a sample set of knives
it is a MLM which to me is a legal pyramid scheme. the same can be said about Priamerica, Amway, and Mary Kay .
Its a scam.
I just had an interview two weeks ago, the place was no bigger than a closet.

it was hidden behind two rundown hotels.

and the dudes suit was from walmart.

i wasted my 3 hours in there.

got hired and said *#** it, I aint paying YOU to let ME work?

The *#** you think we need a job for? 

This one guy I know stayed and claims he made 600 first week...$*+#!$%*.

its all a scam.

they dont pay you your money back.

and that %+#$ is boring.
Do the math...

8 appointments a day to make a "40 hour work week" at $17.00.

8 x $17.00 x 5 days = $680.00

Then add another 8 hours a day for traveling, breaks, lunch, etc. $680/5 = $136 a day/16 hours = $8.50

Barely above minimum wage. Then factor in that you're going to be buying gas, putting extra wear and tear on your vehicle and it's an L.
I think they got alot of us lol especially during summer break lol. Well i went through the 1st interview which was b.s. how are you going to blare music during an interview gas you up like really got the job and all easy and fun... I went to the group orientation and ended up leaving during the "break" it was such a joke, lets not mention the amount of times they called my phone
Originally Posted by jupiterjaywall

Its a scam.
I just had an interview two weeks ago, the place was no bigger than a closet.

it was hidden behind two rundown hotels.

and the dudes suit was from walmart.

i wasted my 3 hours in there.

got hired and said *#** it, I aint paying YOU to let ME work?

The *#** you think we need a job for? 

This one guy I know stayed and claims he made 600 first week...$*+#!$%*.

its all a scam.

they dont pay you your money back.

and that %+#$ is boring.
Exactly. They desperate to hire.. They left Paper ads all over cars in the mall parking lot.. He Said i was hired.. and i never called them back.. Id rather stay broke.
Although its not Vector, one of my best friends from college is really going hard for Amway. smh hes been doing it for like a year and a half now
- Their strategy meetings are THE WORST!!!
  You're expected to clap for the $$$++**+! who sold the most knives; the epitome of awkwardness.
- They call you on a DAILY basis, sometimes numerous times a day to assess you sales progress.  You look at your phone, see their number and it's like

- I was able to make a decent amount of money due to my parents network of affluent families.  If you don't have such a network, you will be spinning your wheels in the mud from day 1.  Once your network is exhausted, you days at Vector are numbered...and you start to see the nonsense for what it really is.  You're a knife pimp...taking advantage of those who care about you, enough to buy some damn knives.  When I was selling, the Homemaker was like $895

- I worked for them many moons ago
during winter break my freshman year of undergrad Jan. '02
.  I felt like a knive slave.
In today's economy I wouldn't work for then ... Also the scam part about Vector is the $15 an appt. I've worked there and never seen anyone get that but then again I've never seen anyone follow the guidelines to get the $15 per appt base pay and not sell anything .. usually they tell it's either that or commission whichever one is higher and of course if you sell chances are commission is always higher

Another thing when I worked for them they did refund you for your starter kit .. At the end of the day like I typed before I wouldn't work for them in today's economy, but for what it's worth if you have any inclination towards sales as your future career, they're a really good starting point from a training aspect .. since at least when I was there a lot of the psychological aspects to selling and buying they cover that and give you a great amount of scripts that you pretty much could adjust to anything later on in the District meetings .. and when I there, there were a couple of people that sold into the hundreds of thousands of this stuff and some that did high tens of thousands whom you could chop it up with

AGAIN I DON'T RECOMMEND Working for them in today's economy ...... It was hard enough when things were supposed to be "booming" well at least at the tail end of it ... I couldn't imagine trying to do this now

The problem with Vector is they're aimed at a specific target audience, that is shrinking with each passing day or barely holding on to what they currently have, much more looking to buy more stuff outside the essentials ........ but then again if you got a gift with the gab you could sell it as an essential
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

i got my letter today and got kind of excited till i checked on the website and it said i had to pay 200 for a sample set of knives
Ay, real talk though, buy the knives and then quit. It's like damn near 500 for that set, you get a fat discount when you work for them though. 
Funny cause my boy got the letter three days, set his interview up and gave me the letter to set mine up. I was about to G him and set mine up earlier but I decided to let him go first to see what its about. Couple days ago while hes at the interview I google Vector and figure out the obvious and text him to dip cause its a scam, my dude was tight
soooo many of those people have tried recruiting me,  all of the reps that tried getting at me were some milfs though
Anyone heard of Primerica and there whole pyramid scheme?

lol, those people are RELENTLESS!!!!!...

One chick that I was feelin way back spotted me in a McDonalds a couple of months ago tryina kick that Primerica knowledge all in my ear...

I told chick that I had a very decent-paying government job, and she STILL wouldnt let up!!!

smh, couldnt even rap to her cuz she was steady sales pitchin!!...

I got a call from them like two weeks ago. They sounded REAL good on the phone and they wanted me to schedule an appointment the very next day. Something told me to try and delay that so I got them to schedule one a few days later. The first thing that turned me off about them was that I had to travel ALL the way to Long Island (from Queens) so I was already iffy from the beginning. I Googled them and found out they are a scam so I called them the next day and canceled.
WOW!!! the fact that I just saw this thread on the front page is crazy because I JUST cancelled an interview with Vector 2 days ago!

They called me extra thirsty offering me an interview THE SAME DAY that they called! When I applied I actually didnt know exactly what it was, the CraigsList ad said "Customer Service" and Base Pay was $16, not going door to door to sell knives (knives tho???). I then saw that they would charge ME $150 for my "sample", and I wouldnt get any compensation for transportation, and I wouldnt get paid for training. They dont even tell you how much you would get. So yea...I called em up n told them I wasnt interested the girl proceded to merely move my interview back an hour so it looked like I was a no-show, but w/e
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