Worst beer you've ever had?

I can't believe I'm seeing beers like Corona, Newcastle, Heineken, Stella, and Blue Moon mentioned here. That's absolute madness. Every one ofthose is fantastic. Of course everyone has their preferences for certain types of beer. When I'm on the budget it's all about Bud Light. The worst forme has to be Coors/Coors Light and Milwaukee's Best. Malt Liquors don't count as beer.
Originally Posted by SithLord22

I can't believe I'm seeing beers like Corona, Newcastle, Heineken, Stella, and Blue Moon mentioned here. That's absolute madness. Every one of those is fantastic. Of course everyone has their preferences for certain types of beer. When I'm on the budget it's all about Bud Light. The worst for me has to be Coors/Coors Light and Milwaukee's Best. Malt Liquors don't count as beer.
you do realize that corona, newcastle, heineken, and stella are all pretty much just coors light and bud light of their respective countriesright?

like, you'll never goto belgium and see beer people drinking stella... it's crap. Same with Heiney and newcastle... i mean, that's like foreignersthinking Bud Light is a great beer because so many americans drink it. These are just massly produced, watered down products attempting to imitate the realstyles they call themselves.

I'm not sure why people don't understand this... these beers are garbage, they're made in factories and are essentially the fast food of beerproducts. just because the imports cost more doesn't mean they're of any higher quality whatsoever. It just means they were imported and marketed tosell at a higher price because of that.

This thread is comedy though. I'd love to watch somebody who's favorite beer is bud light lime try to drink that stone arrogant bastard.

sorry to sound like a snob - i always do in these beer threads. It's just funny to me that people think they understand beer on any level because theydrink a massively imported beer.
People hating on Newcastle, Guinness, Sierra Nevada

They're my favorite.

I hate Stella Artois, though. Smell like skunk.

BTW, if anybody is looking to try a good beer, look for Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout, it's like a thick chocolate milkshake, ahh.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by SithLord22

I can't believe I'm seeing beers like Corona, Newcastle, Heineken, Stella, and Blue Moon mentioned here. That's absolute madness. Every one of those is fantastic. Of course everyone has their preferences for certain types of beer. When I'm on the budget it's all about Bud Light. The worst for me has to be Coors/Coors Light and Milwaukee's Best. Malt Liquors don't count as beer.
you do realize that corona, newcastle, heineken, and stella are all pretty much just coors light and bud light of their respective countries right?

like, you'll never goto belgium and see beer people drinking stella... it's crap. Same with Heiney and newcastle... i mean, that's like foreigners thinking Bud Light is a great beer because so many americans drink it. These are just massly produced, watered down products attempting to imitate the real styles they call themselves.

I'm not sure why people don't understand this... these beers are garbage, they're made in factories and are essentially the fast food of beer products. just because the imports cost more doesn't mean they're of any higher quality whatsoever. It just means they were imported and marketed to sell at a higher price because of that.

This thread is comedy though. I'd love to watch somebody who's favorite beer is bud light lime try to drink that stone arrogant bastard.

sorry to sound like a snob - i always do in these beer threads. It's just funny to me that people think they understand beer on any level because they drink a massively imported beer.
GET Emmmmm

The beer is so harsh sierra Nevada has a challenge called the Bigfoot ale challenge pretty much you have to finish a 6 pack to yourself in one sitting. Its atough one I've only accomplished it once. Me and my friends do this about once a year. . Gets you really really drunk.
Originally Posted by Anti Theft

Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

Heineken as one of the worst? pfft.. i like it.

Michelob Amber
Steel Reserve
Shiner Bock
Coors Light
Bud Light

Coors light is f*%$#@$ delicious.
i agree .
and ive never known anyone to dislikebudlight. its pretty much home base for me as far as beer consumption goes
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by SithLord22

I can't believe I'm seeing beers like Corona, Newcastle, Heineken, Stella, and Blue Moon mentioned here. That's absolute madness. Every one of those is fantastic. Of course everyone has their preferences for certain types of beer. When I'm on the budget it's all about Bud Light. The worst for me has to be Coors/Coors Light and Milwaukee's Best. Malt Liquors don't count as beer.
you do realize that corona, newcastle, heineken, and stella are all pretty much just coors light and bud light of their respective countries right?

like, you'll never goto belgium and see beer people drinking stella... it's crap. Same with Heiney and newcastle... i mean, that's like foreigners thinking Bud Light is a great beer because so many americans drink it. These are just massly produced, watered down products attempting to imitate the real styles they call themselves.

I'm not sure why people don't understand this... these beers are garbage, they're made in factories and are essentially the fast food of beer products. just because the imports cost more doesn't mean they're of any higher quality whatsoever. It just means they were imported and marketed to sell at a higher price because of that.

This thread is comedy though. I'd love to watch somebody who's favorite beer is bud light lime try to drink that stone arrogant bastard.

sorry to sound like a snob - i always do in these beer threads. It's just funny to me that people think they understand beer on any level because they drink a massively imported beer.

I'm curious as to what kind of beer palate you have and what you would recommend.

I don't consider myself a beer snob by any means... more so a well grizzled veteran of beer consumption?

Turn me onto some new stuff man. What should I be looking for? My go-to daily domestic for the last 10 years has been Bud Light. I know people think itstrash but I just grew up on it and am so used to it. If I'm not drinking the BL's it's usually $3 pints of Blue Moon, $2 if the Dow is down forthe day (thats the promotion my local bar runs during Happy Hour and that is the cheapest pint you're gonna find in Santa Monica).

Easily worst beer/malt liquor I've ever had was Steel Reserve. That stuff is just trash and gave me a killer hangover after drinkin em all night.

Suggestions? Tips? What beer should I be drinking that is gonna blow my mind?
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

The beer is so harsh sierra Nevada has a challenge called the Bigfoot ale challenge pretty much you have to finish a 6 pack to yourself in one sitting. Its a tough one I've only accomplished it once. Me and my friends do this about once a year. . Gets you really really drunk.

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad


The beer is so harsh sierra Nevada has a challenge called the Bigfoot ale challenge pretty much you have to finish a 6 pack to yourself in one sitting. Its a tough one I've only accomplished it once. Me and my friends do this about once a year. . Gets you really really drunk.

i've done a 6 pack of that in one night....... don't know if i could do it in one sitting though, its really really filling.

Anything Sierra Nevada is
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad


The beer is so harsh sierra Nevada has a challenge called the Bigfoot ale challenge pretty much you have to finish a 6 pack to yourself in one sitting. Its a tough one I've only accomplished it once. Me and my friends do this about once a year. . Gets you really really drunk.

i've done a 6 pack of that in one night....... don't know if i could do it in one sitting though, its really really filling.

Anything Sierra Nevada is

yea throughout the night. . . is what i meant by sitting. . . Stuff hits you hard, and i agree Sierra Nevada puts out some pretty good beers
Worst beers:

Corona: #+@$ is absolute garbage. My entire demeanor depresses whenever I see that this is the only beer at a party.

Miller High Life: It might have just been a bad can, but the first time I had it almost made me sick.

Saw someone say Yuengling. That beer is SO clutch.
Originally Posted by sreggie101

Originally Posted by sonunox34

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Corona or Pabst Blue Ribbon.

corona really? cmon dude...

id say pabst, the beast and

That looks terrible. Looks like bad gatorade in a glass bottle.

And I'm with him on Corona that stuff is not worth anyone's time. Dos Equus is where it's at
Aside from obvious crappy beers like Budweiser, Bud lights, Keystone light, OE's etc...I've tried so many different beers from darks to tans to lights,imports, etc...and by far the worst tasting beer to me was this one:

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