Worst/Grimiest Way You`ve Broken Up With a Chick?

Apr 5, 2009
This one girl I dated for a few monts was just plain stupid. Had no common sense. I didn`t feel like calling her or anything so I sent her a text with ayoutube link to T.I.`s I Can`t Be Your Man
sent like a 6-8 page text.... took me like 25 minutes on my samsung u600.. lmao now that I think about why i did it.. i was feelin her best friend.. lol
dumbest thing i did - i just pretended like we were never hookin up.. afterwards was awkward as hell though
Me : Im cheating on u
Her: OMG I cant believe it.......
Long awkard pause.......
Her: I dont care i still love you
Me: -.-
Originally Posted by Jules300

Me : Im cheating on u
Her: OMG I cant believe it.......
Long awkard pause.......
Her: I dont care i still love you
Me: -.-
Originally Posted by Jules300

Me : Im cheating on u
Her: OMG I cant believe it.......
Long awkard pause.......
Her: I dont care i still love you
Me: -.-

Stupid, faithful broad
Was going to leave a message on their house phone, but his mom picked up so I told her.
Left a message on his cell phone while I was on vacation.
...nvm I won't go further.
When I was in the 6th grade, me and my then girlfriend were happy.....up until Valentine's Day. She bought me 2 big hearts of little chocolates, and Ididn't buy her anything. She cried and she wrote me a note sayin' I didn't care about her or some BS, then like that, I got dumped.....onValentine's Day
. We got cool years later tho.

The worst way I ended it with a girl was......hmm. I don't know. Possibly my ---, no that wasn't that bad. I don't know.
Originally Posted by Jules300

Me : Im cheating on u
Her: OMG I cant believe it.......
Long awkard pause.......
Her: I dont care i still love you
Me: -.-
As a die-hard commitment phobe, I've never had any tragic breakups...but I'm a fan of the disappearing act when I get sick of a guy. Just vanish.
i once wrote out a confessions of everything i ever done while i was with her....soo long of a list

another time i told this girl to go in the bathroom and eat the pills....she just isnt worthy to be living.....next day i got 2 threatning phone calls from herdad.
Just stopped talking to her. The worst case was when she sent an email back asking why i dont talk to her lmaooooooooooo
Worst way I broke up with a dude was on Valentine's day ... which was also the one month "anniversary" but this back in middle school.
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