Worst/Grimiest Way You`ve Broken Up With a Chick?

Not really a grimey way to break up but what happened after was grimey.

In 8th grade I was dating a chick, but I was feeling a 7th grade girl. So I dumped the 8th grader for the 7th grader.

3 months later the 7th grade relationship ended. I went on AIM and was talking to the ex-8th grade chick coversation went:

Me: Hey I gotta ask you something
Her: Ok? What do you want to ask me (dont forget this was AIM and she was a 8th grader so it looked more like this, "kk? WuT d0 u wAn 2 ask mee?"
Me: Well we used to date and we are still cool and I still kinda like you
Her: kinda?
Me: yeah. I mean I like you only if you like me back (8th grade game FTL
Me: do you?
Her: Yes I still do.
Me: will you go back out with me?
Her: really?! Yes!

*waits* 5 Min

Her: *logs off*

The next day her friend told me she was crying the night before and has blocked me from AIM.
A few of my friends and I still to this day joke about this. I think I mightstill have a printed copy of the full convo somewhere around here. I'll try and find it so I can post it on here.

-The Juice
moved without her knowing (back home from college), stopped calling, and changed my phone #.....

pretty much disappeared on her.
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