Worst Job at Google... Would you do it?

Jul 2, 2012
For a contract of 12 months, you get 3 meals a day paid by the company + hourly wage. The job description is to look at 15,000 images/videos a day that have been flagged as bestiality, necrophilia, body mutilations (gore, shock, beheadings, suicides), explicit fetishes (like diaper porn) and child pornography found across all Google products.

Personally the Psychological trauma would be too much for me.


Strong comment...

In the first dot-com boom, I worked on a large groups application, kind of like what Google Groups is now. We had ~3m users, uploading thousands of images per day. For the first 6 months or so, it was the developers who had to do the moderation. We saw a lot of stuff that we could (and, frankly, had to) laugh about - anatomically impressive feats of stretching, comically ludicrous insertions, etc - but then there was the other stuff, the ones that you just couldn't laugh off. Stuff being done to others who clearly weren't old enough to consent. Some of the things I saw cannot be unseen or forgotten, however much I've wanted to in the ten years or so since.

After a while it does get you down. The very ordinariness of the backdrops was what got to me. People's ironing boards in the background. Their work uniforms hanging on the back of the door. You realise that this kind of **** is not done by crazed inbreds in the mountains or by foaming-at-the-mouth psychos, but by everyday people like the ones you sit next to on the bus or who smile at you as you buy a coffee from them every day. And that really got to me. I started looking at people and society very differently, and feeling constantly angry or sad.

In the end we hired a team of dedicated moderators, who had an enforced 1-to-1 counselling session every week. We also started working with law enforcement and people in suits whose cards just listed their job as 'the home office', and every now and again we'd get an email from the higher-ups telling us that our evidence had been crucial in securing a conviction in some case that had been in the news recently. And that helped.

There are far worse things on the internet than Goatse or tub girl, and a depressingly large number of people who produce them, consume them, and share them with others. Anyone who does that job for a sustained period has not only my sympathies, but my thanks
just cuz its google means i gotta take a crappy job?

i have a feeling that working low level spots at highly admired companies arent really that glamorous as people think.

It just seems dope cuz the company is dope, but in reality, they expect more and pay less b/c they know someone else will do it...

not on the same level, but i used to be HYPE about working at Footlocker... Just being around the kicks was enough for me.

When i realized that its a business, and started looking at the work i was doing compared to the pay i was getting, i had to bounce.

i guess the same would go for apple or google...

i'm not talking about the glamour spots.. .i'm talking about regular low level stuff like this, or working in a retail apple store..

i wouldnt do it... cuz i have a feeling the pay is around $11-$12 / hour...

Depends on the wage, if it's $40+/hr, then yeah. I've probably seen the worst graphics/videos on the internet.

But I can understand the negative psychological effects this job might cause...
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Dont care about the wage, I could do minimum wage.

I'd work for Google.

I visit GoreGrish on a daily basis, So these pictures don't bother me anymore, Nothing bothers me...
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Dont care about the wage, I could do minimum wage.
I'd work for Google.
I visit GoreGrish on a daily basis, So these pictures don't bother me anymore, Nothing bothers me...
Seeing a grown man have sex with a three year old would.

I'd be a psychological wreck after a year of doing this. No way.
i cant even stomach those surgery shows where they show scenes here n there of random incisions. so no

and the child porn crap would ruin my life, i'd probably kill myself if i ever saw that crap
Dont care about the wage, I could do minimum wage.
I'd work for Google.
I visit GoreGrish on a daily basis, So these pictures don't bother me anymore, Nothing bothers me...

I'm the opposite; I refuse to expose myself to that stuff. Humans are empathic beings; we can feel emotion and put ourselves in someone else's position simply through sight. I think repeated exposure to really horrifying stuff and gore is going to desensitize your empathic abilities and, frankly, make you less of a human in this regard.

Do you think I'm accurate? Do you feel as though you're less empathic now after having been regularly exposed to that kind of material?
Some of you are seriously underestimating how sick some people are and what they upload to the internet.
just cuz its google means i gotta take a crappy job?

i have a feeling that working low level spots at highly admired companies arent really that glamorous as people think.

It just seems dope cuz the company is dope, but in reality, they expect more and pay less b/c they know someone else will do it...

not on the same level, but i used to be HYPE about working at Footlocker... Just being around the kicks was enough for me.

When i realized that its a business, and started looking at the work i was doing compared to the pay i was getting, i had to bounce.

i guess the same would go for apple or google...

i'm not talking about the glamour spots.. .i'm talking about regular low level stuff like this, or working in a retail apple store..

i wouldnt do it... cuz i have a feeling the pay is around $11-$12 / hour...


Did you read the op?
just cuz its google means i gotta take a crappy job?

i have a feeling that working low level spots at highly admired companies arent really that glamorous as people think.

It just seems dope cuz the company is dope, but in reality, they expect more and pay less b/c they know someone else will do it...

not on the same level, but i used to be HYPE about working at Footlocker... Just being around the kicks was enough for me.

When i realized that its a business, and started looking at the work i was doing compared to the pay i was getting, i had to bounce.

i guess the same would go for apple or google...

i'm not talking about the glamour spots.. .i'm talking about regular low level stuff like this, or working in a retail apple store..

i wouldnt do it... cuz i have a feeling the pay is around $11-$12 / hour...

Did you read the op?
Pretty clear that he didnt.
Some of you are seriously underestimating how sick some people are and what they upload to the internet.

I don't know man. After watching stuff like August Underground's Mordum, Salo, A Serbian Film, pain olympic, a few head decapitations, and especially 2 Girls 1 Cup, I don't know what could be much worse. >D :x
The pay would have to be great. The amount of things I have seen on the internet has been great boring and bad. The monotonous work combined with the horrors you would see, will leave a effect on you after a while
Some of you are seriously underestimating how sick some people are and what they upload to the internet.

I don't know man. After watching stuff like August Underground's Mordum, Salo, A Serbian Film, pain olympic, a few head decapitations, and especially 2 Girls 1 Cup, I don't know what could be much worse. >D :x

yeah I have seen some sickneing/disgusting videos & pics so if someone (especially a company like Google) was paying good money to monitor that and maybe prevent some little kids or anyone from having to view that garbage...I could handle it, I don't really get grossed out or feel sick from seeing any video or pic, but you do kind of feel sad about humanity if something is realllllly f'd up :smh:
yeah I have seen some sickneing/disgusting videos & pics so if someone (especially a company like Google) was paying good money to monitor that and maybe prevent some little kids or anyone from having to view that garbage...I could handle it, I don't really get grossed out or feel sick from seeing any video or pic, but you do kind of feel sad about humanity if something is realllllly f'd up 
Nah, I couldn't do it.
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I don't know man. After watching stuff like August Underground's Mordum, Salo, A Serbian Film, pain olympic, a few head decapitations, and especially 2 Girls 1 Cup, I don't know what could be much worse. >D :x

Man, I can't even fantasize the amount of stuff that's out there. My mind gets blown from seeing pictures of outer space and the thought of many many earths just like ours out there. The same can be said for the internet. It's so vast that what you look at daily is not even close to what's even out there. Remember the thread about the Deep Web? There's even a deeper web that than, think of it as the layers of an onion.
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