Worst Job at Google... Would you do it?

Some things to consider:

1) Will this job advance your career?

2) Will this job get you a foot in the door to potentially better positions at google?

3) Will this job enahnce your resume?

Having google on your resume can have many benefits, as you learn the culture and work ethic of a successful company. However, if you are only doing it for the money and/or prestige of saying you've worked at google, then it's probably not worth it.
I'm not driven by money or fluffing my resume up with "google" on it, so no.

I just can't subject myself to things like that. It would greatly hinder where I'm striving to be.
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hmm, do I get benefits with this? Do you have to watch the whole video? .You just have to mentally block this out....somehow.... can't be that bad....right gais?

Some things to consider:

1) Will this job advance your career?

2) Will this job get you a foot in the door to potentially better positions at google?

3) Will this job enahnce your resume?

Having google on your resume can have many benefits, as you learn the culture and work ethic of a successful company. However, if you are only doing it for the money and/or prestige of saying you've worked at google, then it's probably not worth it.

if that second paragraph of the comment is included then I'd do it

Good thread, though.

Be prepared to have feds watching you if you take or even apply for this job though.
just cuz its google means i gotta take a crappy job?

i have a feeling that working low level spots at highly admired companies arent really that glamorous as people think.

Very true.

I work at an NBA team with a cool job but terrible pay. I have to work a side job just to live. Lots of people leave here disgruntled or with bad feelings towards the team... mostly due to being underpaid.
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just cuz its google means i gotta take a crappy job?

i have a feeling that working low level spots at highly admired companies arent really that glamorous as people think.

Very true.

I work at an NBA team with a cool job but terrible pay. I have to work a side job just to live. Lots of people leave here disgruntled or with bad feelings towards the team... mostly due to being underpaid.

:wow: Learn something new everyday
what would this job title even be? I'm hoping the Reston location has an opening but I don't even know what to say if I call.

"hey I hear you guys need people to look at gore and gross porn?"
Some things to consider:
1) Will this job advance your career?
2) Will this job get you a foot in the door to potentially better positions at google?
3) Will this job enahnce your resume?

Having google on your resume can have many benefits, as you learn the culture and work ethic of a successful company. However, if you are only doing it for the money and/or prestige of saying you've worked at google, then it's probably not worth it.

LOL What?

And Im pretty sure being the janitor at Google isnt going to look good on a resume. Just like this wont either.

Culture? They probably gone have you working from home :lol:
nah couldn't do it, rather not know that stuff even exist
word. that psychological trauma, i can't do it. might have my own video end up on google after time :smh: i watched those vids and seen those pics before; i rather not know stuff like that exists now.
I enjoyed my stay at google. the perks were so damn great...it made it hard to leave. You'd be surprised how many other NTers have been/are at google.
however, as a contractor at google, you have to understand that it is VERY RARE that they will convert you over to FTE. As far as how much you'll get paid, I'm assuming it's around the $20ish/hr. This is going off what other entry-level stuff are at google, but then again..this is a very graphic job, so maybe more?
but yeah, i don't know if i can do this job. Watching stuff like that day in and day out is going to completely change you. no thanks

add me to the list of NTers who have worked there. Goes without saying, but definitely not a job like this. The company name does impress other potential employers, especially if you leave the Bay Area. However, I can't see how a job like this would move your career forward if that is one of your top 2 goals.
With a job like this, I wouldn't be surprised if it was even further outsourced from the company compared to other "contractor" jobs; i.e. I wouldn't be surprised if this job was a work from home gig, your officially a Temp Agency employee and you don't even get a badge to visit the campus for free food. Contractor's already miss out on several perks and benefits that full-time employees receive: stock, freebies, morale events, etc. A contract position like this is probably even further removed
Im not sure if anybody could get completely desensitized to viewing gore and who-knows-what every Monday-Friday 9-5.
Do they have to watch the whole video? :nerd:
No ******g way. To see some of that **** once is enough but to go through it everyday? naw
Some things to consider:
1) Will this job advance your career?
2) Will this job get you a foot in the door to potentially better positions at google?
3) Will this job enahnce your resume?
Having google on your resume can have many benefits, as you learn the culture and work ethic of a successful company. However, if you are only doing it for the money and/or prestige of saying you've worked at google, then it's probably not worth it.
I would have to disagree there.  For every open position, there are 10,000 applicants.  If you can make it though the tough and rigorous interview process, then your career is on the right track.  If Google is on your resume, this will further open doors because of the knowledge and experience you have gained.  You could also apply to top tier business schools afterwards.  If you can get stock options, why leave?
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