Worst Job at Google... Would you do it?

That's like being a mod on NT but we don't get paid.

Or 3 meals a day.

j/k. We just have to look at stupid stuff - not much offensive material.
I don't think I could...

The internet is the sickest place I can think of...EVERYTHING is on here. The most vile things I've seen have been on a computer screen. Ish that is sometimes just gross but other times things that are extremely disturbing. Like they make me rethink how I perceive humanity.

I would try this job, but I would probably tap out and quit before lunch and not even be able to eat it..

I had a conversation with a dude that was basically part of the crew that goes to crime scenes and cleans up. He told me that the job has a really high drop-out rate as most people who start end up not being able to handle what they see. He said that he thinks the worst part is not even seeing what happened but only seeing the aftermath. The new guys almost always vomit.

I'm not about those lives..
a girl i use to work with with had a job offer for a similar job for youtube (when they first started). it was near min. wage but with stock in company. she declined. woulda been a millionaire now.
Depends on the pay for me honestly...

Yeah, you may see videos of children being abused and that's not okay...but you have to realize it happens every single day. If I can "sacrifice" myself to prevent others from viewing such things, I would...and I hate humanity.

Pretty much, if you can separate your personal life from your job, it wouldn't be too bad.
I would do it, ive been linked to numerous gore sites and didnt flinch once although I'm sure these pictures would be the worst of the worst.
I enjoyed my stay at google. the perks were so damn great...it made it hard to leave. You'd be surprised how many other NTers have been/are at google.

however, as a contractor at google, you have to understand that it is VERY RARE that they will convert you over to FTE. As far as how much you'll get paid, I'm assuming it's around the $20ish/hr. This is going off what other entry-level stuff are at google, but then again..this is a very graphic job, so maybe more?

but yeah, i don't know if i can do this job. Watching stuff like that day in and day out is going to completely change you. no thanks
Couldnt pay me enough to watch grown men have their way with children.

I have kids, that **** dont fly with me
I would do it...in a heart beat actually. Especially if the pay is up to par? No question.

That stuff is sickening no doubt, however it's on the computer, not in my real life. Me personally, that disconnect allows me to in effect see that foul stuff, and take it as a grain of salt. For me, it wouldn't be that serious, I would just be doing a job.

Perhaps i'm callous to that material, although I doubt that would be the case. ( I hardly ever come across some of the stuff you guys are bringing up in this thread. I never come across "foul" stuff on the web to be honest.)

So yeah, I would do it in a heartbeat.
I'm sure working there you'll see a lot of foul and disturbing stuff.

Not sure I can do it, that will mess me up. Most stuff that bad stays in my head forever and would not want to look at disgusting **** as a day job
had a thought, what if you came across a video like the video from "The Ring" or saw a video with an actual ghost on it. Naw man, im not gonna lose my mind
i would do it but doesnt mean i would be the best at my job. i would stay there till they fired me for not doing ****
I could put in a good year of this. opDarknet basically finished the work that chans and gore sites started on my brain. at least I'd be getting paid to see the same horrible **** I've seen before.

def wanna do whatever the application process is now.
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