Worst Pain You've Ever Been In. Vol Tonsils

Toe stuff is horrendous. Dropped a heavy andis clipper on my big toenail and it split it wide open, almost passed out.
My right thumbnail is 65% from falling off.

I slammed it in the car door 2 months ago.

Dried blood under the nail.

Essentially this is me

Inner bicep tattoo. Both outline and shading in one sitting.

Broke a tooth, thought nothing of it until the tiniest piece of food hit the exposed nerve.

Strep throat and the doctor having to inject antibiotics directly into my tonsils. No numbing or anything. Open wide, needle directly into my tonsils.

Soap going into the peehole.
Is it weird that I've never gotten a bruise under a finger/toenail?

I've slammed and stubbed with the best of em and tend to be a bleeder, but for whatever reason it never happens to me.

Hell...come to think of it back in 2015 I got serious infection under my right ring finger that required an incision & drainage from a plastic surgeon along with some IV antibiotics. I asked the surgeon if I was gonna lose the nail and he said "not yet" :lol:. Fast forward the finger healed up to where you would never notice and I never lost the nail.
I've never broken a bone , been stung by a bee or bitten by an animal .

But I've bled under the nail
When I had a gallstone attack. Felt like I was getting stabbed constantly every 2 mins.

So glad I had the gallbladder taken out.
A garage door slammed shut on my right ring finger. Right in the middle of the door, fully closed.

Fingernail turned black and eventually fell off. Grew back perfectly normal tho.
Came in here To echo this exact thing, I really doubt ANYTHING can be a worst pain than this, because even when you think severe trauma, your body goes into shock and deals with the pain somewhat, but there ain’t no shock when you dealing with an infected molar....just had to get one removed and the anesthetic wouldn’t stick due to the infection, had to deal with the pain for a week while the antibiotics fought it off, then get it removed, THEN deal with the healing pain...lord..
I already mentioned it earlier but kidney stones...

I deadass made amends with the fact that I was going to die. Like I was ok with it and ready.

Even tho obviously I wasnt and didnt. That's how painful it was.
Had a compound fracture of my left ankle the first day of gym class my freshman year of high school. We were playing touch (aggressive) football on the tennis courts cause the grass field areas were messed up. I went up for a pass and actually caught it but on the way down I bumped into a defender so all my weight went on my left leg, I ended up landing on the side of my foot and it snapped while slightly dislocating to the left. I finished the game and figured it was a sprain but when class was over and it was time to change I was in agony taking my shoe off. Once I got it off my ankle was the size of a got damn grapefruit. Pain wasn't too bad during the game due to the adrenline but when that wore off I could barely take it. Didn't feel like hitting the nurse so I tried to go to class but when I climbed the steps I almost toppled over on third one, said **** it and went to the nurse. She looked at my leg for like 30 seconds and called my mom, told it was pretty much mangled and I needed to hit the doctor.

I could not believe it
"the pizza burned another ten minutes while i was rolling on the floor watching my life flash before my eyes"
:rofl: :rofl: crine

"I deadass made amends with the fact that I was going to die. Like I was ok with it and ready."
:rofl: :rofl:

Y'all are too much in here. I believe it, but it's hilarious
Gall Bladder infection. Ended up having surgery to get it removed. I almost passed out in the ER waiting room from the pain. Staff was amazed that I drove myself to the hospital.
They didn’t even give me the option to be knocked out when I had my wisdoms out... honestly it wasn’t that bad at all. They let me have the laughing gas and I smoked before I went. They also let me listen to headphones so I couldn’t hear much of what was going on.
I got mine removed in the air Force. Smooth process. Healing was kinda a pain at times. Doc had me on the Percocets so i was floating.
Migraine, wisdom teeth, or sprained ankle... Any of those.


I suffered from chronic migraines as a kid, sprained my ankles countless times hooping growing up to the point where my right foot never healed completely, and I have to get all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled and everyone's telling me how much of a ***** it is.

I also fell face first into a blacktop in the 4th grade, had to be rushed to the hospital from school, my entire left front tooth game out (from the root, they showed me and I had never seen anything like that before), I dislocated my jaw, was out of school for weeks, and had to get countless dental procedures done to my teeth to fix my ****. Root canals, had a permanent retainer for a while until my mouth readjusted to the tooth being reinserted into my mouth, then after I needed braces to straighten my teeth back out.

The initial impact was a pain I can't even describe. Its literally like getting hit in the face by the earth (because that's literally what happened). But the long lasting pain of the dental surgeries, braces, etc were more painful than anything I had felt for a long time after that.

I actually went to the dentist a couple months ago and they took an x-ray of my mouth and they showed me how the method that was used to re-insert my tooth into my mouth is such an old method now (this happened to me in the 90's) and he actually hadn't seen anything like that in person :lol: :smh:

I'm wondering if I should just get the tooth removed and get a fake replacement

Long story short, falling face first into concrete hurts like a ***** and costs a **** ton of money to fix.
Back in 2012, had what I can only characterize as a boil/staph infection fusion maybe 2 inches below my navel, bout right where your belt-line would be. Not sure what got on me while I was working, but it eventually developed into something where I starting to hunch over and grimacing in pain, and told to go home. Ended up missing a full week of work. I was itching daily, along with constantly squeezing stuff that looked like mashed potatoes out of my stomach, more and more as the days went on. Ended up using one of those old school remedies making cornmeal and putting it around my stomach as I went to sleep, then would wake up and the cornmeal would bring out loads of ****/gunk and I'd feel relieved. A ton of big chunks would come out and just from the feeling of relief I knew I would eventually be over it. Had an actual hole in my stomach for awhile, and now it's just a bit of a small scar. Would just suggest if you ever get a cut, immediately take care of it, even if you second guess that it actually happened.
I've never broken a bone , been stung by a bee or bitten by an animal .

But I've bled under the nail
same here til about 6 months ago, broke some **** and finally had surgery.

almost 30 years old and went long as hell without either
Come to think of it, the worst part of having my wisdom teeth pulled was the constant bleeding the day of. Having to fall asleep on my back was not fun.
Had a spontaneous lung collapse and in order to treat it they had to shove a needle thru the front of my chest and when that couldn't get the job done they had to shove a tube underneath my armpit. The needle hurt more since I have more muscle mass in my chest
I’ve torn my arm open (almost to the bone), bussed my head open (lots of blood) and got my leg burned by an iron as a child.. fell about ten feet to the ground as a child all without painkillers

Non as excruciating as loosing my eyesight and getting half of my lip cut off then badly sown back together
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