Worst sleep paralysis episode of my life last night

yo This use to happen to me like crazy I would also hear weird noise vibrations to the first time it happend thought I was being suffocated with a pillow...but recently I was doing research on Out Of Body Experience and they say this happens when u are about to experience it you just have to stay calm and focus through the whole thing...so Ive been trying to have sleep paralysis on purpose...so far no luck
This used to happen to me semi often when I was younger. I agree, there is def a feeling of 'something' being in the room with you. Also, I recall my sense of hearing was off too, almost like a there was a buzzing, or constant white noise type sound going on. Anyways I learned that they are more common when you sleep on your back, and since then...it rarely happens to me.
This used to happen to me semi often when I was younger. I agree, there is def a feeling of 'something' being in the room with you. Also, I recall my sense of hearing was off too, almost like a there was a buzzing, or constant white noise type sound going on. Anyways I learned that they are more common when you sleep on your back, and since then...it rarely happens to me.
Im watching a video now on OBE the first step is Sleep Paralysis Second is the white noise sound which are vibrations then third is coming out of your body into which is the Astral Projection Stage...you will be able to look down and see your physical body laying there 
Wow I told this same story to mother and family and they all laughed at me.... I thought this only happened to me.
Been happening to me since I was like 12. Sucks.

But it usually happens to me when I'm trying to sleep in a hot room or really tired.

Wiggle your toes, b. Wiggle your toes.
Used to get it all the time. I've had awesome experiences and some crazy spiritual alien/ghost/demonic ****** up experiences. Will tell my most memorable experiences if anyone's interested.

I haven't had it in a while but still get it occasionally. I can tell when it's about to happen and usually invite it because I've been able to turn them into lucid dreams.

Sleeping/dreaming :smokin
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i have a theory that everytime you get sleep paralysis, youre not actually awake and not able to move, youre just dreaming and in your dream you have sleep paralysis.
happened to me once, but didn't see/feel any demon sitting on top of me. just the paralyzed part. maybe it's your dieting? i know i get crazy dreams when i eat spicy food before i go to bed.
You're just confined between the R.E.M state and waking up.

You kinda have to just fall back to sleep or wiggle your toes.

Aliens, demons and all that other stuff SOUNDS cool but nah.
Been happening to me for years..it gets really bad when my sleep schedules ****** up AND it only happens when im sleeping on my back..I usually never sleep on my back but sometimes il just randomly toss and turn into that position then bam cant move/breath/talk or anything..Used to it now though. Earlier today though the craziest **** happened, at first I didnt know if it was a dream or not. I was like half asleep and it felt like someone outside my window had like 100 w7s, literally just super bassy noise and it felt like everything was shaking, SUPER HARD...not earthquake rumble shaking but like a in sync deep bass rumble shaking... It had that weird feeling of sleep paralysis but I know that wasn't all it..it was too crazy
never happened to me. ive slept on my stomach since i was a baby btw
Got me twice this year, with the most recent being about 3 weeks ago.


I fell asleep on my left side facing my closet doors only to wake up paralyzed and mute. During the realization of my immobility, I noticed two dark shadows on my white closet doors. The shadows would only move when I focused on them. I soon realized it was "Sleep Paralysis" and started to yell, "come get me already! come get me" but there was no sound and more of a suffocation sensation than anything. There was a QUICK FLASH and I was on my back with the shadows hovering over my face as I attempted to yell for help and to fight back. QUICK FLASH...again! I'm in my livingroom trying to talk to my bro, but he keeps staring at the tv while I'm practically yelling out MUTE cries for help. By the way, it was midnight and the sun was fully beaming. QUICK FLASH AGAIN... I'm back in my bed again but facing the opposite way, same body positioning. I realized (at least I thought I did) it was only a dream and tried to get up, but couldn't because I was still dreaming. I was telling myself to wiggle my toes, but to no avail. I finally woke up in the same position, got some water and eventually went back to sleep.

it's spooky as hell to experience, but I lowkey like it
Lol cool to see a thread about this. Been happening all my life. Used to be frequent until I learned to get out of it. First this has nothing to do with no paranormal crap. It's just your unconscious body not responding to your conscious mind. First don't freak out cuz that'll cause short breathes. Just calmly focus on moving one limb like a hand or foot. Once you can move it your out within seconds. It's lk Kill Bill when she had to wiggle her toe. :lol:

PS. you can hum while being in paralysis mode. So whenever I hum my gf shakes me to wake my body. Also biting the tongue will send signals to your nervous system giving you feeling back to your body.
never happened to me when sleeping on my belly.

happened to me a few weeks ago on my back, and has happened once or twice before.

**** scary when you think damn what if i never move again :nerd: lol
Happened to me last night...it seems to only happen when I wake up from a dream, and try to go back into that SAME dream in your mind.
used to happen to me around age 12.....

The most scary thing that used to happen to me for like a year is an episode i went through where I would wake up, and I would literally be blind. I would open my eyes, feel them open, light hitting my eyeballs and everything, yet all there was was an overwhelming white light that left me blind for nearly 10 to 15 minutes after I would wake up. I even went to my dad once while it was happening and had a face to face convo, me telling him that I could not see him standing in front of me at all....I used to be mad shook thinking I really was starting to develop blindness, but it ended up stopping. I did have to go to the eye doctor three times though....
It happens to me once in a long while. When it happens, I feel like I'm in the hyperbolic chamber set at 10,000 times gravity.
never happened to me. ive slept on my stomach since i was a baby btw
It's a main reason I sleep on my stomach, don't wanna exp. that :lol:.

Also, I believe stress can be a factor.

BTW, these threads pop up every month or so, you'll see another NTer post one then.
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