Worst things you ate?

Apr 7, 2008
When me and my sisters were younger, my older sister used to cook me and my younger sister food. So one day, she's cooking us scrambled eggs. Cool.

I start eating my eggs and they're crunchy. It was cool at first, like a new kinda texture. I figured she put something extra in it... Until I found out it was egg shells

It stuck in my teeth and it's hard as hell to get out
It's hard to describe why it's nasty, but it's DISGUSTING.

Another time, I was eating chips, and  one of my sisters had just finished getting her hair braided, so there was hair all over the floor....

I dropped a chip, and because I didnt want to miss a single second of SNICK, I proceed to put it in my mouth without looking and started chewing... Texture was weird... It wouldnt break down, and it was like... weird...

Reached in my mouth and pulled out a big nasty ##% ball of hair with tortilla chips all mixed in it.

I didnt throw up though on either of those though

Worse thing you ate?



Can someone be so kind as to make the 2nd and 3rd lines a successively bigger font? I'm on my iPhone.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by iYen

Yeah.. I tried cottage cheese too... I couldnt handle it either... It's supposed to be good for you, but... Nah...
When I first ate cottage cheese I was like...
Cottage cheese is nasty. Also the cafeteria had these huge mushroom things one day that I accidentally got.
i think i can agree with you guys on the cottage cheese.

a few years back when i was on a clean bulk diet, i'd eat cottage cheese + PB before bed.
Originally Posted by megatron

What the %*@* is wrong with ya?

Cottage cheese is delicious b.
You like cottage cheese?
How do you eat it and how frequently do you eat it?
Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by megatron

What the %*@* is wrong with ya?

Cottage cheese is delicious b.
You like cottage cheese?
How do you eat it and how frequently do you eat it?
Once or twice a day. Plain, with spoon.
cottage cheese is alright as long as its the regular one and not the fat free one. Sometimes mix it with strawberry yogurt or something.

Worst things I ate was recently an expired can of clam chowder

I never really tried it before and there was nothing in the house to eat so I made it. I didn't know what it was supposed to look like and ate it. It tasted horrible and then thats when I looked at the expiration date and


expired 2007
Baby cockroaches in my cereal....

I knew something was up when some of the cereal had a saltiness to it....

I threw it all up after I saw 5-6 tiny baby cockroaches in my cereal...

Makes me nauseous just thinking about it....
Originally Posted by Marvin Hagler

Baby cockroaches in my cereal....

I knew something was up when some of the cereal had a saltiness to it....

I threw it all up after I saw 5-6 tiny baby cockroaches in my cereal...

Makes me nauseous just thinking about it....

I had a similar thing happen to me when I was younger. Im eating my cereal, go in for another spoonful and see a roach floating in the milk. Makes me cringe even just thinking about it. 
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