Worst time to open your trunk (.gif)

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by ryanbbn23

Originally Posted by derrty6232

Some people have dash cams in their cars. I have one in my car and it records everytime I drive.

why do u have that?

The odds of catching this on tape if you have a dash cam are astronomical.

I don't know how many drivers use a dash cam... But its not 50% or 20% or 10% or probably even 2%... And then for one of those people to catch some wild *$@* like that in full frame on camera?
I'm not buying it.
I didn't install a dash cam to hopefully capture some wild #@#@ like that .gif.

My mother got into a car accident a few months ago, she t-boned a car that ran a red light at an intersection.  She said it was the other party's fault, the other party said it was her fault, it was her word against theirs.  Luckily, there were a few eyewitnesses that sided with my mother's story and the insurance companies concluded that the other party was at fault for the accident.  This is one of the reasons I installed a dash cam in my car and eventually one in my mother's car when she gets a new one.  You never know what you might capture on video and who knows, it may work in your favor sometime. 

Example - About a month ago, I left work really late at night (like 2am) and had to get gas for my car before going home.  I try to get chevron most of the time and the closet one to my office is a few miles away in a really nice part of town.  On my way there,  I see a cop going the other direction as me and as soon as he passes me, he does a u-turn and starts following behind me for a few blocks.  I already knew what was up after he did that u-turn so I was in my proper driving mode.  The cop pulls me over and said that I was swerving all over the lanes and ran a stop sign.  I apologized and said that I just got off work and it was real at night and was just trying to get home.  The officer just let me off with a warning at the end though.  Classic case of profiling by the officer.  When I got home that night, I reviewed the videos my dash cam recorded and I was not swerving nor did I run a stop sign like the officer said.  Had I gotten a ticket, I could have proved my innocence with my dash cam videos.

That's why I have a dash cam.
Originally Posted by MMG

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Fake. From the way dude was standing, when the car hit him he would not have went up feet first.


he didnt go feet first.

the car hood is at a slant, it hit his legs first, which cause his upper body to hit off the windshield and rotate him

After watching the vid a couple more times I see what you're saying.
It looks like something broke off the car from the impact, vid could definitely be real.

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Fake. From the way dude was standing, when the car hit him he would not have went up feet first.

listen to this guy, he's clearly been hit by many cars in his lifetime so he would know

Originally Posted by JordanXI45

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT


Just look at the flip. You'd have to be a moron to believe that was real.
People are always quick to call something fake 

How about you guys demonstrate how you would naturally react to getting hit by a car going 50+ mph.

Then come back in the thread and drop some real knowledge. 

Cause I don't know about ya'll but I never been hit by a car, so I don't know what the heck can really happen or not. 
Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by FedExciter

Originally Posted by Drizzyd

Still dont know about these "real" videos where people videotape the road..

word. Like why would you be driving down the highway randomly videotaping the road
thats exactly what i was thinking, it looks super real, but its totally staged 

Can someone slow it down frame by frame.

It looks like dude goes from standing on his feet into an instant vertical 180. You can even see him do the first flip. The timing of the flip looks off.
According to Reddit, where this was probably stolen from, this is real and the guy only broke his leg. The reason he was opening the trunk is because an open trunk is apparently more visible than hazard lights.
bhahahaha... dude looks like he his holding his nose... ready for that triple backflip of the diving board!
Originally Posted by Futuristic

According to Reddit, where this was probably stolen from, this is real and the guy only broke his leg. The reason he was opening the trunk is because an open trunk is apparently more visible than hazard lights.

damn I thought he would've been dead from that if it was real
"You'd have to be a fool to think this was real."
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Fake. From the way dude was standing, when the car hit him he would not have went up feet first.

listen to this guy, he's clearly been hit by many cars in his lifetime so he would know
After seeing this and the way he flew up in the air, I now believe my boy when he told me he was once hit by a car and he flew so high the back of his head hit the traffic light.
damn.  people are dumb. i understand it was an emergency stop but that kid was asking for it.  
how the hell do you think that this video is fake?

there would be no way you could stage someone getting hit by a car on an express way, that %!*$ was real.

Like people said before it was a dash cam, it wasnt staged
I swear, people on NT are so quick to call fake without think just to avoid any type of 'Damn I guess it really wasn't real after all' disappointment later on. It's like you guys got mortified by finding out Santa doesn't exist anymore or something.
Upon my investigation into the video I have found an interesting piece of evidence to prove it's authenticity:

My man boo boo'd his pants

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