Would The World Be A Better Place If Religion Did Not Exist

A world without people who take religion and bastardize it to fit into their own ideology and spew their own hateful message would be better.
Yeah I think thats the main problem I have with organized religion, not necessarily the message but the messengers who manipulate it and peopleblindly following.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

A world without people who take religion and bastardize it to fit into their own ideology and spew their own hateful message would be better.
Yeah I think thats the main problem I have with organized religion, not necessarily the message but the messengers who manipulate it and people blindly following.

That and greed really hurt organize religions.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Have the balls to say why. I hate people that come into these discussions with nothing to add besides: yes, no, probably, maybe, etc. Show some intelligence.
LOL. Relax there, King of NT.

Of course history would have taken a different path and while there's no way to really know, looking at the way man has corrupted religion and himself inthe name of religion over time in order to achieve self-serving goals (while at the same time making it seem like the benefits he receives from such a beliefsystem is due to a higher calling or order of things) is one prime example. Whether it's Islam or Christianity or Judaism -- members of all major religionshave instituted efforts to put on a pedestal their belief system as the end all be all. Religion is politics. Politics are corruptible.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

A world without people who take religion and bastardize it to fit into their own ideology and spew their own hateful message would be better.
Yeah I think thats the main problem I have with organized religion, not necessarily the message but the messengers who manipulate it and people blindly following.
That and greed really hurt organize religions.

the funny thing about it is that if you look at religion for what its supposed to be about at its core, its the exact opposite of what some religious peopleare doing.

at its core its about love, giving, and compassion for you fellow man, but very few religious people actually live that way.
I work with this guy thats supposedly a Christian like myself, yet dude was spewing some of the most hateful rhetoric I'd ever heard in person last week.And had the nerve to try to interweave the faith/religion into his reasoning for basically being a hateful @%+ dude. It made me think, "THIS is the kindaguy that gives religion a bad name" cause everything he was saying was the complete opposite of the actual faith. For him to twist and bend it all to fithis own personal grudges and insecurities was sickening.
Nope here's why:
1.) Race is an issue still
2.) Gender is an issue still
3.) Every other problem we have in this world not involving religion

There would still be an unbalance. All the bad that has come from having religion in the world would be gone BUT all the good having religion in the worldwould Also be gone.
Originally Posted by eye see soles


Nothing controls a population like the unknown. And what's a greater controlling mechanism than religion?

Without that control it's arguable that we'd be worse off than we are now.
I totally understand what you are saying. And really, I think your opinion is kind of why so many instill the fear of god into children. 'God' is a omnipresent babysitter for parents 11 months out of the year. The other month is Santa. But, I would still argue that acknowledgingsomething utterly bullocks is more harmful than good. So much good could be done if people were shaken of this idea of god and rules that are put into placeto serve him or her. I'd never let religion instruction into the lives of my children solely based on the idea that it scares them into doing what is'right.'
Religion will die out soon... then we will see if the world becomes a better place
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

"I wish the world could put all the hate, killing, and beating in a garbage bag and throw it away
we don't need them everyone alive should be given a chance because...
god only gave us one life to live."
truer words have never been spoken...
No, I know a lot of ppl, includin myself who refrain from cruel acts because of religion. Had not been for religion I would have been offed somebody
The world would find other things to conflict about, I think that's obvious.

But being that religion is a part of my life, I would be conflicted at the very thought. Maybe an effect it would have on society is that more people will notbe afraid to show expression of their feelings, as opposed to now where a lot of people find religion as their comfort level.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

No, I know a lot of ppl, includin myself who refrain from cruel acts because of religion. Had not been for religion I would have been offed somebody

just thinking about killing someone is a sin.. haha you going to hell.
Originally Posted by 18th letter

spirituality >>>>>>>>> religion


And for the last time, the problem is people not religion.
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

No, I know a lot of ppl, includin myself who refrain from cruel acts because of religion. Had not been for religion I would have been offed somebody

just thinking about killing someone is a sin.. haha you going to hell.

But u right, I could never go through w/ it though unless the circumstances were severe. I couldn't see myself takin a life I didn't create.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

No, there are wars over religion because in the end people want something and use religion as a crutch to rationalize the war.

I think it played its purpose but is slowly on its way out.

As society grows, people are gonna be faced with believing what they're taught in school or at home and slowly more and more people are siding with school.
At this very moment in time, the world might be a better place with out but for most of history, its been too important.
Life is too complex for religion to disappear. It may evolve, but it will always be here in some shape or form.

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

No, I know a lot of ppl, includin myself who refrain from cruel acts because of religion. Had not been for religion I would have been offed somebody

What about adultery, if it wasn't against religion and law in the U.S. would you do it?

I think society as well as religion, can create social precepts.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

A world without people who take religion and bastardize it to fit into their own ideology and spew their own hateful message would be better.
Yeah I think thats the main problem I have with organized religion, not necessarily the message but the messengers who manipulate it and people blindly following.


History is filled with examples of how people have taken religion and manipulated it to further their own agendas. The problem with organized religion is thatmost people who follow it do so blindly and just take what they're being taught at face value without questing it. Organized religion is a tool foroppression and it's used to brainwash and condition weak minded people to follow blindly, not think for themselves and just do as their told. This is thereason why people were able to get away with using religion as a justification for slavery. This is why most wars have been holy wars or were fought because ofconflicting religious ideologies. People can literally get away with murder if they say they did it in the name of religion/"God". Personally I thinkthe world would benefit if organized religion didn't exist because people wouldn't be able to use religion as the easy way out and would actually haveto take personal accountability for their hateful actions and bigotry.
I don't think there's a clear yes or no to this question, but overall I'd say yes.
The only no I can think of is that religion can truly turn peoples lives around when they're lost in the world.
Other than that though, I don't see what good religion does or has done.
Religion by itself is a beautiful thing, but how I see it, humans use religion to alienate and condemn others who look/think/act differently,
rather than accept and love them no matter what they are, which to me should be the point of religion in the first place.
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