Would you be upset

Originally Posted by HanSolo23

This is just stupid, I don't care if my girl was friends with a guy all her life, their not going on any damn date. If he wanna come to the crib and chill for a hour or so while he's in town cool, but he gonna be sitting on the recliner while me and my girl on the love seat, and imma be staring at him with a Kendrick Perkins mean mug the whole time.
Where did all the "He's just being jealous and insecure" NTers go?
What's more interesting is the utter hate that some nt'ers have expressed through their posts. either some of ya were done dirty by previous go's or just lames who've never had a girl and thus have contempt for em. I'm goin with the latter.
I can't even hate on OP. Her bf is free to leave but he ain't. That's that.
What's more interesting is the utter hate that some nt'ers have expressed through their posts. either some of ya were done dirty by previous go's or just lames who've never had a girl and thus have contempt for em. I'm goin with the latter.
I can't even hate on OP. Her bf is free to leave but he ain't. That's that.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

wow...NT classic in the making 

and with most classic threads, I can see this getting locked

and we all know who is going to do it
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

wow...NT classic in the making 

and with most classic threads, I can see this getting locked

and we all know who is going to do it
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