Would you rather have a cheerleader son or a stripper daughter?

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After going back and reading, I realized the ignorance levels in this thread are astounding.

Your son is going to be gay whether you like it or not. If he's wired that way, it's a done deal. You can try to influence him with as much manly ish as you want, it's just gonna make him a butch gay guy (idk what the male version of butch is.)

And if you raise him to shun/mock/degrade gays and he turns out to be gay, he's gonna resent you his whole life and put you in one of the bad nursing homes.

All you should worry about is raising a healthy person with good morals and self-respect and do everything you can to help them live a happy life.

And even if my male cheerleader son was gay, I would rather have a sexually active gay son that could become successful and has dignity than a sloot daughter who has no worth on this planet other than being a hole.

Yeah there are extremes, like a bummy sloot gay guy or a stripper who's not a sloot and actually goes to college, but I'm generalizing here.
This is exactly why I said I'd just plunge to my death.

This is probably the most extreme lose/lose situation you could ask someone.

You either have a daughter that's a JO with more bodies than you do...

Or a cheerleader son, who like stated above, is probably getting that backdoor examined very thoroughly.
lol im not mad. somebody had to put his ignorant butt in place. and gay is a trend? u think ur "gay" sisters are just pulling a big prank on u huh? lolwow, im done with this thread.
If u don't think some people are being gay for attention or to be apart of something u willin out
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If we're talking about the jump suit wearing dudes then I wouldn't be happy but I would have to deal with. If we're talkin the pom pom dancing dudes then absolutely not regardless of sexual orientation. That's a feminine activity and that would be a direct reflection on me. It would be my responsibility to teach him how to be a man and that's it. Although I would share the responsibilty of the daughter being a stripper, it is the mother's job to teach her how to conduct herself as a woman. I would be definitely be disappointed in that activity but if given the choice I would pick her doing that vs the son by a slim margin.

Considering homosexuality as a factor I would overwhelming choose the stripper daughter. Let me first say that homosexuals are human beings and are entitled to all the rights of straight folks (marriage eq, benefits, freedom from persecution, etc.). Until science conclusively provides evidence to the contrary, based on my experiences (especially with women in my family) i believe that it is a product of both nature and nurture. That nurture part is big in my opinion. As a straight male, being that my son is a direct relection of me, I would be ultimately responsible for him turning out that way. In my opinion that's a shot to my man hood. Is it wrong that I think that way, maybe, but its my opinion. If he does turn out gay, I'm going to love him the same because that is my seed. That doesn't mean I wouldn't feel some type of way about it. But as I've stated, I think its a combo of the two so the nurture part is on me and it wouldn't happen.
Question: Youre at work around the water cooler, topic comes up about your child's accomplishments. One guys kid hit the game winner shot in his JV basketball game, another guys kid one a spelling bee. They get to you, are you going to proudly admit your son took first place in a cheerleading competition?

Honest answers please
ooooooooooooo thats a tough one right there lol.....>D damn as a guy that kinda stings..i wouldnt even say anything just act as if I had to go piss and walk away
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u disgust me as a human being. ur baby mama shouldve got an abortion. now that poor girl of urs has a sorry excuse of a father lol

My seed straight...in the meantime, your son gon be sneaking boys in the backdoor. ..you're proud of that tho. Best wishes with that, send me your address, i'll send him a jump rope.

i see what you did there..


b4 lock.

so wait the notion that some strippers do it because times are that tough is utter BS? i kno there are some mom strippers out there...
Question: Youre at work around the water cooler, topic comes up about your child's accomplishments. One guys kid hit the game winner shot in his JV basketball game, another guys kid one a spelling bee. They get to you, are you going to proudly admit your son took first place in a cheerleading competition?

Honest answers please
YUP.  you know the work those cats have to do?!  liftin up wigglin broads all day?  please, i'd cop to that in a heartbeat and dare somebody to say somethin.  go ahead, slander my kid and see what happens 
 all these threads the same, the ones who have kids or family they think of as kids and the ones that should never have kids.  you proud of your kids no matter what as long as they doin it.  nothing else matters in your life but their happiness, if my boy was happy doin backflips and liftin up chicks all day and did his best and worked hard no hate would ever come from me.  anybody who says anything different just don't know yet.
Question: Youre at work around the water cooler, topic comes up about your child's accomplishments. One guys kid hit the game winner shot in his JV basketball game, another guys kid one a spelling bee. They get to you, are you going to proudly admit your son took first place in a cheerleading competition?

Honest answers please
are you gonna be proud when you're at the water cooler and your friend tells you that he saw your daughter when he went to the strip cub last week?
YUP.  you know the work those cats have to do?!  liftin up wigglin broads all day?  please, i'd cop to that in a heartbeat and dare somebody to say somethin.  go ahead, slander my kid and see what happens 

 all these threads the same, the ones who have kids or family they think of as kids and the ones that should never have kids.  you proud of your kids no matter what as long as they doin it.  nothing else matters in your life but their happiness, if my boy was happy doin backflips and liftin up chicks all day and did his best and worked hard no hate would ever come from me.  anybody who says anything different just don't know yet.

Fair enough. I don't have kids but, I'd be too embarrassed to admit that. I guess I'm a horrible person

are you gonna be proud when you're at the water cooler and your friend tells you that he saw your daughter when he went to the strip cub last week?

:lol: I never said anything about having a stripper daughter, and no I would not be proud. I'd probably quit my job.
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I have a son and it's all the more reason I don't want him booty popping and prancing around and carrying on. If he chooses to do it, so be it. However, he won't find my support in those endeavors.

I have similar feelings about him joining the army, becoming some manner of YouTube idiot, marrying a harlot or cheering for the ******** so my feelings aren't completely rooted in heterozealousness.

People just want certain things for their kids. There's nothing wrong with that.
Question: Youre at work around the water cooler, topic comes up about your child's accomplishments. One guys kid hit the game winner shot in his JV basketball game, another guys kid one a spelling bee. They get to you, are you going to proudly admit your son took first place in a cheerleading competition?

Honest answers please
"Uh...he's doing well in school." *slinks away, reflecting on life choices*
are you gonna be proud when you're at the water cooler and your friend tells you that he saw your daughter when he went to the strip cub last week?
Damn...your L was taken far in advance with that scenario tho.
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lol im not mad. somebody had to put his ignorant butt in place. and gay is a trend? u think ur "gay" sisters are just pulling a big prank on u huh? lolwow, im done with this thread.
If u don't think some people are being gay for attention or to be apart of something u willin out

So you're saying some boys actually let other boys inside them to be a part of something?

So some 10 year olds that realizes they're gay are now trying to be apart of a fad.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Some of y'all need to proof read before you submit.
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I have a son and it's all the more reason I don't want him booty popping and prancing around and carrying on. If he chooses to do it, so be it. However, he won't find my support in those endeavors.

I have similar feelings about him joining the army, becoming some manner of YouTube idiot, marrying a harlot or cheering for the ******** so my feelings aren't completely rooted in heterozealousness.

People just want certain things for their kids. There's nothing wrong with that.

Damn...your L was taken far in advance with that scenario tho.
the only scenario in which my son would be dead to me

Would you rather have a gay son or a son with Down syndrome?

I can't wait to see the answers for this one.
Would you rather have a gay son or a son with Down syndrome?

I can't wait to see the answers for this one.

I got an even cooler one...

Would you rather have a gay son or an athletic, good looking all-star son... only to find out he's not YOUR son?
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