would you smash?

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

my hand has a better +@@!! than her

Some things people should keep to themselves
I'm sorry but 9 timesoutta 10, the real thing is better than fapping and the sense of shame that ensues after. I'd definitely smash this chick before fapping. It should alwaysbe extreme last resort
Yall talking about if people wouldn't smash they must be virgins? Shorty extra weird looking. You fools tripping. With that said on most nights id smashcause she look like she got good box *shrugs*
if there was absolutely type of me actually chasin after that sure......

after 2am though..and she gotta leave before dawn.
man I just seen one of the best looking girls i ever seen in my life.
girl had the total package. bunz was on point, tatas were lookkiing nice in her shirt, cute as face.
She was the defenition of a dyme. gots no pics though.
and I'm only 16 and this girl was 24.
and I talked to her and she said I was too young and she already had a man. and I saw her dude. He was like a pretty boy type of ___.
The ones that have the long slick ponytail type of ninjas.
god, I can't wait to go to college.
sorry for typing like this, im just kind of sleepy right now so im about to hit the sheet5s.
good night NT.
Wait a second.... I might be wrong, but, is she a ******??? Cause, that's what I see on the pics, but the only reason dude won't hit her is becauseshe's chubby!
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