Would you Tip?

Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Yes I am replaceable, damn near everybody is. I never said I wasn't. But less replaceable than someone who fills drinks and brings plates. I mean ANYONE can do that.

And I rarely drink and never go to bars, so no I don't tip at bars.

It's not "taking advantage" of anything. You're already paying for it. The price is there, I paid for it. The employee has a contract and a wage, he's getting paid. What the problem is?

And most places give +%!*$+ service whether you tip or not, and many people tip whether they get good service or not because they feel bad for the employees, so the system is screwed all around. Meanwhile the owners are grinning all the way to the bank because they have found a way to save like 75% of the wage they would normally have to pay employees by using a guilt trip based system to throw it onto the customers, who they're obviously already charging a premium for whatever it is they provide.

It's not like if I give you a big tip AFTER eating, that's going to allow you to go back in time and have given me my food faster. If you had that kind of ability, you wouldn't be working in a +%$@$*@ restaurant.

When I was in Europe, nobody ever tipped and they still had service 100x better than in the US, even with the language barrier.

When your job requires fill drinks, carry food point a to point then yes that's about 2 bucks an hour worth of brain power.

When you're a doctor and performing a life or death surgery, and there are a relatively limited number of you and it took you an extra 6-8yrs of college to develop such skill, then yes you deserve to be sonning everybody else in the salary department.

That was good for a laugh...
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Yes I am replaceable, damn near everybody is. I never said I wasn't. But less replaceable than someone who fills drinks and brings plates. I mean ANYONE can do that.

And I rarely drink and never go to bars, so no I don't tip at bars.

It's not "taking advantage" of anything. You're already paying for it. The price is there, I paid for it. The employee has a contract and a wage, he's getting paid. What the problem is?

And most places give +%!*$+ service whether you tip or not, and many people tip whether they get good service or not because they feel bad for the employees, so the system is screwed all around. Meanwhile the owners are grinning all the way to the bank because they have found a way to save like 75% of the wage they would normally have to pay employees by using a guilt trip based system to throw it onto the customers, who they're obviously already charging a premium for whatever it is they provide.

It's not like if I give you a big tip AFTER eating, that's going to allow you to go back in time and have given me my food faster. If you had that kind of ability, you wouldn't be working in a +%$@$*@ restaurant.

When I was in Europe, nobody ever tipped and they still had service 100x better than in the US, even with the language barrier.

When your job requires fill drinks, carry food point a to point then yes that's about 2 bucks an hour worth of brain power.

When you're a doctor and performing a life or death surgery, and there are a relatively limited number of you and it took you an extra 6-8yrs of college to develop such skill, then yes you deserve to be sonning everybody else in the salary department.

That was good for a laugh...
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

I'm surprised by the amount of you that don't tip but maybe it's just that you're being so vocal about it.

To the non-tippers, are you young, cheap or just broke? All of the above?

I feel like if I'm too lazy to make or pick up food, I understand that even with a delivery charge, it's understood that even though it's not mandatory, it's appreciated to give a tip for someone to do something I wasn't willing to. Even if it's something that comes out to $13.50 and you give them $15, is that $3.50 total that significant to you?

I'm not mad, I've never worked in delivery or food service but I also accept that there are certain additional costs that come along with services provided to me. I'm not rich but I'm not young, cheap or broke.

1st off you're bad at math, 2nd they already add like $3 for delivery so if i order a $10 pizza its $13 which i think is too high for one meal of low quality. 3rd, im cheap as hell

I think hes including 2 for the delivery which would make sense...

Arenas, whats the chinese spot?
Its called Gourmet Gourmet. Its on flagler. THE BEST chinese place down here. And dont even touch that Chef Tian Express @*#+ they have menus for in the dorms, that place is trash.
just peeped the website, *@$! looks delicious, but thats outta my price range I think, stickin to panda express for the most part but Ima have to try it out
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

I'm surprised by the amount of you that don't tip but maybe it's just that you're being so vocal about it.

To the non-tippers, are you young, cheap or just broke? All of the above?

I feel like if I'm too lazy to make or pick up food, I understand that even with a delivery charge, it's understood that even though it's not mandatory, it's appreciated to give a tip for someone to do something I wasn't willing to. Even if it's something that comes out to $13.50 and you give them $15, is that $3.50 total that significant to you?

I'm not mad, I've never worked in delivery or food service but I also accept that there are certain additional costs that come along with services provided to me. I'm not rich but I'm not young, cheap or broke.

1st off you're bad at math, 2nd they already add like $3 for delivery so if i order a $10 pizza its $13 which i think is too high for one meal of low quality. 3rd, im cheap as hell

I think hes including 2 for the delivery which would make sense...

Arenas, whats the chinese spot?
Its called Gourmet Gourmet. Its on flagler. THE BEST chinese place down here. And dont even touch that Chef Tian Express @*#+ they have menus for in the dorms, that place is trash.
just peeped the website, *@$! looks delicious, but thats outta my price range I think, stickin to panda express for the most part but Ima have to try it out
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by Smokey13

Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul wrote:

Where'd you learn that? At church? Well I'll lose my money paying for something once, not paying someone to do a job they already get paid to do. The word "service" is meaningless anyways. Damn near any job qualifies, but it's something the shrewd business owners and stupid employees who work for them try to use to guilt people into overpaying them. !@%* that. They charge like a 3$ delivery charge already, plus I know delivery drivers get gas and mileage. In fact, delivery drivers for Papa John's down here make on average about 16$ an hr. That's better than most jobs, even professionals like accountants would be happy to get that. So, they'll be alright.
Can't step foot in a church. Against the rules. Then again I don't follow the tenets of my own religion to closely either.
You're mad that someone might be making ~32k/year? Cuz that's what $16 amounts to full time. Even then you're at the high end of the wage scale. 

Tips are a way for business owners to shift costs unto consumers but until the law changes that I can't punish employees for it. If my few dollars can contribute to someone else making a bit more money then I'm glad. I'll do it as long as I'm able to. These are people working minimum/near minimum wage. Even 15/hr ain't +$%* in today's America. This isn't the 70's. If you've had one of these lower paying jobs as a teenager/ young adult then  you know how %%@%%! they are. Even more of a reason to have some compassion for people and help them a bit if you can. 
Actually I have and it doesn't change my opinion 1 bit. Someone could give me a $100 tip and though I'd be happy, I'd still feel like they are getting duped.

And $32k a yr is good money nowadays, especially given the simplicity of most of these "service" jobs. Most people with college educations are happy to get that. If you can make that bagging food and filling up cups, you might as well wear a ski mask and black gloves when you cash your paychecks.

With little exception (particularly the entertainment sector), the amount of money you make it directly proportional to the level of skills/knowledge involved in your job, with then impacts the amount of people in the pool of those able to do it.

When you're doing something that requires like that much "*snaps fingers* brain power, your wages are relatively proportionate.

How much do people think they should make? People at Wal Mart or other Department Stores who do night shelf stocking make like 8$ an hour and that's far more laborious. Hell, in OK and TX police don't even make 35k starting out so the fact someone working at Olive Garden can easily make that much by servicing only an average of 2 tables of 4 and getting 10% tips is ridiculous.
And you know this cause you worked at Walmart and at a restaurant before?

You act like it's a big secret how much these people make. Hell, when they were hiring for seasonal they had a big sign on the door saying it. To be even more precise, I think it was $7.77 and I got a hommie who works at Buffalo Wild Wings. He's a very social, likable dude, makes a KILLING off tips. I mean great for him but honestly, to be making like 65k a yr doing that is hilarious. He actually used to work taking care of semi independent, mentally ******ed adults for the hospital, and makes MORE filling up drinks and bringing plates.

It's subjective whether or not you believe I am getting paid too much, but I certainly can't be replaced by 10 yr olds. I mean inarguably, system admin, network admin, and helpdesk support is more difficult than putting food in a bag and filling up glasses. Just the amount of prerequisite knowledge supports that.

And I'm hardly complaining, I was mentioning it for comparison's sake. What a terrible argument. It's not like I'm the one who will get pissed if someone just says thanks but doesn't tip me and !!%! up their computer on purpose next time or some dumb %%+#. When I travel,

I just put on the mean mug so nobody even attempts to help me and I don't have to be bothered with that as much. You walk in a hotel and kats damn near try to strong arm your bags out of your hand just so they can carry it to the desk and then have their hand out, or even after just opening the door. Nah thanx bruh, I'm a 26 y/o, able bodied man. I got it.

And those are the "service" jobs who make fair wage, in fact well more than minimum wage in most cases, but still get tips. So what's the justification there?

I wasn't talking about how much they make.  I've been working in the food industry the last 10 years so I know how much servers make.  I was just saying that working in a restaurant is more work than working at a Walmart.  I even agree that servers get way too much for what they do.  But hey....can't knock the hustle right?  My boy works as a bartender for a 4 star restaurant.  All he really does is pour wine and make martinis and he prob makes 80-100k working 30 hrs a week.  Class A parking garage workers in San Francisco make up to $22/hr. + tips with full benefits and a pension because they're union.  Hopefully, being that you work for the gov. you're overpaid.  So yea....there are jobs out there that overpay.  Life's not fair.

You might not need any sort of education to work as a server but its not for everyone.  Nothing is stopping those Walmart employees from working at a restaurant.  I've seen my fair share of people who have tried to be a server and couldn't cut it. 

We live in a society where we're "suppose" to tip or tipping is the standard.  Tipped employees know what they signed up for when they took the job.  Most people tip but some don't.  The same could be said for people who eat in restaurants.  They know going in that, I'm "suppose" to tip but I don't have to if I choose not to.  If you want to carry your own bags...more power to you.  But there are people out there who don't mind throwing someone a couple bucks to carry their bags.  If I have 2 or 3 heavy bags or luggage I'll let someone carry them for me.  I'm sure most people don't even think about it but I tip the maid at the hotels but that's because my mom works as a hotel maid.  I always leave them $5($10-$20 in Vegas depending on how trashed the room is).   

All I'm saying is...If you don't want to leave a tip, then don't.  Don't let people tell you what you're suppose to do.  For those of you who do tip, please do it accordingly.  I know there are some generous people here but don't leave a nice tip if the service is bad.  Instead,  give a nice $5 tip to your reg baristas. 
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by Smokey13

Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul wrote:

Where'd you learn that? At church? Well I'll lose my money paying for something once, not paying someone to do a job they already get paid to do. The word "service" is meaningless anyways. Damn near any job qualifies, but it's something the shrewd business owners and stupid employees who work for them try to use to guilt people into overpaying them. !@%* that. They charge like a 3$ delivery charge already, plus I know delivery drivers get gas and mileage. In fact, delivery drivers for Papa John's down here make on average about 16$ an hr. That's better than most jobs, even professionals like accountants would be happy to get that. So, they'll be alright.
Can't step foot in a church. Against the rules. Then again I don't follow the tenets of my own religion to closely either.
You're mad that someone might be making ~32k/year? Cuz that's what $16 amounts to full time. Even then you're at the high end of the wage scale. 

Tips are a way for business owners to shift costs unto consumers but until the law changes that I can't punish employees for it. If my few dollars can contribute to someone else making a bit more money then I'm glad. I'll do it as long as I'm able to. These are people working minimum/near minimum wage. Even 15/hr ain't +$%* in today's America. This isn't the 70's. If you've had one of these lower paying jobs as a teenager/ young adult then  you know how %%@%%! they are. Even more of a reason to have some compassion for people and help them a bit if you can. 
Actually I have and it doesn't change my opinion 1 bit. Someone could give me a $100 tip and though I'd be happy, I'd still feel like they are getting duped.

And $32k a yr is good money nowadays, especially given the simplicity of most of these "service" jobs. Most people with college educations are happy to get that. If you can make that bagging food and filling up cups, you might as well wear a ski mask and black gloves when you cash your paychecks.

With little exception (particularly the entertainment sector), the amount of money you make it directly proportional to the level of skills/knowledge involved in your job, with then impacts the amount of people in the pool of those able to do it.

When you're doing something that requires like that much "*snaps fingers* brain power, your wages are relatively proportionate.

How much do people think they should make? People at Wal Mart or other Department Stores who do night shelf stocking make like 8$ an hour and that's far more laborious. Hell, in OK and TX police don't even make 35k starting out so the fact someone working at Olive Garden can easily make that much by servicing only an average of 2 tables of 4 and getting 10% tips is ridiculous.
And you know this cause you worked at Walmart and at a restaurant before?

You act like it's a big secret how much these people make. Hell, when they were hiring for seasonal they had a big sign on the door saying it. To be even more precise, I think it was $7.77 and I got a hommie who works at Buffalo Wild Wings. He's a very social, likable dude, makes a KILLING off tips. I mean great for him but honestly, to be making like 65k a yr doing that is hilarious. He actually used to work taking care of semi independent, mentally ******ed adults for the hospital, and makes MORE filling up drinks and bringing plates.

It's subjective whether or not you believe I am getting paid too much, but I certainly can't be replaced by 10 yr olds. I mean inarguably, system admin, network admin, and helpdesk support is more difficult than putting food in a bag and filling up glasses. Just the amount of prerequisite knowledge supports that.

And I'm hardly complaining, I was mentioning it for comparison's sake. What a terrible argument. It's not like I'm the one who will get pissed if someone just says thanks but doesn't tip me and !!%! up their computer on purpose next time or some dumb %%+#. When I travel,

I just put on the mean mug so nobody even attempts to help me and I don't have to be bothered with that as much. You walk in a hotel and kats damn near try to strong arm your bags out of your hand just so they can carry it to the desk and then have their hand out, or even after just opening the door. Nah thanx bruh, I'm a 26 y/o, able bodied man. I got it.

And those are the "service" jobs who make fair wage, in fact well more than minimum wage in most cases, but still get tips. So what's the justification there?

I wasn't talking about how much they make.  I've been working in the food industry the last 10 years so I know how much servers make.  I was just saying that working in a restaurant is more work than working at a Walmart.  I even agree that servers get way too much for what they do.  But hey....can't knock the hustle right?  My boy works as a bartender for a 4 star restaurant.  All he really does is pour wine and make martinis and he prob makes 80-100k working 30 hrs a week.  Class A parking garage workers in San Francisco make up to $22/hr. + tips with full benefits and a pension because they're union.  Hopefully, being that you work for the gov. you're overpaid.  So yea....there are jobs out there that overpay.  Life's not fair.

You might not need any sort of education to work as a server but its not for everyone.  Nothing is stopping those Walmart employees from working at a restaurant.  I've seen my fair share of people who have tried to be a server and couldn't cut it. 

We live in a society where we're "suppose" to tip or tipping is the standard.  Tipped employees know what they signed up for when they took the job.  Most people tip but some don't.  The same could be said for people who eat in restaurants.  They know going in that, I'm "suppose" to tip but I don't have to if I choose not to.  If you want to carry your own bags...more power to you.  But there are people out there who don't mind throwing someone a couple bucks to carry their bags.  If I have 2 or 3 heavy bags or luggage I'll let someone carry them for me.  I'm sure most people don't even think about it but I tip the maid at the hotels but that's because my mom works as a hotel maid.  I always leave them $5($10-$20 in Vegas depending on how trashed the room is).   

All I'm saying is...If you don't want to leave a tip, then don't.  Don't let people tell you what you're suppose to do.  For those of you who do tip, please do it accordingly.  I know there are some generous people here but don't leave a nice tip if the service is bad.  Instead,  give a nice $5 tip to your reg baristas. 
i only tip when the service is worthy of such.

you don't just automatically DESERVE a tip cause you work a garbage job....

as far as delivery drivers? i never tip them.....

a.) there is a minimum charge for delivery

b.) there is a delivery charge

c.) my +*%+ is cold  

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

I feel like if I'm too lazy to make or pick up food, I understand that even with a delivery charge, it's understood that even though it's not mandatory, it's appreciated to give a tip for someone to do something I wasn't willing to.

something you werent willing to do?

you make it seem like your neighbor or roomate went and picked your food up...

ITS THIS DUDE'S JOB TO DELIVER FOOD......lol, he's not doing you any sort of favor....

why is it, when someone doesnt feel they're REQUIRED to tip, they're broke or cheap?

i understand a delivery charge and the expectation of a tip....but nobody is required to tip no delivery driver....thats their job...deliver pizzas to customers....they aint doing you no favor...lol

its a 10 dollar pizza....not a 15 dollar pizza....id buy a 15 dollar pizza if i was willing to spend 15 dollars on a pizza...but i was willing to spend 10...i will not spend 15 dollars for a 10 dollar pizza....


end of story.
i only tip when the service is worthy of such.

you don't just automatically DESERVE a tip cause you work a garbage job....

as far as delivery drivers? i never tip them.....

a.) there is a minimum charge for delivery

b.) there is a delivery charge

c.) my +*%+ is cold  

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

I feel like if I'm too lazy to make or pick up food, I understand that even with a delivery charge, it's understood that even though it's not mandatory, it's appreciated to give a tip for someone to do something I wasn't willing to.

something you werent willing to do?

you make it seem like your neighbor or roomate went and picked your food up...

ITS THIS DUDE'S JOB TO DELIVER FOOD......lol, he's not doing you any sort of favor....

why is it, when someone doesnt feel they're REQUIRED to tip, they're broke or cheap?

i understand a delivery charge and the expectation of a tip....but nobody is required to tip no delivery driver....thats their job...deliver pizzas to customers....they aint doing you no favor...lol

its a 10 dollar pizza....not a 15 dollar pizza....id buy a 15 dollar pizza if i was willing to spend 15 dollars on a pizza...but i was willing to spend 10...i will not spend 15 dollars for a 10 dollar pizza....


end of story.
Originally Posted by J Capo

How much is a tip on a 20 dollar pizza tho(including whatever delivery charge)? Its like 3 dollars...not that serious.

$23 for some pizza is kind of serious

I can get a 2 for $20 at applebees for that
Originally Posted by J Capo

How much is a tip on a 20 dollar pizza tho(including whatever delivery charge)? Its like 3 dollars...not that serious.

$23 for some pizza is kind of serious

I can get a 2 for $20 at applebees for that
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

i only tip when the service is worthy of such.

you don't just automatically DESERVE a tip cause you work a garbage job....

as far as delivery drivers? i never tip them.....

a.) there is a minimum charge for delivery

b.) there is a delivery charge

c.) my +*%+ is cold  

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

I feel like if I'm too lazy to make or pick up food, I understand that even with a delivery charge, it's understood that even though it's not mandatory, it's appreciated to give a tip for someone to do something I wasn't willing to.

something you werent willing to do?

you make it seem like your neighbor or roomate went and picked your food up...

ITS THIS DUDE'S JOB TO DELIVER FOOD......lol, he's not doing you any sort of favor....

why is it, when someone doesnt feel they're REQUIRED to tip, they're broke or cheap?

i understand a delivery charge and the expectation of a tip....but nobody is required to tip no delivery driver....thats their job...deliver pizzas to customers....they aint doing you no favor...lol

its a 10 dollar pizza....not a 15 dollar pizza....id buy a 15 dollar pizza if i was willing to spend 15 dollars on a pizza...but i was willing to spend 10...i will not spend 15 dollars for a 10 dollar pizza....


end of story.

my point exactly, thank u my good sir
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

i only tip when the service is worthy of such.

you don't just automatically DESERVE a tip cause you work a garbage job....

as far as delivery drivers? i never tip them.....

a.) there is a minimum charge for delivery

b.) there is a delivery charge

c.) my +*%+ is cold  

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

I feel like if I'm too lazy to make or pick up food, I understand that even with a delivery charge, it's understood that even though it's not mandatory, it's appreciated to give a tip for someone to do something I wasn't willing to.

something you werent willing to do?

you make it seem like your neighbor or roomate went and picked your food up...

ITS THIS DUDE'S JOB TO DELIVER FOOD......lol, he's not doing you any sort of favor....

why is it, when someone doesnt feel they're REQUIRED to tip, they're broke or cheap?

i understand a delivery charge and the expectation of a tip....but nobody is required to tip no delivery driver....thats their job...deliver pizzas to customers....they aint doing you no favor...lol

its a 10 dollar pizza....not a 15 dollar pizza....id buy a 15 dollar pizza if i was willing to spend 15 dollars on a pizza...but i was willing to spend 10...i will not spend 15 dollars for a 10 dollar pizza....


end of story.

my point exactly, thank u my good sir
You're wrong ONLY if you live in the states and your livelihood is based on tips. Otherwise, hell no.

No one tips in HK anymore. 10% service charge @ restaurants + Chinese people = Take every last penny back.
You're wrong ONLY if you live in the states and your livelihood is based on tips. Otherwise, hell no.

No one tips in HK anymore. 10% service charge @ restaurants + Chinese people = Take every last penny back.
Originally Posted by eashawty

i never tip cause they add that $3 delivery charge. i give them ##*%+! exact change, i remember one delivery dude tried to get smart wit me cause i aint give him a tip. i started to beat his !%$, i told him to get back in his car before i put him back in his car

Originally Posted by eashawty

i never tip cause they add that $3 delivery charge. i give them ##*%+! exact change, i remember one delivery dude tried to get smart wit me cause i aint give him a tip. i started to beat his !%$, i told him to get back in his car before i put him back in his car

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

i only tip when the service is worthy of such.

you don't just automatically DESERVE a tip cause you work a garbage job....

as far as delivery drivers? i never tip them.....

a.) there is a minimum charge for delivery

b.) there is a delivery charge

c.) my +*%+ is cold  

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

I feel like if I'm too lazy to make or pick up food, I understand that even with a delivery charge, it's understood that even though it's not mandatory, it's appreciated to give a tip for someone to do something I wasn't willing to.

something you werent willing to do?

you make it seem like your neighbor or roomate went and picked your food up...

ITS THIS DUDE'S JOB TO DELIVER FOOD......lol, he's not doing you any sort of favor....

why is it, when someone doesnt feel they're REQUIRED to tip, they're broke or cheap?

i understand a delivery charge and the expectation of a tip....but nobody is required to tip no delivery driver....thats their job...deliver pizzas to customers....they aint doing you no favor...lol

its a 10 dollar pizza....not a 15 dollar pizza....id buy a 15 dollar pizza if i was willing to spend 15 dollars on a pizza...but i was willing to spend 10...i will not spend 15 dollars for a 10 dollar pizza....


end of story.
Inductive reasoning, but then you apply the same sort of logic to say, well you fill drinks and carry plates for a living, so you must not be very bright and now dudes want to have salt in their vaginas. It's the same thing. No tip= cheap, #!+@*@ job= dumb.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

i only tip when the service is worthy of such.

you don't just automatically DESERVE a tip cause you work a garbage job....

as far as delivery drivers? i never tip them.....

a.) there is a minimum charge for delivery

b.) there is a delivery charge

c.) my +*%+ is cold  

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

I feel like if I'm too lazy to make or pick up food, I understand that even with a delivery charge, it's understood that even though it's not mandatory, it's appreciated to give a tip for someone to do something I wasn't willing to.

something you werent willing to do?

you make it seem like your neighbor or roomate went and picked your food up...

ITS THIS DUDE'S JOB TO DELIVER FOOD......lol, he's not doing you any sort of favor....

why is it, when someone doesnt feel they're REQUIRED to tip, they're broke or cheap?

i understand a delivery charge and the expectation of a tip....but nobody is required to tip no delivery driver....thats their job...deliver pizzas to customers....they aint doing you no favor...lol

its a 10 dollar pizza....not a 15 dollar pizza....id buy a 15 dollar pizza if i was willing to spend 15 dollars on a pizza...but i was willing to spend 10...i will not spend 15 dollars for a 10 dollar pizza....


end of story.
Inductive reasoning, but then you apply the same sort of logic to say, well you fill drinks and carry plates for a living, so you must not be very bright and now dudes want to have salt in their vaginas. It's the same thing. No tip= cheap, #!+@*@ job= dumb.
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