Wow: Kobe Has A Story About Kwame Brown (Damn This Is Funny/Messed Up)

How does this make Kobe a jerk? If anything kwame should have been called out on this sooner that's inexcusable for an NBA player to be scared of the ball
Originally Posted by N ll K 3

FTR, I wasn't "hating" on Kobe in here.

I was just telling it like I see it.

I've come to the realization that he's the second best basketball player I've ever seen play.

But I mean, why even bring Brons team into this thread? and what's wrong with airing out teammates? Especially teammates who are afraid to PLAY the game that they get paid so well for. come on man. If I'm busting my $%% averaging 35 PPG and I got this clown on my team afraid to get the ball, I'm willing to air your candy $%% out. That's just at the end of the day. I'm surprised Kobe didn't air him out sooner. Jordan would have probably stomped homie out if he heard that out of Kwame in a game.
I see that Kobe hate is still alive.

He didnt say anything people didn't already think about Kwame. I know Mike was worse on him.
Like I said, me bringing Bron in here was completely unintentional and I now regret it.

I forgot this was NT for a moment and didn't mean to sully up the thread in that fashion.

I grew up in CLE and witnessed (no pun) what he did w/ those bums first hand.

It was the first thing that came to mind after the examples that CAKE laid out (especially it being that same Piston team that he beat by himself). *shrugs*

If Kobe is as alpha as he tries to come across, he wouldn't feel the need to publicly throw more salt on his former teammates, IMO.
Originally Posted by Maximus Meridius

I see that Kobe hate is still alive.

He didnt say anything people didn't already think about Kwame. I know Mike was worse on him.
If Mike's knees hold up in 2001, Mike takes a rookie bum Kwame Brown to the playoffs (albeit in the East)... @ 40 y/o... the same +#+ Kobe did in his prime...
Originally Posted by 0cks

Originally Posted by Maximus Meridius

I see that Kobe hate is still alive.

He didnt say anything people didn't already think about Kwame. I know Mike was worse on him.
If Mike's knees hold up in 2001, Mike takes a rookie bum Kwame Brown to the playoffs (albeit in the East)... @ 40 y/o... the same +#+ Kobe did in his prime...

yeah because 35 wins was good enough to make the playoffs in the east around that time.   not taking anything away from mike,  because makin the playoffs at 40 is impressive regardless  but the east was trash during the 01-02  and 02-03 seasons.
Originally Posted by 0cks

Originally Posted by Maximus Meridius

I see that Kobe hate is still alive.

He didnt say anything people didn't already think about Kwame. I know Mike was worse on him.
If Mike's knees hold up in 2001, Mike takes a rookie bum Kwame Brown to the playoffs (albeit in the East)... @ 40 y/o... the same +#+ Kobe did in his prime...

The east was flat out trash back then. Can't compare.
Originally Posted by N ll K 3

Like I said, me bringing Bron in here was completely unintentional and I now regret it.

I forgot this was NT for a moment and didn't mean to sully up the thread in that fashion.

I grew up in CLE and witnessed (no pun) what he did w/ those bums first hand.

It was the first thing that came to mind after the examples that CAKE laid out (especially it being that same Piston team that he beat by himself). *shrugs*

If Kobe is as alpha as he tries to come across, he wouldn't feel the need to publicly throw more salt on his former teammates, IMO.

Throwing salt? How do you guys convince yourselves thats what kobe is thinking? Like "yea let me %@!@ on kwame to make myself more alpha"
He said he has said this to them in their faces. I don't think it's a question of being alpha. I mean, the man has won championships and a gold medal. That's some alpha %@!@ if you ask me so airing out kwame brown adds to that? Once again, let's be cereal here.

You guys are over analyzing %@!@ here. It's freaking kwame brown. Kwame brown. Not robert horry, not fish, not pau.....but kwame brown. Jordan has called this man a woman's orfice, same with phil and now Kobe airs him out and he is the bad guy?

It was frustrating watching kwame, I can't even imagine what being his teammate is like. It can't be good for your heart.
Originally Posted by PMatic
howd he compile all those lowlights in one

  @ yall bein mad at kobe... the personal hate runs deep...

MJ stood on stage almost a decade after his NBA career ended and blasted people from nearly 3decades earlier whom he personally invited to witness themselves getting thrown under the one had a problem with that??

These are the greatest competitors of our time gentleman...#letthatboyvent
Originally Posted by VA757VA

� @ yall bein mad at kobe... the personal hate runs deep...

MJ stood on stage almost a decade after his NBA career ended and blasted people from nearly 3decades earlier whom he personally invited to witness themselves getting thrown under the one had a problem with that??

These are the greatest competitors of our time gentleman...#letthatboyvent

Originally Posted by VA757VA

Originally Posted by PMatic
howd he compile all those lowlights in one

� @ yall bein mad at kobe... the personal hate runs deep...

MJ stood on stage almost a decade after his NBA career ended and blasted people from nearly 3decades earlier whom he personally invited to witness themselves getting thrown under the one had a problem with that??

These are the greatest competitors of our time gentleman...#letthatboyvent
To think those turnovers and missed shots came within a four or five minute stretch. And you just know Phil kept Kwame in there to embarrass him some more.

This was like the week or two before he got traded too.
Originally Posted by VA757VA

� @ yall bein mad at kobe... the personal hate runs deep...

MJ stood on stage almost a decade after his NBA career ended and blasted people from nearly 3decades earlier whom he personally invited to witness themselves getting thrown under the one had a problem with that??

ummmm a LOT of people had a problem with that.

Kobe reflects back on a candid moment in his career, prefaces it with "I've said this to his face", and cats are STILL heated!

But it's lockout season y'all!
Smush was nice, and is a good basketball player. Never understood the hate on him. As for kwame...
Smush made horrible decisions on the court, Kobe played amazing in that Phoenix/ LA series in 2006 but everyone focuses on that game 7. Where was his help?
at that vid! And the game Kobe is speaking of, I remember that...........Kwame was wide open, all alone under the basket
moments like this is one of the reasons being a laker fan for so long is fun. i remember all the frustration those guys caused lol. the multiple 40-50 pt games mamba had and still taking that mean L lol. these stories are nostalgic. I dont look at it as hate, just reminiscing on the journey. stop being so serious, its all love, kobe's rich and successful, i doubt the hate is real.

I bet he has songs about everbody, luke, ron ron, i kno he has some more for young shaquille..
Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

I was at that game, worst stretch I've seen from any player on ANY level.
I have to agree with you on this, I've had pickup games with middle schoolers look better than this.
I was watching this game live on TV, and all that footage shown literally happened in like a 5 minute span.

Btw, that video doesn't do justice for what really happened

Kwame was so bad, and the crowd was booing him so much, I actually felt bad for him.

I thought he was going to cry.

It was entertaining though, after they took him out I stopped watching the game lol
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