WrestleMania Fallout 4/6 - NT WrestleMania Prediction Contest Results Posted! p1

--For what it's worth, Brock Lesnar and his "large entourage" left the hotel a couple of hours ago for the arena. He's been in the building for a while, although we just got texted from backstage that his security is there but nobody has seen him, so perhaps he's in private meetings.

I'm still so freaking angry about that 1st match.

The crowd is chanting Daniel Bryan during the Orton/Kane match.  Great job, WWE.  Great job.
What the hell is up with the fake palm trees?..I'd hate to pay for floor seats and be stuck behind one of those things..
Originally Posted by toine2983

That finish gives D-Bryan the ammo to pin the loss on AJ and take his trolling/douchebaggery to another level.


Where was Christian during the Team Johnny Segment...wasn't he the final member?
That match did nobody good.

It really devalues the WHC even more
Doesn't get sheamus anymore over he was getting booed
Buries Daniel Bryan when a victory could have elevated him to credible heel

I absolutely hate sheamus, he sucks . Dude isn't any good on the mic or in the ring and looks like a tool. Was a better heel than a face too.

so lets see wwe has what 1 credible heel that being y2j. Cody Rhodes isn't really there yet and zigglers a joke.
Meltzer said that the Daniel Bryan squash had been planned for a long time, but recently some backstage were trying to get it changed.  Apparently they didn't get their way 
good for the crowd to chant Daniel Bryan....a slap in the face....might as well made it a dark match smh
Still smh.. the team johnny segment.. was longer that the world heavyweight title match at wrestlemania.. SMH!!
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Meltzer said that the Daniel Bryan squash had been planned for a long time, but recently some backstage were trying to get it changed.  Apparently they didn't get their way 

this is the only thing that would make any sense to me.
i can see officials planning this a long time ago expecting bryan's title reign to not have been as great as it has.
a match like what we just saw would be sweet to happen to a heel that was just completely despised by fans.
Lol I can't tell if the crowd is that freaking bored with this match or still feels that dumped on cuz of the DBry disrespect they were just subjected to...
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