WrestleMania Fallout 4/6 - NT WrestleMania Prediction Contest Results Posted! p1

wel i knew that the wrestlemania thread would break NT
You can obviously hear it already, but live reports are that it is a very heel/smark crowd. Strongly behind Daniel Bryan and then cheering when Kane won. It could be very ugly for Cena.

Big Show getting the first entrance stage pyro of the night.
The way Cody had been constantly big showing the big slow I was expecting this to be the squash, hopefully I'm wrong and they let do some cooking...
Hey, I rather them get all of these matches out of the way first leading to punk/Jericho, Rock/Cena, and Hell in a Cell.

The only one I thought that would be better than expected was the D Bry/Sheamus match. (As we all saw it wasn't) Anyone who bought this thinking Orton/Kane or Show/Rhodes would be awesome too shouldn't have bought it.
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