WrestleMania Fallout 4/6 - NT WrestleMania Prediction Contest Results Posted! p1

From dark match last year to 18 seconds on the ppv live coverage. Good job D Bry and Sheamus.

Undertakers entrance and HHH's entrance will be longer. hell, HBK's entrance will be longer/
Well damn Kane won.

*waits for Crooks to post #APEXJOBBER*
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

4w, did they say why d bry's squash was planned a while back?

probably because officials planned bryan to be a joke of a champion
and looked at that finish as a payoff for marks.
which obviously backfired.
Kane beats Orton? 

Please don't let them mean that they are pushing Kane to feud with Cena again after Mania.

And of course I didn't bet on Kane. Arg 
Yuku botch again smh...

Now that Randall Keith gave Kane his W....I hope to see him back in the main event or title match in next year's WM
I figured Kane would win because they have him vs. Cena in a last man standing match for the Raw Im going to at the end of the month..
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